Synchronicities - share those 'coincidences' here

This is great news for me. I am now about 90% introvert, I want to be less of that but at the same time I don’t want to be too much of an extrovert. It’s just that many times, the presence of people drain my energy :sweat_smile:, except for those who I think have certain vibes that match with me. I know this happens to many introverts but I cannot always audition those who will be interacting with me so being more comfortable around people would be great.

Many things can cause trouble to fall asleep. I am glad you found a solution. I listen to coincidence and synchronicity daily. It has been a really fun experience with the synchronicity.


Hahaha oh wow…! Exactly! :smile:

If your Astrologically inclined, being a scorpio I’m naturally introverted and yet my venus is in sag. That combination drives me crazy. I like meeting new people and learning more about their experiences, and yet my introversion drains me. Fields are a blessing in this regard.

Soul core helped me tremendously with this one. I still feel drained, but knowing I have this field as a backup helps me with my peace of mind. I don’t wish to force myself to become something I’m not, yet I understand there’s much room for growth. Just being truly comfortable in silence among the crowd is almost like a zen feeling. I speak when I want to say something, I don’t when I don’t feel like it.

I think you’re doing great btw. Keep going :muscle: :100:

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I don’t understand astrology that much. Only recently I have been checking mine because there is a thread specifically for zodiac here :smiley:. It makes me understand many things already, like why most of my close friends are those with either earth or water sign. My chiron is in Leo, the one who likes being the center of attention hahah, and I am the opposite of this.

I read also on the other thread that Plasma Flower is working great for social interaction. I haven’t developed an interest yet to the restoration audios. I believe there will be time when I finally develop an interest. Like I was only using audios when I started, and now I am checking mandalas too :sunglasses:.

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Same here, specially with the other stuff, it’s making my head spin. Think I’m just gonna stick with the good and ignore the bad. Works for me.

Haha that’s not bad at all! Well maybe that’s where you’ll find your growth the most. In your introversion, perhaps there’s a lot of stuff hidden in there that many people would find interesting. Maybe that’s why you’re being urged to change a bit. Personally I’m ignoring chiron though, that guy’s a debbie downer. :smile:

Know what? I should look into mandalas again. You gave me an idea.

See, another synchronicity driven manifestation. Cheers :beers: :100:

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I wanted to buy VoC, but something got stuck the other day in Sapien’s Gumroad channel; I thought the card balance was negative, because I tried another product for a few tens of dollars, but this too nothing. But I knew I hadn’t made any major purchases, so it occurred to me to try The Plasma Flower that I wanted to buy already when it was released, but after reading reviews that mainly concerned effects like Matchmaker I was not interested and left to lose.
Yesterday, however, I wanted to try again to buy, especially because I remembered the very positive influence that this field can have on an entire neighborhood or a small city, I mean everything around where I live, including the neighbors. screamers and also 5g protection. So I tried to buy Plasma Flower and the purchase was successful compared to the other cheaper track, whose price is about half of this Plasma Flower. Just the other day I read on the website of the council where I live that they gave permission for an antenna, probably 5g, less than a quarter of a mile from where I live.
I think this episode can be considered a synchronicity, at least yesterday I got the impression that it was so.

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Before the night of the release of the GABA audio I made plans to make a request for it to sapien and BN and then it got released the very next day .
I never thought about it before.


my dog and i burped at the same time lol.

my dog and i were at the beach this morning! beautiful and serene.

as we walked back to our car i had encouraging insights reminding me that everything’s going to be alright.

stress is a reminder that the ego is awake and disconnected with life. the ego naturally believes it is the only thing it can depend on.

i was laughing with these realizations and when i heaved a sigh of relief a seagull right above us squawked at the same time.

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i was following my joy and someone i don’t really know messaged me and in the preview i saw my nickname. at first i was confused as i’ve never told them my nickname. then i looked into the message and it was them sharing a new video that coincidentally had my nickname on it.

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So here I am listening to Million dollar empire & a notification pops up lol


we have a thread for you to share your synchronicities.

Thanks for letting me know

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this morning i had an idea while chilling in my backyard that really spoke to me so i created it:


i went back in to start my day and i saw this:


it’s the light shining through the peephole of our entrance door!


Does this count as a synchronicity?
I found dream in my hometown


Screen Shot 05-07-21 at 01.49 PM


I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, however since last week, in commercials of various kinds, I noticed a certain presence of “Sapien’s violins” among the music. LOL


Also… Stop stalking i guess?:smiley:
I saw a parked camper the other day with the numberplate DW… Obviously :joy:
Or is it just my RAS on overdrive?


Playing an RPG and I was faced with a friend who lied and is asking for forgiveness.

While the scene was playing, I was remembering a fun scene in a TV show where a dramatic actor shouts, “NO MORE LIEESS!” so I was laughing and also shouted the same.

When the scene prompted me to choose what to say, the third choice was, “No more lies”.



When I was integrating my “Satan” dark self, Coldplay premiered this song with the lyrics “And they said we can’t be together, because because we come from different sides.”

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any1 else get synchronities on a daily baisis? especially since ive started to listen to fields

its crazy

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