The Acu-Automaton (Acupuncture)

Wow I hope former you is impressed with the testimonial later you just posted

:rofl: just playin


This improved my digestion and wellbeing and mood. Thx


Acupuncture automated, Quick google search will do it.


Im having some similar issues like you, and the atu acumaton fixed my nerves and digestion and mood and the water retention. Also the endocrine one and another field called virtual spa day has a myofascial release in it on youtube.


IS this one used to cost more than 47 dollor?
Anyway happy just bought it and feel amazing after listening!

Give Mysteries of the Platypus a try.


The whole article is good, but the last paragraph is the reason I was reminded of this field

Always feels so good


Thanks for sharing!

1 Like

ChatGPT Accupuncture: Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that involves inserting very thin needles into specific points on the body. It is based on the idea that there are energy pathways, called meridians, that run throughout the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, when these pathways become blocked, it can result in pain and illness.

Acupuncture is thought to work by stimulating the flow of energy, or qi, along these meridians. By inserting needles into specific points on the body, acupuncturists aim to restore balance to the body’s energy flow and promote healing.

Acupuncture has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, respiratory disorders, and infertility. It is often used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, such as herbal medicine and massage therapy.

During an acupuncture session, the acupuncturist will first assess the patient’s condition and determine which points on the body to target. The patient will then lie down on a table while the acupuncturist inserts the needles, which are typically left in place for about 20-30 minutes. The needles are very thin and usually cause minimal discomfort.

While acupuncture is generally considered safe, it can cause side effects in some people, such as soreness, bruising, and dizziness. There is also a risk of infection if the needles are not properly sterilized. It is important to only receive acupuncture from a licensed practitioner who uses sterile needles.

Acupuncture has been associated with a variety of potential benefits, including:

  1. Pain relief: Acupuncture is perhaps best known for its ability to alleviate pain, including chronic pain conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis. It is believed to work by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and by reducing inflammation.
  2. Stress reduction: Acupuncture has been shown to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. It may do this by stimulating the release of hormones such as cortisol, which are involved in the body’s stress response.
  3. Improved mood: Acupuncture has been used to treat depression and anxiety, and may help to improve mood by increasing the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.
  4. Improved sleep: Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating insomnia and other sleep disorders. It may do this by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  5. Reduced inflammation: Acupuncture has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, and may be helpful for conditions associated with inflammation, such as autoimmune disorders and allergies.
  6. Improved digestion: Acupuncture has been used to treat a variety of digestive disorders, including acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It may help to improve digestion by regulating the nervous system and reducing inflammation.
  7. Headache relief: Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of headaches, including migraines.
  8. Improved immune function: Acupuncture has been associated with improved immune function and may help to boost the body’s natural defenses against infection and disease.
  9. Hormonal balance: Acupuncture has been used to treat hormonal imbalances, such as those associated with menopause and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  10. Addiction treatment: Acupuncture has been used to treat addiction to drugs and alcohol, and may help to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  11. Improved fertility: Acupuncture has been used to improve fertility in both men and women, and may help to improve the chances of conception.
  12. Rehabilitation from injuries: Acupuncture may be helpful in promoting healing and rehabilitation from injuries, such as sprains, strains, and fractures.
  13. Improved respiratory function: Acupuncture may be helpful in treating respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  14. Reduced symptoms of chemotherapy: Acupuncture has been used to reduce nausea, vomiting, and other side effects associated with chemotherapy.
  15. Improved cardiovascular health: Acupuncture has been associated with improved cardiovascular health and may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  16. Relief from menstrual cramps: Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of menstrual cramps and other menstrual-related symptoms.
  17. Improved skin health: Acupuncture may be helpful in treating a variety of skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
  18. Improved vision: Acupuncture has been used to treat a variety of eye conditions, including glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration.
  19. Improved cognitive function: Acupuncture has been associated with improved cognitive function and may be helpful in treating conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  20. Improved athletic performance: Acupuncture has been used to improve athletic performance and may help to reduce the risk of injury.
  21. Improved immune function: Acupuncture has been shown to have immunomodulatory effects and may help to improve the body’s natural defenses against infection and disease.
  22. Reduced side effects of radiation therapy: Acupuncture has been used to reduce side effects associated with radiation therapy, such as fatigue and nausea.
  23. Improved kidney function: Acupuncture has been associated with improved kidney function and may be helpful in treating kidney disease.
  24. Improved overall wellbeing: Acupuncture may be helpful in promoting overall wellbeing, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving quality of life.
  25. Headache and migraine relief: Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating headaches and migraines. It is believed to work by reducing inflammation and tension in the muscles.

Overall, acupuncture remains a popular form of alternative medicine and has been studied extensively for its potential health benefits. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind its effects and to determine its effectiveness for specific conditions.


