The Acquisition of Abdominal Definition (N/A)

what are you aiming for

  • Overall strength and fitness

  • I have a 16k run in 4 months

  • I want to look great naked in about a month


I bought this with the discount and feel this working on my abs.
I have a some belly, hopefully this will help.

Everyone has a belly. Why do you have some? :joy:


I meant prominent belly
My english is not perfect sorry

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I was joking man. Nothing serious. Iā€™m too quite new with English.


Then absolutely hardcore 100%

and if I were you, Iā€™d use Abs Aq right after to further work upon the abdominals.

If you have to run a 16k in 4months perhaps the cardio field on GumRoad may be a good field to consider, too


Do you mean the automated cardio thatā€™s on YouTube? Or are you talking about automated cycling?

whatā€™s your experience been for belly fat loss?

I stopped using this field since I was diagnosed with tumours in abdomen ā€¦ I donā€™t want to mess with those to loose some fat

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sorry to hear that

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So is this field burning visceral fat tissues? :slight_smile:

and also strengthen all the abdominal muscles?

No. From the itemā€™s description:

Visceral fat is fat around the vital organs. This field focuses on abdominal fat.


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The visceral fat is located in the abdomen, so it could be :slight_smile:

But thanks :smiley:

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Thatā€™s not the clinical definition that I know of. But if you already knew the answer, why did you ask the question?

She asked about the field, not the category of fat youā€™re describing

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Well, fat can be stored as subcutaneous fat, which is body fat that accumulates underneath your skin, and as intra-abdominal fat/visceral, which is fat that is located inside the abdominal cavity and organs.

So my question was whether there is a possibility that the field also targets the intra-abdominal or only the subcutaneous.


This works for pelvic fat too, right?

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used this with mitochondria protector. Itā€™s made me hard to breathe for 3 days since my stomach got super tight and since I am a stomach breather. However, the results were phenomenal.