The Alien Thread

@anon22855873, have you thought about sharing it on the forum?

@Dewbob I think the best free basic recommendation is the Point of no return stack + ego dissolution in the mix.
You can add the Star exercise as per the topic here on the forum - it’s pretty quick to you have nothing to lose by practicing.
Focusing on the inside will also make the physical fields work better for you on the long run :slight_smile:

As for the Aliens… what do you all think? Have you had experience with the energy infusion meditations, maybe the tags?
Do you feel drawn to any “area”?

I feel drawn to Dream’s sirian works, but I definitely don’t “identify” with it, like I don’t think I’m “sirian” or whatever… at least from what I heard they.are mostly 6th density and I don’t have illusions :)


Most definitely but first wanted to get @SammyG approval. Soon, when he has time. If he gives a stamp of approval on methodology, I’ll teach it for free.

Although, I’m very strict on a few things so it won’t be a fun ride for some. OM is more patient than I am. We have similar temperaments but he is more empathic than I am.


:boom: :100: pretty much sums up.

I know and feel you @_OM the frustration of even trying to explain or put some sense in most posts, in fact I can feel everyone’s frustrations, thats the down side of empaths…

Sometimes the only way is to just keep moving foward even after planting a seed ( crushing a bit of ego’s etc) at least there is enought to make people question themselves in whatever way that may be ( the first signs of cousciouness awakening ) and its not everyone’s cup of tea because to come out of their comfort zone is a big step… :100:


PS: seems like Full Moon did her job ( steering everyone’s emotions - what a roller coaster the last 3 days in the forum and everywhere :grin:


As the saying goes, take the log out of your own eye before presuming to take the speck out of someone else’s. If you’re feeling frustration and think you need to step on people to “move forward”, you’re not as pure and divine as you want to make yourself out to be. Likewise…


And, if the person “crushing a bit of ego” is practicing what he is preaching, then he will question himself as well, and at least consider that what the other person is saying is sincere and true. Maybe, just maybe, it is you that is wrong.

But no, the “questioning” only goes in one direction, and is really just one of several ways of hand-waving away dissenting opinions and voices while throwing in a little condescension for good measure.

This thread in a nutshell:

“I think this guy does a poor job of making his arguments and I have some counter-points too.”

“Lol, you’re triggered because it’s questioning what you’ve been taught”

“No… I’m telling you, I have an open mind… not opposed to the ideas on their surface… and I’ve read widely…”

“Nah, you’re triggered and just can’t question yourself.”

Rinse and repeat with increasing amounts of condescension and excuses for all objections based on PRESUMPTIONS about my mental, emotional, and/or spiritual development.

All parroted by you lot of drone like cultists.

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Well I did my best to turn this topic back to aliens 🤷


Why avoid the elephant in the room? OM’s cult of personality.

I’ve been treated like shit here, derided, dismissed, condescended to, and gaslighted. All because I raised some reasonable, logical questions and criticisms about a third party paper.

I think @MonkeyOwl put that well. It’s a concept which can apply to many things. :pray:

Talking about this, I think @_OM or @MonkeyOwl weren’t dismissing anybody as a person, simply pointing out that—regardless of anything else—effort must be put in to read the papers in their entirety to truly understand the opinions / concepts, especially a deep and complex concept.

If one reads only part of an anthology—regardless of how one’s reasons for doing so could be considered (positive, negative, valid, invalid, neutral, etc.)—then even if one sees criticisms in a paper and doesn’t wish to read further, one’s understanding of the concepts within can otherwise be left incomplete.


I was called triggered from the start. That is the contemporary way of dismissing someone’s argument as nothing more than them being angry.

It quickly developed into increasing numbers of implications that I am not mentally, emotionally, or spiritually developed enough to understand and that any objection is just due to “ego” or needing to be more self-reflective or getting over “things I was taught”.

It completely ignores my actual arguments and attacks the stereotyped person they have in their minds.

And I maintain that it does not take reading an entire document to see flaws in argumentation. If you write a paper, article, post, whatever, aimed at convincing a person, it is the author’s job to convince. It is the author who should ensure that his logic is made clear, and evidence is at least alluded to or linked to in some way, if not directly included.

It is not unreasonable to say the author did a poor job of making his arguments, and that (as I said) at least one of his arguments had reasonable counter-points that could be discussed.

