Testosterone Stack for FTM

Hello, this is my first post on this forum but I have been lurking here for a few years now and have been using Fields for roughly the same time with maybe a few lengthy breaks here and there. As the title suggests I am Trans, FTM, and I am unable to get Testosterone due my state laws. I made a small and simple stack to help me raise my levels to mimic weekly Testosterone Injections (100mg a week is usually the standard dose).

Hormone Regulation (Reduce Estrogen) ×2
Testosterone ×3

I did have the DHT and Gynecomastia audios but decided to remove those because I felt like I didn’t truly need them and it made the Playlist too long (long Playlist are hard to stay consistent to for me).

I listened to this every morning right when I wake up and have noticed some changes already, like I am STARVING and I smell different, like a manly musk. A few other things too but those are a little TMI.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, if i should listen more often, maybe twice a day, or if I should move Testosterone first and Hormone Regulation last or if there are any other audios I should maybe try. Again, I am trying to mimic Testosterone injections and am hoping to see more changes within a few months, such as a deeper voice.

Along with this Playlist I am also listening to Become Whole.

(I also have PCOS so my T levels are already a bit raised)

-Thank you in advance for any suggestions :heart::transgender_flag:


You can continue with that regimen and you could also add weightlifting to your routine. Keep in mind that what testosterone fields do is induce the natural production of the hormone, so the amount you can produce is limited

Hi there @Viv!

Welcome Peach Tara Power Gem

Since you have been lurking you might have already seen this thread:

Thank you, I was already planning on getting a Gym Membership and Maybe picking up a Martial Art once my Job gets less hectic and demanding. I already know I enjoy weightlifting from being on my schools team.

I am bummed that the fields probably won’t be able to mimic Injections but I am hoping my already raised T levels will give me a boost just enough to get my voice to drop.


I have read that the forum guys who use the Manly Man field have noticed their voices lowering. If that’s your goal, you might give it a try. Of course I don’t know for sure how it would work for you, but maybe with the other fields you are using there might be a change.

NOTE: I had forgotten that this field is intended for biological males, so apologies for suggesting it

I appreciate you, I’ll definitely look into that Audio. And I did see that post you linked and have read through it many times. It is an older post so I figured if I made one there might be different ideas and suggestions to be heard.

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I think those 2 fields are okay if you want to develop a masculine body. Maybe you can also listen to the HGH Booster, in conjunction with the Height Booster (don’t know if gives benefits to adults) and take a look on Cellular Regeneration and Generalized Adult Stem Cells, to integrate better those changes. In the end, don’t forget about Subconscious Limits Remover 3.0 and Ego Dissolution, they come before anything else.

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The starving feeling … I don’t miss that. I constantly felt like if I didn’t eat Right Now when the hunger hits I would simply pass out. Took almost a year until it finally regulated.

Check out The Magnetic Man from the Mindset Album!

Become whole, depths of your soul and confidence
boost are a great way to help you in this transition.

Might be helpful to join the ftm community on Reddit to ask how those who have similar laws in their states found a way to get their testo
If you’re fine with subliminals I can strongly recommend luminalplays “ftm trans care”


Welcome to the forum, I can stop being the new kid now lol.

What I can advise for your current stack is to take a day off from Regulate Estrogen. I know that one goal is to reduce estrogen, but you don’t want too low levels, you could become physically and mentally ill (you could get depression for example).

I advise listening to Testosterone twice in the three sessions of the day (morning, afternoon and evening).

DHT is not really mandatory within a real treatment, it helps. In your case, maximizing testosterone is ideal. And if you want to feel masculine: DHT, Androstenol or The Goat (Androstanol).

Manly Man is good (I haven’t used it but because of the benefits it brings, it would help you).

If you start the Gym, Extreme Muscle Grow cannot be missed, it is a combination of HGH, T, and Myostatin inhibition. Although at this level you will increase your stack a lot and you will not like it.


A heads ups, Manly man is specifically intended for biological men

Other fields may be better suited


Thank you, I decided not to add DHT because if I was to get Testosterone prescribed to me I would also have chosen to take Finasteride because Male Pattern Baldness runs in both sides of my family (I know it has some protection for Hairloss but the baldness in my family is impressive.) Many FTM people don’t see any hindrance in their transition from DHT Blockers.

I may change my mind later on but for right now I think I will leave DHT out of my Stack.

As for Androstenol I didn’t want to risk the “Be careful as some males with become intimidated by your smell and perceive you as a dominant alpha male and they may try to impose their own dominance.” I face a lot of Hate day to day already but I did see the Unconditional Androstenol one doesn’t have ‘Alpha Male’ stuff in it.

I’ll give Reduce Estrogen a Break, maybe listen for 2 days and then rest for 2 days. I will increase listening sessions for Testosterone. Thank you for the advice!

Hi! I’m very glad you replied as you have used fields to help your transition as well! Did you see a lot of changes using just fields? I’m really hoping for my voice to drop since that what gets me clocked the most.