Hello, I just wanted to thank to all of you. Ive been a “pasive member” of this forum for quite a long time, reading everything almost every day. Now i decided to finally create an account. Im also a patreon. Thank you, and thank dream. You make my life better
Welcome @Luke, wonderful to have you here.
Hey @Luke! Mandatory welcome song for such a nice first post:
Welcome Luke.
What are you fav audios?
Right to the red chair haha
Welcome to the forum!
Pineapple on pizza or not?
Im an amateur bodybuilder, so I started with all muscle building audios…
But as time went and I read more on this forum and started to meditate, and wonder about “spiritual” stuff, right now, Im redirecting more here… Ojas is my favorite right now, and combination of torsion, plasma and grounding is incredible
Let me introduce you to @PatronSaintBiceps
Welcome Luke! Happy to see a brother in iron joining the forums and being redirected to spirituality! (As was I, well i always was interested but this place ignited my fire)
Here’s to a future full of all kinds of growth! Physical… Monetary… Spiritual… And mental growth! Let’s make those gains Luke!!!
Thanks to youu Man! :)
Thanks guys! Im happy to join your family
Haha, as soon as I find out, how to send DMs, we discuss bb stacks
This place ignited my interest in spiritual as well
Starting as physio/personal trainer, ending as yogi hugging trees haha
It seems u already have a pretty good idea of which fields are mandatory,but I think it wouldnt hurt to check my beginners guide,just so u fill the missing pieces if there are any.Also welcome man,may the holy grail of GAINZZZZZ be with ya.