You want to make it out as if I was lazy or disinterested. I made an honest effort to read the material presented to me. I gave the author a chance to make his case. In my opinion he did a poor job of making his case, and did not follow practices that would make his argument both compelling and more respectful of his readers.

And again, tell me with a straight face that the way OM approached this was how best one could have said that?

Editted to add

OM claims “plain with no drama” but he was calling it “triggered” “projections” from the start, among other implications.

Umm guys/gals.

I see my posts being quoted with a bunch of blocked posts so I’m gonna take a" wild stab in the dark" :smirk: and assume the blocked poster is still “upset” about what I said…

So just to make it clear from one of the posts I CAN still read …

[quote=“Atreides, post:52, topic:9447, full:true”]

Re-read it several times until it sinks in

The poster has made it very clear why they wouldn’t like “daniel”, me or what either of us are saying…
Let’s just say “I’m familiar” with these attacks and even tried pointing it out to dear @Bronyraur what was going on…

At this point, there is no need to “defend” me…
Simply Ignore them…


Identity politics at its finest.

Attack attack attack the person, not their arguments.

Edited to add

If we’re going to make presumptions based on identities…

The above shows very much why OM would have prejudicial biases towards Bronyraur and myself. He even admits that he is stereotyping this as one of those “attacks” he’s “familiar” with.

Can we get back to the topic of the thread now? What contacts did you guys have and do you have a particular routine to get in contact with them? What star/constellation do you feel drawn to and why? I wish I could see them with my two physical eyes, but I only saw their ships on many occasions


i feel like i’ve mentioned this before, but i’ll share again for this thread!

the most i saw was when i woke up in the middle of the night and i saw two human shaped silhouettes but they were just made of light.

one had their hand hovering over my forehead and i just let them do whatever they wanted to do as i slept in a good mood and woke up in a good mood so i felt safety and trust towards them.

still don’t know what they were but it was a neat experience.


Think you might have better luck reviving this thread which has tons of testimonials and info

Alien Intercession


Lol I’m trying here, but I was genuinely asking because this is a fresh thread with a potential for an interesting discussion and I have huge passion about anything aliens. I will checkout the other thread for sure

Wow they probably did some sort of activation/energy work. Fascinating!!! Thanks for sharing. They only similar experience that I can recall is that when I woke up at about 5 am, but I was not fully awake, very drowsy and I saw this old man kind of like floating beside my bed and he didn’t have legs, he had a long white beard, that was weird but I just closed my eyes and feel asleep again and it was not a dream

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You have to work well, sometimes even hard, without being afraid of what emerges

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For me the question is rather what’s their use for this (us) now.

The saga says SMs were arms dealers, with gold being the ~uranium of the age.
Are we still unknowingly working for the SMs? How?

Hey guys,
Relax a bit, Support each other.
Each one here knows or feels a version of their own truth,
that’s fine, it is your life and what you choose to live by.
If you feel offended by any interaction here, I apologize humbly on whoever’s behalf.
There are only a few of us trying to help humanity, the odds are a bit overwhelming.
But you are here, because you want something better, or you decided to think in a different way.
Forget the ego driven responses, don’t let it push your words.
Let it go, it’s fine.
Find the words that build rapport, not what drives you to argue.
Sad to say, but we aren’t the majority thinkers of this, in the world.
To fight amongst each other means whatever truths we can offer, get avoided and buried more.

Let it go, you all are awesome in your own ways. If you don’t see eye to eye, then fine, learn and grow from the experience and don’t try to push each other by arguments.
Literally nobody profits and grows from that kind of experience.
Support each other and humble yourself.
There is isn’t much outside of this forum accepting of new ideas or ideals.
But are you gonna carry these arguments till death until you feel you must even come back to ‘balance’ your perceived wrong?
Let it go and grow from the experience.
You are all important to me and I rather you come to an understanding than argue or try to show why they were right and what they really meant.
Truly, it doesn’t matter, we all are different and will see things differently.
This can only help advance knowledge.

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Former Israel space security chief Haim Eshed says the U.S. and Israel have been in contact with this galactic federation, and says they’ve made agreements based on understanding “the fabric of the universe.”

Also some monoliths appearing on different parts of the world. Not sure it is connected, or they are preparing the mind of the humans.

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