Hello! Might anyone have any info at all about the availability of certain tags (tags that used to be buy-able on Teespring but maybe haven’t migrated to the Enlightened States store)? I’m looking for the Reach for the Stars/Enhanced Glory tag in particular. Should I assume it’s discontinued, or I can expect for it to be listed in the new store in the future? Would it be appropriate to ask Dream directly about this? Any insight is appreciated.
Now, let’s say that Reach for the Stars/Enhanced Glory does become available. Would it be compatible to wear at the same time as Best Path in Life? It’s written that Best Path focuses on happiness whereas Enhanced Glory focuses on reaching the top no matter how much grit it takes. If I know that reaching my goal in my field is what will bring me greatest happiness, then the two tags shouldn’t clash when I wear them, right? (I have already ordered Best Path and am waiting for shipping.)
Hi @Mirror_Empath and welcome,
Question 1:
Question 2:
Some users may have had different experiences though.
@Bronyraur Thank you so much!!
What happen to the become the healer tag…I want ed to order it.also I want the power booster mug.
Dreamweaver and Sammy are already busy working on the new shop, while also having to deal with our endless requests and whinings.
The 2 items in question already have their audio-equivalents, to be used along with Become a Kinder, More Patient Person in All Ways + Love, Gratitude and Appreciation (these act like boosters, you know).
That being said, if some products happen to be totally discontinued, this quote applies for them as well:
Thanks but I dont want audios.i dont have time.i prefer dog tags. I am a customer and from the time I saw then on teespring I wanted to order them now on cristimans. . If they discontinued many costumers like me will be dissaponted.thats my personal opinion as an old costumer. You can’t release a wonderfull product and then discontinued it.expet they make new versions.or the old have some problems.
I dont know what’s happening on their stuff and on their site.i hope to finally things become stable.maybe they have some problems with shiipings and sites. Will see.i hope you understand man I haven’t notice teespring was off and I was like:sleepy:
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No problem man. I get your point now. Partly. Sorry if I sounded like lecturing you while I was defending Sammy and Dreamweaver, just because I stopped at your angry emoji and stuff lol. Lecturing and preaching (and being lectured and preached) disgusts me more than anything in this world, believe me. 
I said “partly” in the first paragraph because on the other hand, we need to be patient. If you browse again the whole “Request” thread, you’ll see that Dreamweaver and Sammy take into account 90% of the inquiries.
Until then and no matter what preachers say, I know that you’ll come up with your own solutions ;) With SM fields + your own actions.
Have a nice time here :)
I hope that among the future products there is a little more attention to money than spirituality, because this too must be a topic to be valued, to which the right importance must be given.
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Glory would clash with BPIL.
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