  1. Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pain: individual patient data meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(19):1444-1453. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3654
  2. Smith CA, Armour M, Lee MS, Wang LQ, Hay PJ. Acupuncture for depression. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;3(3):CD004046. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004046.pub4
  3. Lau CH, Wu X, Chung VC, et al. Acupuncture and Related Therapies for Symptom Management in Palliative Cancer Care: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;95(9):e2901. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000002901
  4. Kim TH, Kang JW, Kim KH, et al. Acupuncture for the treatment of tinnitus: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012;12:97. doi:10.1186/1472-6882-12-97
  5. Chiu HY, Hsieh YJ, Tsai PS. Acupuncture to Reduce Sleep Disturbances in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2016;127(3):507-515. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000001281
  6. Xue CC, Zhang AL, Zhang CS, Da Costa C, Story DF, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use among Asian Immigrants with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. J Altern Complement Med.
    2008;14(10):1227-1234. doi:10.1089/acm.2008.0174
  7. Linde K, Allais G, Brinkhaus B, et al. Acupuncture for the prevention of tension-type headache. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016;(4):CD007587. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007587.pub2
  8. Lee MS, Shin BC, Choi TY, Ernst E. Acupuncture for rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008;47(12):1747-1753. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/ken330
  9. MacPherson H, Altman DG, Hammerschlag R, et al. Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): Extending the CONSORT Statement. J Evid Based Med. 2010;3(3):140-155. doi:10.1111/j.1756-5391.2010.01086.x
  10. Cao H, Pan X, Li H, Liu J. Acupuncture for Treatment of Insomnia: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Altern Complement Med. 2009;15(11):1171-1186. doi:10.1089/acm.2009.0041
  11. McDonald JL, Cripps AW, Smith PK, Smith CA, Xue CC, Golianu B. The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Acupuncture and Their Relevance to Allergic Rhinitis: A Narrative Review and Proposed Model. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:591796. doi:10.1155/2013/591796
  12. Zhang Y, Zheng Y, Luo Y, et al. Acupuncture for adults with overactive bladder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(30):e16414. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000016414
  13. Wong E, Harpole CE, Hernandez A, et al. Acupuncture for Symptom Management Among Women With Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019;57(5):e7-e13. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.01.010
  14. Cao H, Li X, Han M, Liu J. Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia: An Updated Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Pain Res. 2020;13:1835-1855. doi:10.2147/JPR.S256186
  15. Suen LK, Wong E, Chung JW, et al. Acupuncture for Sleep Disturbances in Menopause: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sleep Med. 2019;60:109-117. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2019.03.013
  16. Yu DT, Jones AY, Pang MY. Development of a Chinese medicine acupuncture protocol for chronic fatigue syndrome: a case series and pilot study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:163026. doi:10.1155/2013/163026

ChatGPT Accupressure: Acupressure is an alternative therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body known as acupoints. The practice is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which posits that there are energy pathways throughout the body called meridians.

In acupressure, pressure is applied to specific acupoints along these meridians to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and promote balance and wellness. This pressure can be applied using the fingers, palms, elbows, or other devices.

Acupressure has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, nausea, anxiety, and insomnia. It is also used to promote relaxation and improve overall wellbeing.

Although there is some evidence to suggest that acupressure may be effective for certain conditions, such as pain relief, the scientific evidence is limited and more research is needed to fully understand its benefits and mechanisms of action. It is important to note that acupressure should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical care, but rather as a complementary therapy.

Acupressure is believed to offer a variety of benefits, including:

  1. Pain relief: Acupressure can help alleviate various types of pain, including headaches, menstrual cramps, back pain, and joint pain.
  2. Stress reduction: By promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension, acupressure can help relieve stress and anxiety.
  3. Improved circulation: By stimulating the flow of blood and other bodily fluids, acupressure can improve circulation and promote healing.
  4. Digestive support: Acupressure can help regulate digestion and relieve symptoms of nausea, constipation, and other digestive issues.
  5. Immune system support: Acupressure may help boost the immune system and promote overall health and wellness.
  6. Better sleep: By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, acupressure may help improve sleep quality and alleviate insomnia.
  7. Headache relief: Acupressure can help relieve tension headaches, migraines, and other types of headaches by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation.
  8. Menstrual cramp relief: Acupressure may help alleviate menstrual cramps by promoting circulation and reducing muscle tension.
  9. Anxiety and depression relief: Acupressure can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  10. Improved energy levels: Acupressure may help improve energy levels by stimulating the flow of qi, or life force energy, throughout the body.
  11. Reduced inflammation: Acupressure may help reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is believed to be a contributing factor in many chronic health conditions.
  12. Improved posture: Acupressure can help improve posture by relieving tension in the muscles that support the spine and promoting greater body awareness.

Overall, acupressure is believed to offer a range of physical, emotional, and mental benefits. However, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and its potential applications in healthcare. It is always important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any new therapy or treatment.


