Super Metabolism Boost, Weight Loss with Cellulite Reduction (Active Hypnosis and Field) The Dream Muse

Super Metabolism Boost and Weight Loss with Cellulite Reduction (Active Hypnosis and Field)

It was remade without losing any of the effects from the older field:
• Super Metabolism Boost… The older version:

Welcome to this transformative journey. As you settle in, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to relax completely. Close your eyes, let go of all tension, and feel a wave of calm wash over you.

Imagine a gentle, soothing light surrounding you, filling you with a sense of peace and tranquillity. As you listen to this video, you can expect a profound boost in your metabolism and accelerated weight loss. This experience is designed to harness the energetic signature and morphogenic field of chlorogenic acid, a natural compound known for its powerful benefits.

Feel this energy enveloping you, as if your body is effortlessly generating chlorogenic acid. This remarkable process inhibits fat and sugar absorption, promoting the breakdown of lipids into free fatty acids. Your body is now entering a state of enhanced lipolysis, where stored fat is being converted into energy, effortlessly and naturally.

In addition to this, you are being surrounded by morphogenic fields that elevate your metabolism. Imagine these fields as vibrant, dynamic waves, coursing through your body, igniting every cell with a higher metabolic rate. Your body is becoming a powerful furnace, efficiently burning calories and fat, propelling you towards your ideal weight.

Embedded within this experience are subliminal and supraliminal messages, carefully crafted to shape your mindset and instruct your body to lose weight, burn fat, and reduce cellulite. These messages are working deeply within you, reinforcing your desire and commitment to achieve your weight loss goals.

Visualize yourself already transformed, feeling lighter, healthier, and more vibrant. Picture your body in its ideal form, free of excess weight, full of energy and vitality. Embrace this image with joy and gratitude, knowing that it is becoming your reality.

You can listen to this recording as often as you like, allowing these powerful effects to compound and accelerate your progress. Each session brings you closer to your goals, each moment deepens your transformation. Now, take another deep breath, and when you are ready, slowly open your eyes, bringing this newfound energy and determination with you. Carry this sense of empowerment throughout your day, knowing that you are on the path to your best self.

Listen, believe, transform. Your journey to a healthier, slimmer you begins now. These subconsciousness programs can be used as effective subconscious reprogramming tool. along with the field effects.



So happy


no just add it as a comment
this is the updated version to it.




you’re on :fire:! jesussss…

thanks alot for the recently releases, it’s refreshing knowing that every time there’s something new.


finally it is here, thanks Cap.


Thank you :)


I think people dont understand the impact this has.

Every point in time has its own resonance, therefore, any memory you have of the past has a resonance. That resonance was directly correlated to what genes in your DNA, what codons, were turned on and off. An addiction to drugs, sex, and everything else is a manipulation of the DNA for chemicals and alter what you call homeostasis in the body.

See, the point of you being ‘healed’ exists in the future too. If you can come up with it in your mind it’s possible, you don’t need to manifest it as it’s already done, you simply need to take yourself there, The future is all possibilities, so in one of these futures is your completely healed state exist. Do not think you cannot go to that point in your mind, and take the energy from that, being completely healed and let it start to inform your DNA and your body now. So that you walk into that paradigm. Not dimensionally, like one foot in front of the other, but in a paradigm, you shift into that paradigm.

So what does this mean? Work with the Field and find a future you, that have achieved that desired outcome and ‘bath’ yourself in that energy so as to have it influence your present state. Dont just imagine your future, create than “travel” to it and see yourself through your own eyes not like a mirror seeing yourself but actually being this future self from the first person view.

This is a principle that can be used for any and all fields.


Addictions actually change DNA? I thought only brain chemistry gets changed and some areas of brains destroyed by addictions.


Consciousness isn’t strictly in the brain. Its your whole body, why do addcits have bodily reactions?

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yes definitely.
there are epigenetic changes
and you can pass on these as well.


I quickly looked up it seems limited to epigenetics but not actually changing DNA sequence.

Epigenetic changes in DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling have been found to occur in response to illicit drug use. The epigenetic state of chromatin may be an underlying factor in the development of chronic substance abuse. Administration of a drug of abuse triggers epigenetic alterations that regulate transcription. These changes in gene expression may influence reward, psychomotor activity, drug craving and relapse. An individual’s vulnerability to develop drug addiction, their response to drugs of abuse or their response to pharmacotherapy for the addictions may be determined, in part, by epigenetic factors such as DNA methylation and histone modifications.


addiction is always to the body right

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It’s morphology changes first, meaning expression, heritable changes are likely to happen due to secondary effects first, changes to genes are technically possible with a long span of time. Epigenetic changes are of the most interest, though, while genes govern function, physical body is result of their expression - form. For an individual organism those are most important, epigenetics still influence how genes are inherited and quite strongly.


I remember seeing a documentary on NHK Japan years ago which showed how lifestyle and diet turned on and off the DNA switches, and all of us are born with predisposition to all kinds of diseases and conditions but as long as a particular switch in the DNA related to the disease is off we are safe, one it is turned on then disease sets in.


It’s one of the ways how diseases can happen, yes, not the only one.


The documentary showed cases like a family in which all smoked from young age and lived very long never got cancer, and a man who smoked from 6 or 7 and till the age of 70+ he was smoking daily never got cancer, so the doctors were studying their DNAs.


It’s possible, very rare though. But generations and families of people with great longevity is a pattern, it’s quite heritable (among famous families too, just look at their genealogies). But almost everyone doesn’t have these genes.


Will this be uploaded on Patreon?

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