The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past

I have an understanding of this field as something that extends to your childhood in addition to all what is in a linear time of the past.

So it is not just targeted to childhood, but it is well catered to it as well.

Then the Blueprint of Life aspect spreads through the entirety of the experience of the past.

The alchemy is now created on the blueprint of life as a main process?

So far it’s how I’m understanding it!


I’ve been listening to this since it’s come out. The first 2 nights, I looped this overnight. Now, I play it several times throughout the day.

I’m not the same… I feel like a butterfly that’s come out of its cocoon. :sparkles: :butterfly: :sparkles:

My utmost gratitude to you, @Captain_Nemo. :sparkling_heart: :bowing_woman: :sparkling_heart: This is by far the most powerful, healing field that you’ve created that changes a person’s pattern and outlook. I’m hoping that it’s also helping my ancestors and current family members. Only time will tell.


I have to say that suddenly my relationships with others have changed. It might be that I did have some trauma in my childhood that has affected the way I treat relationships in a subtle way. It’s like i’m reconnecting to who I was.

And again referring back to my post above about how childhood shapes your psyche and personality development - this is perfect for personality disorders like borderlines, dependents, obsessive-compulsives, must-do-it-right, schizotypals, schizoids, paranoids, narcissists - makes you whole, loving and a better person.




It’s probably too soon to ask, but something I’ve always wondered about revision is about the concept of waking up tomorrow radically different. For instance, someone who was too ill or poor growing up to pursue a sport revising to the point of waking up tomorrow to find that they competed in the Olympics last year.

Does this just cause mental changes to feel as if you had had a great upbringing with great health, or does it actually send it back in time so that life here and now is radically different because the past is now different?


This doesn’t change the events of your past. So if you didn’t compete in the Olympics last year, there aren’t suddenly going to be news clippings of how you took the Golds in “your” various events at the Olympics last year.

This field re-installson you a new blueprint so that, from this point forward, you will approach your world as someone who remembers their original The Blueprint of Life: New Release and has benefitted from positive, loving, nurturing and uplifting experiences from your earlier tribe.

However, it’s not likely that this field will make a cranky one from your past suddenly all sweetness and light. But this field will change your perspective, strengthening you so that you can see them with the compassion that’s probably in your blueprint of life.


This field gives you the ability to take a random walk through your past. Not sure if it is an intended effect or a consequence of the field’s main purpose. I’m recalling long ago conversation and situations. In one case, I recalled a friend of a friend was going to visit her boyfriend over Christmas break. This was not a meaningful fact for me (at the time, or even now.), but it occurred in a situation that was. My guess, though, is that a many (maybe all) events have some important meaning, which means I might start recalling a lot a lot of information. Even as I type this, long ago meals are zipping across my mind’s eye.

Previously bad memories feel like ordinary memories. Occasionally, there is a glimpse of a “What-if” scenario, as if my mind had found a new object and is turning like a Tetris piece, wondering . . . and then it’s off to something else, which in this case was the name of a local drinking water company from my childhood.


I don t own this field yet, but i am really interested in the Bol addition of the field. The number one influence in any relationship is how your attachement style is shaped in early childhood. Your relationship with your parents or caregiver(s) creates your attachement style, either safe, anxious, avoidant or desorganised. If this field could bring your attachement style back to a “safe” one, it will tremendously benefit all your relationships, including the one with your partner, or attract healthier people while dating. What do you think?


What do we think about what?

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Would it be possible that the alchemical blueprint of the past could change your attachement style ;-)


Yes, I’d say that’s possible.


My GF has been listening to it a few times since this came out. She has had a difficult childhood, and this brought up many things to the surface. She felt very depressed last few days and I could not figure out why until I realized it was due to the cleanse initiated by this field.

We added New Perspectives to the stack and she is back to normal and feels wonderful after the initial cleansing phase passed.


Oh that is so sweet. I am glad that stuff came up and that she is feeling better. Please give her a hug for me. :hugs:


Will do :hugs: :hugs:


Yes, this helps greatly. I had also added positive power waves.


Thank you, I now added Positive Waves to her stack as well.


You’re welcome! :relaxed:


This seems like what happens during psychotherapy! Seen this quite a few times especially with patients with a traumatic history/complex trauma


Here’s 2 things I’ve noticed since playing this audio. One was, I’ve gotten back into making music where I’m able to write songs and record them. I’ve had a block on doing this for over 10 years. I have only been able to do this process very sparingly and without much motivation to complete anything or even get the process started. It’s been so much fun to be able to get back to this and enjoy the process.

The second thing was earlier today and it was very random. I had a vision about Christmas from my childhood. It was this nostalgia of all the good vibes from Christmastime and for some reason I actually was looking forward to the holidays for a very brief moment. When I was young Christmas time was very enjoyable, warm and exciting. Since I got older, I don’t celebrate holidays and I have developed a disdain for Christmas. It was very strange…it didn’t last long and I don’t know if I’ll be in the same mood when the holidays actually come around. For a brief moment, I was taken back to that time of warmth and love and it felt very nice remembering when my family would come together.

I have had a general sense of well being and mental stability…a push to do a little more than I usually do. There is a sense of support for your dreams even though it’s just me. I’m moving forward in subtle ways…a gradual nudge that it’s alright and I’m worthy of pursuing what needs to be done. There’s still a long way to go, but I know this field is having a nice effect of repairing issues that have been holding me back for a long time. There were no profound experiences when I was listening…no omg moments…in fact I really didn’t feel too much. The results in my progress is showing hints of how this audio is unfolding. Like I said, I still have a long ways to go, but this aid is invaluable, especially over the long term. I loop it every day throughout the day and sometimes a few times overnight.


This is not a mistery that the past shapes our present, and after two weeks of consistent use I have realized I rarely had a field impacting my well being so effectively.

I’m much more peaceful than two weeks ago and still experiencing huge improvements in my close circle, specifically my family.

We are all much more loving to each others.
With a lot of work already done individually & collectively and still a lot to process, but this has finally become enjoyable to be together

Despite having a very joyful baseline, I would up until now always feel awkward and not at my place, doing “social work” and not enjoying so much our times together.

Add to this the new Alchemical revision of Trauma and the Dolphin Totem, wow.

Feeling blessed by those gifts :raised_hands: