The Amulet of Intuitive Magnetism

Without budget limits what would you choose?

Lol guess I wasn’t clear, Aureus Fortuna + this amazing amulet! :prayer_beads:


I am truly grateful for the suggestions and your comprehensive answers!


Happy to be of help and wish you the best @Fender_Cad :dizzy: :100:


I also wish the best to you who were so kind to answer.


Just bought this! Can’t wait to see how it affects my convention experience this weekend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@darnspider Good luck and have fun! :partying_face: :woman_mage:


Thank you!! I’m excited haha

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What do you mean, can someone explain this?

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Witchblade is an American comic book series published by Top Cow Productions

The Witchblade is a conscious, intelligent, and ancient weapon with supernatural origins.


so it means magic?

Please re-read the project description and how it refers to the project itself


ok thanks

@Fender_Cad This is a release of the Esoteric Arts Guild. Even though the category is a mystical one, it’s all Dream’s magic :slight_smile:

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Just splurged on this after all the high premium ones I’ve been studying for the last few days. I did not even realize it was a new release. I will let you know of my results. I need this one!


I’ve been putting off my review of this one while I got my thoughts in order. I believe it made an enormous difference in how my convention went!
I help run a booth and this is my second year. Last year I really felt like I didn’t know how to talk to all the strangers approaching our table, let alone sell to them. But this year I was striking up conversations left and right, and handling orders with ease. It was truly a blast. I had a smile for everyone, and I avoided that mid con slump I usually get where I just don’t want to see any more people lol.
This was Dragoncon in Atlanta, so there was at least 100k people there.
Interaction came easier, I made four new friends. With this, and my new servitor friends, I can’t wait to see what’s next.


OMG @darnspider! Dragoncon sounds amazing :slight_smile:


I can’t recommend it enough, it’s insanely fun! It’s more like 50 small cons strung together than one huge one, because it’s all fan-run. Except for main events, which is where they get the big name guests. Also the costumes are absolutely next level lol.


Some pics would be lovely! :slight_smile:


I just expounded on the concept of intuition and navigating the world by an inner polestar here (Ring of Gyges).

Why all the Esoteric Guild emphasis on Intuition, then? Because sometimes when we are chasing after the glittery stuff we forget to look at our own internal glitter, the beauty of realizing what we already know.

There are certain foundational elements that bear study and practice. These concepts can lead us far on the path, and it’s important to notice and acknowledge them as we travel. Older souls tend to take this for grated even, not realizing that it’s so seamlessly a part of them that it doesn’t take a second thought. But what about the rest of us lol?

There is a step-up in the Amulet that requires noting, as it gives you a glimpse of how intuition can be used actively to become more wise in the world.

I think again about the sensitive sorts of people, those who need every tool they can glean just to make sense of things that reality presents, so as to continue both inward and forward progress.

Perceptive Edge: The Mystical Lens of Insight

Putting that intuition to work. That’s the beauty of the Perceptive Edge, the ability to see beyond the superficial and delve into the deeper currents of any interaction or situation. This goes beyond intuition or rather it puts your intuition to work. It is focused on the enhancement of your perceptual faculties, allowing you to access insights that are normally hidden from the conscious mind. Notice how honing the skill of intuition begins to pay off with active aspects.

Perceiving the subtle energies that surround people and places and using that information to navigate to a goal - that’s the beauty of the Amulet. It works both with people and environments, so like a compass with aspects of the Aliethiometer, as it allows us to get answers and put them to use to solve problems.

Now we begin to border on another psy-skill. The amulet heightens your ability to receive symbolic visions - flashes of images or symbols that carry deeper meaning. This is merely how the information gets to you, almost like the definition of claircognizance = you just KNOW. It doesn’t specifically have to use sight, so that’s not a prerequisite.

Decoding Symbols: Assists with INTERPRETING the symbolic language of the unconscious mind. The Amulet introduces you to this language, allowing you to decipher the messages being sent to you.

This is just a glimpse into the inner workings of The Amulet of Intuitive Magnetism. Enjoy decompiling the various aspects - it’s a lovely way to wander. :slight_smile: