The Ancestral Continuum

Honored Ancestors

This creation cultivates a profound respect and reverence for your ancestors, honoring their legacy and contributions. It fosters a deep connection, allowing you to feel their presence and guidance in your life, enhancing your sense of belonging and identity.

Ancestral Healing

This essence facilitates the healing of intergenerational wounds and traumas. It brings a sense of peace and resolution, allowing you to break free from negative patterns and emotional burdens passed down through your lineage, promoting holistic well-being.

Deep Connection and Love Toward Your Own Ethnocultural Heritage

Experience an intimate bond with your cultural roots, fostering a deep appreciation and love for the traditions, customs, and values of your heritage. This connection enriches your life, providing a strong sense of identity and belonging.

Ethnocultural Pride

Embrace a profound sense of pride and confidence in your ethnocultural background. This aspect empowers you to celebrate and share your heritage with others, fostering respect and admiration for your unique cultural identity.

Ancestral Knowledge

Unlock the wisdom and knowledge of your ancestors, gaining access to their insights and teachings. This enables you to integrate their experiences and lessons into your daily life, enhancing your decision-making and personal growth.

Historical Resonance

Immerse yourself in the historical contexts and events that shaped your lineage. This resonance deepens your understanding of your ancestors’ experiences, enriching your perspective and connection to your heritage.

Lineage Strengthening

Enhance the overall resilience and vitality of your lineage. This component promotes the positive traits and qualities passed down through generations, ensuring a strong and enduring legacy for current and future members of your family.

This comprehensive creation weaves together these elements, fostering a deep, holistic connection to your ancestry and heritage. It empowers you to honor, heal, and celebrate your lineage, enriching your life with the wisdom, strength, and love of your forebears.

Ancestral Karma Crucible

This aspect acts as a transformative crucible, burning away the accumulated negative karmic energies within your lineage. It clears ancestral burdens and purifies your familial line, allowing for the emergence of positive energies and virtues. By addressing and resolving ancestral karma, it fosters a fresh start, enabling you and future generations to thrive free from past constraints. This purification process reinforces the strength and resilience of your lineage, ensuring a brighter and more harmonious future for all descendants.


Oh woah


This plus hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity
That’s a nice add-on, making everyone epic


This is much needed in today’s society. This field looks amazing. Thank you!


This and Rite of Passages would be a good combination.


wait what? is this even real? id say this should be the first paid audio after point of no return newcommers here should be looking for. ahaha…what is that? wow.just wow. honestly the description works healing too. cant wait to snatch the audio itself to see what it does.


This applies to knowledge of family still alive ?




That’s crazy!! For sure want to get the wisdom and knowledge of some people in my family


speechless :no_mouth:


This is included? Or you are saying that field would pair well?

1 Like


They would pair well


Thank You so much Captain and Team, you have my immense gratitude :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

I pray to Shrii Hari Narayana to bless You and your Family Lineage Captain :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

We had a conversation regarding this a little while back @Maoshan_Wanderer :slightly_smiling_face:, Thank you so much for your most precious recommendation :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:


We have a project about this topic (for next season), it was not fully systematized, :slightly_smiling_face:

I stopped it in consultation with the group, it’s not a problem,
this field does everything we wanted to ask for in the project, I just described it in slightly different terms, based on the practitioners’ terminology.

I will share some info that may be of interest to those interested in this topic.

In the past I was a bit surprised that the topic of ancestry is not touched on much, although in the world of energy practices - the art of connecting with ancestry and getting help is given special attention.

We all belong to a lineage, actually to two lineages simultaneously: our father’s and our mother’s. From the moment of our birth, we are surrounded and accompanied by ancestral energies, whose influence is felt regardless of our awareness or knowledge of its existence. This connection to our lineage can significantly impact our life, affecting our physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. A strong connection with one’s lineage serves as a source of strength and protection, whereas its weakening or disruption can lead to various problems.

A disrupted connection with one’s lineage makes an individual vulnerable to life’s adversities, as personal energy depletes faster without support from the lineage. This can manifest in instability in efforts and abandonment of initiatives due to a lack of energy. For instance, despite the talents of ancestors, a person may find it impossible to develop similar abilities, which indicates a weakened connection to the lineage. Additionally, conflicts within the family and difficulties in relationships can signal problems in the energetic connection with the lineage.

Each of us carries the “legacy” of previous generations, which is reflected both at the level of genetics and on a subtle energetic level. Unfortunately, along with positive traits and life scenarios, negative ones are also transmitted, including ancestral curses and diseases. Life forces us to accept and live with this “baggage,” however, some aspects seem unacceptable to reconcile with, requiring active efforts for change.

