The Ancestral Continuum

mee too. this is so healing, sooo healing. pairs super with power of love audio and ofc blueprint of the past, buut idsay power of love really give this a boost.

this here is for us this community of sentives very very useful tool for ataingin lost things, helping own genepool uncovering/recovering from unknown trauma.

for me personally this field comes in a moment where i have reached a point of no return in affairs in my bloodline, reached a point where i abhored everything that connects me to them and their past. feeling alone and betreyed. although i have all the tools i could possibly wish or deserve thanks to Captain Nemo, the tension and unbearable burden of my faimly tree (half of it unknown cos my papa had not blood related parents) was turning my energy work upside down.

this audio took care in couple of lopps of so much in my energy body and environment.

ha… i seem to remember something.

all ailments come from lack or absence of love.

or… also too much hate.

oh so happy to be alive here and now and be able to heal from all of this.

much much thx to our Captain.

this audio is in my opinion the ultimate cheat code.


I think I must have read the description at least 12 times since this has dropped and this is actually a game changer, what a brilliant release. @DR_MANHATTAN @Dreamweaver. I wish there was an option to buy in instalments would be one of the instant buys for me.


This field heal all of this or some Other filed will do all of this ?

it’s restoring the family / ancestral tree structure, in that sense it’s a healing.
just described in slightly different terms.
It’s all there. :slightly_smiling_face:


They sure are. This is the next instabuy.


Same here 100% man


Just got this and looping it. WOW. I mean, this is THE field of fields, honestly. None of the Blueprints went as far and deep as this one goes.


Good luck, the only way is forward after using this field and no looking back, the push you should be getting is amazing.


I wasnt really looking so much for the push as for cleansing of ancestral trauma, karma etc. to move forward. And I can honestly say it’s there and I feel way more lighter than before.

For me it’s crucial for a very particular reason. When an “ordinary” bloodline goes awry karmic errors can be easily corrected. But if a lightworker bloodline gets corrupted, it’s hell for everyone from family members to those you encounter. If that corruption is not corrected at its root, each subsequent generation suffers more and more, especially from mental illnesses to the point of madness and eventually the bloodline can die out or convert to dark which again brings nothing but suffering. Anakin corruption to Darth Vader is a very good illustration of that. Another illustration would be Vampire: Masquerade where you steadily lose humanity.


And I already understood this: for us who are lucky to be here and have this tool means it’s up to us to heal and restore and correct past mistakes of ours and our ancestors so we can rise and shine again. I aways knew deep inside that was one of the reasons I volunteered to go here :slight_smile:


I completely understand what you are saying above, I am really ashamed to admit this, but my ancestors did pretty messed up stuff in the past one of the examples would be not doing the last rites of the passed away family member properly, because of which the current generation is facing the issues but again once my higher self, had communicated with me that the reason I was born in this family is also because of the karma I did in the previous lifetimes hence I have always been hell bent to find out tools to nullify my karma, heal my ancestral line and also doing donations as suggested by my guru, if you see before this was released, I had requested in the field requests thread if there can be an advanced version of the dream seeds release i.e. the honored ancestors, and when this dropped I was really swept off of my feet, my main goal is to heal lineage and then generation that will start from me, so, they don’t have to go through the adversaries that I have faced since I was like 12-years-old.


Hell yeah, I consider myself extremely lucky, my current buy list is Karma Crucible, Tapasya of Savitur and the ancestral continuum.


My point exactly man! We’re here to handle this crap we and ours did before.

Yeah… I even feel how this trip began, folks gently knocking on the door of my soul stasis chamber

  • Sir, please wake up, sir. Your bloodline fucked up again, this time in several dimensions at once

  • Goddamit, again? What a bunch of fucktards. Alright, I’m coming in a sec



hahahaha, fucking hell, this made me laugh so hard.


Yeah I mean really ahahaha

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@Ugninis @DR_MANHATTAN Gentlemen, here is a question. Does this field directly address dissolution of family curses and entity bindings or plain “blocks” them? I have hit a very hardcore “layer” within with this field, just trying to understand how these issues are addressed.


I advise you to buy curse removal


Anyone’s family dynamics changed with this? Any improvement in your life situation?


I am also looking forward to read more reviews.