The Ambassador's Rings (Exclusive)

LOL so you walked amongst us Consuls till now :stuck_out_tongue:

If Doc is looking into it, I noticed one thing all guilds have images in good aspect ratio including the image for Ambassadors except for Consuls, it is stretched. It would be nice if it gets fixed too.

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[meant to share this in this public thread so I’ve copy-pasted here]

The long-awaited day has arrived and I’ve finally acquired my ring. Fits just right—not too tight, not too loose. Beautiful design.

I could feel a subtle energy shift as soon as I put it on. Very excited to move forward with the addition of this new magical item.

Thank you so much for the dedicated work you put into this! @metaphystwolf


Excellent to hear! I’ll complete a write up of the aspects folded into the ring and deliver it to Dr Manhattan for you all.



As soon as they were complete and consecrated they were buzzing. Not surprised you heard it calling.


A great day receiving this yesterday. Beautiful design and craftsmanship. Thank you @metaphystwolf, @Dreamweaver, @Dr_Manhattan

The ring has a notable presence and identity when worn. Just some initial impressions: I visualized what looked like vertices surrounding me + organizing my energy, other fields, other items… what felt like a fortifying system starting to grow and learn everything about me. I’m sure more will be revealed soon…

Excited to wear it more, work with it, and keep building with the guild. :muscle:


Ring arrived today! Beautiful and incredibly intricate.

In fact I was surprised how much better it looks in person. I don’t think photos can quite capture the full depth/detail.

The energy is certainly palpable when on my finger and feels very profound.

Super excited to see what benefits are in store. Will post a review after I’ve used it for a little while.

Thank you @metaphystwolf @Dreamweaver @Dr_Manhattan


My ring has arrived but I am currently out of the country so when I’m back I’ll post some pictures :slight_smile:


:pray: Honored to serve. Keep us posted.

I’ll be providing more info about the glyph to the Ring Bearers soon.


Update on the ring — a lot of good things happening in my life. Met a new girl, a great freelance thing is circling… been cool. I feel a sense of strength in my mind — a surety of what’s the right move. Case in point: the way I asked this girl out, how i handled the first date — all very strong and almost unable to fail.

It feels like a REALLY special item. Extremely strong field. Wearing it feels more intense than carrying an NFT, listening to any wiring field. I’m taking breaks from it because it’s so entirely OP :joy:

Can’t wait man.


Love to see tertiary effects! Never did I ever expect love life improvements!

Been juggling client work. I’ll get that description done for the ring bearers today!


Hello, Denizens of the Forum.

Quite a bit of interest in what exactly we did with these rings. The finer details are for the Ambassadors only, and the mechanistic layers are for myself and my Associate, but Dr Manhattan and I thought it clever to share a bit about what’s happening in these rings.

The fields placed by Dreamweaver were shared earlier by Dr Manhattan. Quite a lovely array of capacity, fortitude, and amplification boosters for the mental faculties.

When I first read through the list I was impressed with the comprehensive coverage but it struck me as obvious what my work was to be here: foundational excellence to underpin the big brain super charge that was incoming.

The Ring features formations that utilize numerology in both dimension, angle, elevation, center of mass distributions, and density. The forms at the top do most of the work for to anchor and amplify Dreamweaver’s work, with the Guild Crest binding the rings to the Guild. On the top is a genuine Montana Sapphire to continue solidifying, clarifying, and amplifying the energetics of the ring. On the other side is a sigil glyph of my own design that handles the other half of the equation.

This is a useful time to briefly touch on the fact that I don’t work with morphic fields in quite the same way as Dreamweaver, though we have some overlap. Nor do I do anything that might be called scalar waves. My roots go way back. Further back than I really understand sometimes, but in this life I began my studies 25 years ago. The words that come closest to what I do would be aetheric form imbuement, consecration, energetic template application, warding, and anchoring. Even that misses the mark but it will give you a sense of it.

Among a few other things that were necessary, the sigil glyph serves the purpose of giving strength to the foundational qualities of a person that are necessary for the mental and intellectual aspects to take root, remain stable, and be used effectively.

In this case: True Instinct, Clear Intuition, And deep Awareness.

There are a few other aspects that were needed for the Ambassadors but to get the inside scoop you’ll have to start your own guild and find out what’s possible ;)

These rings came at a very unique and fortuitous time, as is always the case with my work. While creating these totemic power-houses of mental sovereignty I was also deep in the process of helping build what is probably the most effective and comprehensive service for legal, lawful, and commercial sovereignty that has ever been created. This is how my world works. All things move with a purpose. It was a great honor to be weaving these rings while weaving a path towards freedom for others. I greatly appreciate your interest and your trust. It is not a thing to take lightly, the maker of your power objects.

For that I am grateful.

To much and more,
And to your Sovereignty,

-Kedrik the Metaphyst


@metaphystwolf just got home and opened the ring looks great fits perfect will update more in days to come thank you



Glad it made it!

Looks like one last ring to go and they’ve all made it.


Impressive! These are really amazing


Last ring just arrived. Absolutely stunning. Thank you @metaphystwolf @Dreamweaver @Dr_Manhattan

Will update along the way


Amazing. I was about to start holding my breath. I’m going to shoot you a DM.

Congratulations, Ambassadors.


A small update. There’s been a lot of changes happening within me since I got the ring. Among them visions, changes in personality, almost out of body but awake experiences and drastically improved dreams. Most notably it does seem almost like I’m getting access to knowledge I haven’t gotten ever before, it’s hard to grasp into words, almost like the world is feeding me and I’m just trying to process what’s happening along the way. I also started to randomly meditate more, like a natural desire per se… im just sitting watching a video and i get in what I feel are deep states of consciousness where I can feel the waves of the world rushing around me while I am just a vessel within all the power and truth.

Just wanted to give a small glimpse for now, because I myself am still trying to grasp ‘rationally’ what is happening. It does feel very non dual though, it definitely is affecting a lot more than ‘just’ the brain and changing the depths of my consciousness and the processes in itself.


How can i purchase the ring ? @Dr_Manhattan

The ring is free for Ambassador’s of our Legion, it’s a reward.


It’s hard to put into words but what I’ve noticed is that this allows me to percieve things through the lens of both childlike innocence and the maturity of a wise sage.

The confidence this infuses me with allows me to look at my problems more objectively and in a more detached manner.

As a result, I’ve recognised how my trauma, brain wiring etc acts as a contract/agreement that makes me compatible with certain situations, people at a particular level of consciousness.

And that to “win” is to simply not agree to these terms anymore by rising above it, entering a new paradigm/game.

This is exactly what I feel this field is helping me to do.

It’s raising me up, giving me a better vantage point of what I can become, how one gets there, and that it’s not about continuing to cope or suffer, but about being at peace with the understanding that in order to get where you are, things were required to unfold in the way they did.

Obviously this is just one of many angles of this field.
It feels a lot more profound, but this is what I’ve noticed so far on a conscious level.