The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past

I noticed when I looped automated grounding the symptoms lessened tremendously, it is important to ground yourself


Thank you! :pray:I will try!

My inner child that felt helpless is now standing up for himself. It’s truly when you are well nurtured during your childhood, the outcome of the future could be full of amazing things.


Why do I feel more attraction towards women now? I mean I always liked women, but ever since I have been focusing mainly on alchemical revision series my attraction for women has went up. I have no agenda, no desire to go after a girl for the sake of physical attraction, etc. I just feel connected to a girl by their aura and personality.

Also I feel disgusted with porn all of a sudden… ahh as I wrote this that’s why I feel more caring about women now. Porn messed me up badly, there was a time when I discovered porn for the first time, that was my downfall and all I thought about was hot women was the existence of my life.

The sexual urge to do the deed doesn’t feel right when doing it with porn, but doing the deed must come from a place of love and respect.


Should I get this or should I get bol and use childhod revision…

Will this help to heal the past of my childhood only or will it also heal my past as an adult ? I had a physically and mentally abusive first marriage … the impacts of it still haunt me. Will this field heal the traumas from abuse in adulthood ?
@SammyG @Captain_Nemo


While we’re waiting for a response, I can tell you I personally experience relatively recent trauma very differently now. It’s like it fades, like if it was in living color it fades to a photograph you can’t quite make out now. And because of that it’s so much easier to forgive or to at least be indifferent. But I would really go through it one more time while listening just shuffle through images of whatever you want to fade


Thanks Jen … more and more it feels that this is the field I am getting now


It’s crucial deep work. Going within across time to balance and thereby change timelines in the present.


As a child as well. All of your past


I played this just now while meditating and a buried memory just resurfaced. When I was 6 years I found a bunch of baby kittens and little old me thought it was cool to throw them away somewhere (well they were released) into the woods. It bothered me so much. Did I separate the kittens from their mother? Are they even alive today? How are they doing? God I feel like such a monster and it’s so difficult to forgive myself. Knowing they were in my care and I let them down.

I paused it because it was so painful. Man, now I don’t feel strong enough to move forward, I thought I was strong but I feel there are many buried memories that I am ashamed and guilty of.


You already see the issue, shame and guilt.

Now you can approach it. Try Journey of Forgiveness.


Yup, already on it.


You were 6, that’s not an age where I’d say you were too capable of higher order thought. You probably thought you were doing a good thing as at that age, you see animals in the childrens’ books mainly in the wild. At that age, too, you’re still very intuitive naturally. Is it possible you felt the desires of the kittens? Perhaps. But I think self forgiveness is definitely called for here


Thank you, it’s just a desire to rectify the guilt by thinking about them, then again, I can’t change what happened. So starting my forgiveness journey also :slightly_smiling_face:



Long -term users of this field: what compounded benefits have you seen from using this field?

I have it for two weeks and have been listening consistently, looping it for several hours a day. To me it feels like it’s clearing out a lot of traumas, which I have (used to have?) in abundance.

I have also been working very consistently with JAAJ’s free self love stacks for the past six weeks, so not sure what effects to attribute to which fields in particular. I also like reading others’ experiences :grin:

Thank you :heart:


How this can affect a person with a personality disorder with some symptoms like social anxiety and depression leading him to live a mad life?

A detox phase may occur, but this along with the rest of revision series would be extremely beneficial for someone with a PD in the long run.

Also, welcome to the forum Comet! :slight_smile:

Edit: Depending where a person is on their journey and how much they are willing to be helped, don’t push them too far and if it gets too much, slow down with usage


Thanks for the explanations. Appreciate it.

I’m personally planing to use this only one for healing due to time management. It will be sufficient?