Superhuman genius users read this!

The same problems are popping up over and over :pensive:
So I’m saying it here, one last time (hey, it’s been months)

I recommend that you ignore the name of the brain fields. Even change it if you downloaded the audios.

Superhuman genius= Warming up

ADD/ADHD = Prefrontal cortex field
Brain work= Frontal cortex field + corpus callosum
Enhanced brain connectivity= corpus callosum
(Telepathy is in that category)

  • brain regeneration

Now the important thing:
Autism field= axon trimmer
Alzheimer= Brain detox

If you use superhuman genius over 2 time, you’re gonna have more problem than just damage.

Problem= overgrowth
Symptoms= progressive loss of focus/ brain fog. It takes days/week depending on your listening habits.
Solution= Axon trimmer/ Autism

Detox your brain sometimes too.

Sleep with brain regeneration.

If you balance everything, you can listen to superhuman genius for hours and hours without problem.
But you can’t just listen to it as many time as you want like that.

NGF can give you an energy kick too, feel more clarity.
BDNF is great, unless you abuse and then you’ll get brain fog.

A lot of them, like creativity do so much more, it’s perfect for coordination and developing automatism (playing music etc…). If people learned what brain area is in charge of what process, the request for fields would drop, because the same brain area do many different things.

Some stuff you can abuse, other you can’t.

You will feel tired and if you intend to study hard, take a break to recharge, try to vary the area of yourbrainn you stimulate too. Like an upper or lower body workout.

LISTEN TO YOUR BRAIN or just use autism and alzheimer sometimes and feel the change, learn to recognize the problems.
Most won’t, but study your brain a bit.

Some people are lacking common sense and slowly hurt themselves. It’s true for other categories likes hormones too. Be responsible.

Your brain bulking stack will not be the same as your study stack.
The neurochemicals audios also need to be managed carefully.

Acetylcholine, GPLD1 and Gamma brainwave will help you study. Even dopamine, but you need to be careful.

Some of you might feel headaches, it’s so far away for me… anyway, if you listen to brain regeneration once between your superhuman genius marathon,you shouldn’tt have headaches (won’t refund if you do).
There is also paracetamol, it will permanently remove the preexisting headache fast, while you get used to high dose of superhuman genius.

Check multiple sclerosis


One other thing, if you really want to feel smarter, you need to learn something instead of ruminating the same old thought.

Ancestral knowledge, collective consciousness, chinese, japanese and most of dream seeds will help, but mostly reading (or audiobooks if that’s your thing).

Edit: Lol, one is never too careful, I know something here is gonna get twisted or misinterpretted.
One book won’t make you smart, ten books neither. If you want to be a genius reading book is to you what weight lifting is to bodybuilders. It’s your lifestyle

Super important to get the « faith » to study is unstoppable willpower. It’ll turn you into robocop


Now, personal recommendation:
Synesthesia, that’s cool, it’s not just a better thinking, it’s a different perception of life. That’s awesome (though it takes time). It also help with cognition.

Really undervalued, it makes life more intense and fun.


Excellent post! Thank you!


I used supergenius about 6 to 8 times a day, I stopped because I felt like I was going crazy, it’s practically a miracle that this guy is still alive.

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I used it 10+ hours a day and I was fine. You just need to listen to your brain. You just made me think of something.

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But I envy this guy at the same time, even though I used permanent brain enhancement for a long time I never had such focus, I keep wasting too much time with unnecessary things and I can’t focus on something really beneficial

What are you thinking about?

I put it in the intro :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

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I know, it’s cool :+1:
But because it’s not permanent, I don’t really see the point long term.

IMO we should just focus on stuff that will compound interest.


Disclaimer: although it is more efficient long term, sleeping with brain regeneration every night will cost energy wise. I don’t even notice much, it’s subtle you’ll get used to it.

If you want peak performance for the morning, sleep with permanent brain enhancement/ improve brain potential (YouTube name of the same audio).
You’ll wake up focused, your mind will be crystal clear and energized.

Gamma brainwave also has it’s own dynamic. Really useful’ to understand big stuff and science. It’s like raising your IQ by 10-20 point temporarily.
It’s permanent after a long time, otherwise it’s like jogging. Permanent if you keep using.

If you want to study non stop like a junky, the problem becomes energy. AMPK, hyper sleep and that awesome supersayen audio on Instagram with dopamine will keep you hooked. Loop them all (each is a little different) and you’ll pull all night studying for a while.
The perseverance card on patreon too.


Sometimes you learn too much stuff, you’re overstimulated, you can’t sleep, data and facts are firing in your head => automated grounding


You seem to have very interesting experiences about intelligence audios to tell, what do you think about telling us a little bit about it?

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I got too much to say, I just mentioned a few thing because I keep reading people complaining of the same things without connecting the dots for months.


:joy: :joy: :joy: ok

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In all fairness, it is a bit of a complicated topic and you are correct that the names of the audios doesn’t always clearly communicate what they are doing or how to best use them.

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Yeah, you’re right, the descriptions only mention a tiny bit of all the benefits. It’s not always evident that some of the unmentioned effects will interact.


I can just feel my brain being cleaned up with Alzheimer’s audio, it’s amazing, a cold energy runs through all my neurons.


Here’s a tip. The new Stroke Prevention and Help field also contains an amyloid plaque removal subfield (via interlukin 33), along with other protective effects and repairs.

From the description of Stroke Prevention and Help:

Interlukin 33 is used (induced) to get your immune system to start clearing out the buildup of amyloid plaque.

Fatty deposits and scar tissue and generally blockages and gently broken up to be removed in arteries and blood vessels.
Finally platelet derived growth factor AB is targeted to damaged arteries and blood vessels to facilitate repairs and regeneration.
(how do we know which parts are damaged? usually the body produces a bit inflammation in the areas are damaged, you can use that as a guide to find problematic areas)

From the description of Experimental Alzheimers Treatment:

Using sound frequencies, and energetic programming, this treatment will try to reverse the condition of Alzheimers, by using interlukin 33 to get your immune system to clear out the amyloid buildup.


My man, as always, we can count on you to pay attention :+1:
First time I check it

You also make me think