The Ambassador's Rings (Exclusive)

That’s beautifully explained!



Looking for alternatives.

Besides a river or an ocean, is there an at-home way to clear/clean residual energies, say something like, lemon water or one of Sapien’s water chargers or even place a copper bowl with water or some other container with water and placed magnets. magnets, etc. I don’t really have a convenient river/stream and I rarely go to saltwater.

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Absolutely. If you can collect river water and have a copper bowl that you fill and then store the water again after in a clay vessel (glass will do) will of course do the trick. Bonus points if there are pieces of black tourmaline, tourmalinated quartz, or quartz in the water. Clay vessels are easier to find than you think, for example some brands of Mescal come in clay, and I often use Mescal for cleanse rituals and necessary spirits because it’s one of the only alcohols that is “blessed” naturally by it’s production process (not the same with tequila).

In a pinch, structured water works fairly well if you have a structurer, but I find this won’t always gets everything off.

Beyond that the dry options are a simple sage-ing on an altar of white stone. Can even be a marble countertop sample tile from the hardware store if that’s easiest but the more natural the better. Again, something to catch the aetheric clutter and “sludge” such as black tourmaline, black/green obsidian, jet or hematite. Selenite can work but I find it’s better at repelling and “sweeping” (example, doorways) than it is at collectingand “digesting”.

In general, we use my model of “Fundamental, Foundation, Principle, Culture, Structure”. Structure is the step by step someone gives you, cultural is the particular domain’s way of doing things (wicca vs occult, science vs mysticism, John vs Sarah, etc). The principle is to energetically cleanse the ring periodically, by whatever means you can be effective.

If you can do this simply with your Will you’re set. I can, but I still prefer running water because it affords me a mechanism(motion), a conduit(water), and a sink/ground(nature). It “does the work for me” and in a life where a do so much aetheric work, I prefer to reply on support systems that reduce the tax on my energy or attention. That said, in a pinch if I must do it with Will, I’ll just place the totem by something that will grab the energy like black tourmaline and “push” the “gunk” off of the ring.