The Air Revitalizer

How long would this structured air or its effect last if its played in my room just one time?


So i left a phone in my room, looped this for like 1 hour, closed the door and went to do other stuff, i just came back in and the room is full of eucalyptus aroma but like mixed with burning wood sooo nice, no rosemary but i have to say i use rosemary almost every day in my cooking and i make oil to massage body and used to make a mixture for the hair before the hair audio came out every week, so i think my nose is just so accustomed to that smell that is not picking it up anymore :woman_shrugging:t2:

But maaaaaan i feel like i just walked in a spa up in the mountains in a new cabin :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: so fresh crispy and clean. I could breath deeply and my lungs filled up completely.

So theres that. Hands down leaving it on loop while you are not in there then come back beats staying in lol but thats just me. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Has anyone tried using this along with other fields like Far Infrared?
Last night before going to sleep, I played Air Revitalizer for almost two hours, while I was heating the room with the infrared spotlight; this morning I got up full of energy, I felt it physically flowing in my arms, which until a few days ago were sore from some overload. I donā€™t know if these benefits are due only to Air Revitalizer or to the combined effect of this field together with the use of the physical infrared spotlight, but these were the benefits.


Synchronicity of this field being released when it did, the night before this field dropped I used plasma charged water in my diffuser :grin:


Yah but as Om suggested Infrared Plasma, i forgot to mention that, i left the water in the room and when i came back in i played twice the IPD it def tasted better like more pure.


I missed this _OM tip, thank you for pointing it out


I should say that last night i was going to listen to the deep sleeper for the first time but i didnt need to, this Air Revitalizer put me in a sleep coma super fast and tho i only had like 3.5 hours of sleep :woozy_face: i woke up super super energized and rested.


Same for me, I felt my arms full of energy, an indescribable sensation.


THIS BEAUTY + Soma Breathwork :100::100::100:

And guess what guys, free SOMA event in 13min:


Well, my new favorite audio :heart_eyes:
I cant stress enough how difficult for me is to fall asleep :laughing: no matter what i do or wear or listen to, so i was really excited reading ppls reviews on the deep sleeper one but i just havent needed.

This one right here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I listened to it just a couple of times
And then the muscle massage
Bed time stories :heart_eyes: (i fell asleep here at the end of the 1st one)

Slept all through the night (i sometimes can have apnea which wakes me up in the middle of the night and sometimes its impossible to go back to sleep)
Then woke up super relaxed, rested, happy, and mind sharp and clear.



I believe that all the possible applications of this field will come out in the months to come, because this has really many, especially in conjunction with other fields. I am continuing to experiment, now it is entering my daily routine, I just hope that Sapien uploads it as soon as possible on Patreon, because having it always available even outside the home can be very important as well as comfortable.


Gorgeous music and video, Dreamy!

Negentropic negative ions and rosemary and eucalyptus created out of thin air! :mage:

Thank you for the wonderful, creative field, @Captain_Nemo!


As already written by some people, I too have proved that this field allows you to get restful and peaceful sleep. In addition to these benefits, after the third night of playing it for an hour at high volume along with the use of an infrared spotlight, this morning my left arm works perfectly without any pain, after several weeks of aches. The right arm that was much more painful is now only marginally so and
I can lift heavier weights.
Thanks again to Team Sapien, for this marvel!


Youā€™re so sweet

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Mmmmm Iā€™m not getting any smells? Something wrong with me :man_shrugging:t2:

Maybe use Sinus drainage before or go out of the room and let it play for 30 mins. And then come back and notice if you feel any difference.

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@ Haphadam


Thanks man! I know the field is working and I know the scents are not the main benefit of this field, just wish I could get a wiff of these scents :grin:


You could increase the volume at which you play this field and of course the duration as well, bearing in mind that there may be other variables such as humidity.


Iā€™m looping the field on my spare iPhone all day long in my room while Iā€™m not home, full volume, and play it overnight on very low volume while playing my overnight playlist on my other phone