  1. Gastrointestinal Function in Patients With Colorectal Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cancer Nurs. 2019;42(6):E1-E9. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000657
  2. Chen YW, Chen C, Huang YH, et al. Acupressure improves sleep quality and reduces insomnia in hemodialysis patients: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2017;73(12):3003-3013. doi:10.1111/jan.13348
  3. Lee SH, Kim JY, Yeo S, et al. Acupressure for Pain Relief in Patients With Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019;67(10):2081-2088. doi:10.1111/jgs.16147
  4. Huang YC, Chen YL, Chung UL, Huang LY. Acupressure at the Yintang Acupoint in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016;2016:8637409. doi:10.1155/2016/8637409
  5. Huang YC, Liu CC, Haller J, et al. Effects of acupressure on sleep quality and psychological distress in nursing home residents: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015;52(2):671-679. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.11.001
  6. Lee JS, Kim SY, Kim HK, et al. Acupressure for symptom management in patients with end-stage renal disease: a randomized controlled trial. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014;29(9):1723-1729. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfu075
  7. Huang Q, Yang Y, Zheng Y, et al. Acupressure for acute low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pain Pract. 2020;20(7):720-729. doi:10.1111/papr.12871
  8. Chen HM, Huang MF, Yeh ML, et al. The effectiveness of acupressure on relieving pain: a systematic review. Pain Manag Nurs. 2014;15(2):539-550. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2012.09.004
  9. Liang Z, Zhu X, Yang X, Fu W, Lu A. Assessment of a standardized protocol of acupressure and massage for reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014;2014:430146. doi:10.1155/2014/430146
  10. Park J, Sohn Y, White AR, Lee H. The safety of acupuncture and acupressure in children: a systematic review. Acupunct Med. 2012;30(2):83-97. doi:10.1136/acupmed-2011-010064

Felt the field in 3 seconds and needle pins feeling soon after. Still have some pressure on my palms and one acupoint on my forearm that was the exact point used when I was treated with real acupuncture a long time ago. Testimony as below:

This is the field that has the most impact in my stack. Ever since I purchased it 4 days ago it has done the following:

  • Completely restored my left knee from 3 meniscus injuries to 100% (granted it was repaired to about 98% by just the knees then plasma, but there was still some slight uncomfort that refuses to go away) in 36 hours. This is a 20 years old injury.

  • My face twitching due to nerve damage by virus is now mostly gone, I think it will be cured within a week or so. Also a 20 year old ailment.

  • Left elbow uncomfort due to loose fragment after discolation and a botched rehab is now recovering, I feel I am able to exert full strength with my leftarm when I exercise, since yesterday. This is the root cause of my unbalanced arm/chest size. The loose fragment part may take longer but I have found real life case studies of laser acupuncture treatment to treat loose fragment in elbow of olympic athlete so I will let the field do its job. Special shoutout to body symmetry for lengthening the forearm to what it should be as the injury happened during my adolescence years.

  • Distribute all the energies from fields in my body perfectly so I no longer feel overwhelm and fields sufddenly feel much stronger as a result. After looping 3 times the moment I purchased it, manifestation soon followed. Almost felt like those strong energies wasn’t properly utilized in my body until they were sorted out. This felt straight out of some Chinese martial arts fantasy novel (wuxia) that I read when I was young. Just that I had no idea similar things would happen to me years later lol.

So all this with a negentropic smart fleld that increase in strength the more you use, just wow. Granted that I understand that it works so well on me is probably because I am super aware of the whole acupuncture concept and I know it would just work like the real thing that worked on me before, but still. Also I got it with a 21% discount despite the fact I bought it more than 80 days after the sale expired :rofl:


The fact that this is only $47 is craaazzzy. I listened to this twice last night and it was amazing! I could feel the blockages in my body that I’ve had for a while opening up immediately. Like 30 minutes later I could feel the energy from my body radiating so much.

I slept like a baby last night, my body is so relaxed and I feel good overall. Back isn’t as tensed anymore. Blood flow is better because some parts use to go numb quite quickly if I slept on them in a certain way.

Plus I’ve seen where someone said this is like a grounding and an integration type of field so that makes it even more insane for $47


Many people have said that this is one of the best grounding/integration tool available. Yeah and the price tag, and on top of the healing.

Since this can fix nerve problems, I also think this can boost energy sensitivity as Dream once said that energy sensitivity is basically related to nervous system functions. Saw many seasoned users commented on the boost of energy sensitivity from acu automation as well. Such a gift~ oh I have never listened to any nerve fields and probably does not need to at this point


Imagine you couldn’t integrate your fields better just because you didn’t do acupuncture lol.


I’ve literally had energy all day and I’ve been in a great mood all day without being in my head. I’ve noticed a lot of people gravitated towards me today. Literally had like 3 people trying to find me at work just to talk to me and some others just staring at me.

Using this and then mana circuits feels amazing. I really wish I took the time a long time ago and thoroughly read every audio description. I’m learning that all the old audios literally indirectly amplify all the newer fields.



Usually, how many times a day do you listen to this?

2-3 times a day

1 Like

Well I guess that increase the potency of everything else by a lot. Audios feel just like how they use to feel when I first found Sapien. No more looping audios at all now and only the minimum 2-3 loops now. Ah yes, now I gotta be really cautious when I have my phone in my pocket at work playing these. 🥲.


I had some nasty back pain a few weeks ago. Between this track, Pain Control and another one, the pain went away within 3 days, as opposed to the normal 3 weeks. Thank you!


Could not resist :slight_smile: . Bought it based on the benefits reported above and an indication on the longlist of ChatGPT. Having my own acupuncture and accupressure sessions now :partying_face:


Any noticed benefits?