There are numerous signs indicating the presence of negative ancestral programs, including feeling alienated from one’s own life, inexplicable actions, negative comparisons with ancestors, constant life failures, a sensation of a vicious circle, emotional exhaustion, repeating negative family scenarios, and difficulty in overcoming life’s circumstances.

Effects of this field:

  • Removal of internal blocks that prevent you from receiving energy from your ancestors, restoration of the flow of ancestral energy;
  • Forming a strong energetic connection with ancestors, receiving ancestral wisdom and knowledge accumulated by previous generations, support, patronage, powerful protection, love and blessing by the Ancestor’s family to you;
  • Restoration of ancestral memory;
  • “Healing” and strengthening of relations between living representatives of the lineage, harmonization of interparental ties and interpersonal contacts;
  • Elimination of guilt, forgiveness, love, acceptance of your ancestry from the paternal and maternal side. Elimination of resentment towards people, towards oneself and the past in general, towards all relatives, ancestors from the paternal and maternal side, children (born and unborn), descendants, friends (who are often soul mates);
  • Elimination of negative ancestral programs (moneylessness, unhappy personal life, hereditary diseases, etc.), breaking the energy connection with the initiator of the negative ancestral program, forming barriers that prevent the action of ancestral curses, destroys ancestral bindings and necrotic ties through which your energy goes away;
  • Neutralization of unfavorable life scenarios, organic transformation of negative life scenarios into positive ones;
  • Protection of your children from your own negative programs.

Restoring the full structure of Genus (perhaps almost a little familiar terminology):

The Fractal Structure of Genus
Genus Body
Genus Cycle
Trunk (axial energies)
Symmetry of the birth structure
Binary sense
Volumetric connections
Protection of the Lineage
Increasing energy flow
Feeding with the energies of the Lineage

Some explanations:

The Body of the Genus. A field that forms a structure that relies on the ancestral energies. Symmetry of the genus structure is connected with the discovery of new qualities, i.e. in essence with the transformation of the genus energies.

The cycle of the Genus. The genus structure, like any other structure, has its own rhythms. This field helps to integrate individual rhythms into the genus rhythms. Let’s say that money energy can circulate in the ancestral structure, but a person cannot connect to it because individual rhythms are not aligned or integrated with ancestral rhythms.

Hierarchy. Determines the vertical strength of the ancestral energies, is related to the nourishment of energies and is associated with protection, energy building and vitality. A person who lacks the hierarchy of ancestral energies often loses energy, unknowingly drains it.

The binary sense allows working through the quality of acceptance, leaving the position of unconscious denial, which in itself greatly expands interactions and can greatly change the world of a person.

these are very powerful things :slightly_smiling_face:


:hugs: :pray: :sparkling_heart:

I Pray to Shrii Hari Narayana to Bless Everyone who was involved in the Research and Development of this project :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:


Thank You Very Much, Captain. :pray:

This is a Must Buy for Anyone who loves his/her Culture, Ancestors, Ethnicity, History and who also wants to partake in their Mysteries, Folklore, Spirituality, Knowledge, Medicine, Gifts, etc. :grinning:

It’s Definitely on My Future Purchases List (Someday :sweat_smile:).


Similar to Ugnisis, ancestry is/was a key component of the community project I am/was leading titled Human/Mutant Academy. I really wanted to focus on the ancestry connecting to the present, modern societies; with a reflection of a pop cultural fictional world for the fun aspect, while also serving as symbol & analogy.

There is so much history, memory that exists within a person, a group, humanity as a collective. The majority of this is lost and not much care is given to better understand, connect with, and be aware of it all, or even just a few generations.

I was gonna write more in the group, give a little more background, context, and insight for why I was choosing this as topic for an nft proposal. In short, ancestors can really speak to you. Like the past avatars can communicate to the present avatar in the Last Airbender. They can also look out for you, protecting and guiding in unexpected ways. There are memories within, and real abilities/powers can be unlocked, honed, potentials increased.
In some ways I view connecting with ancestors as very much better “self” understanding, and “self” loving. With that it’s easier to view another with love and understanding, since identity would no longer be tied, bounded to the current physical body, societal structures, and era. Memories of the past, experiences, feelings, thoughts, interpretations could be just as real or even more so, than the current ones that most people identify with a single life. If more, and more people were able to better link their past with current view…very different world creation.

I have a view that going through or looking at the negative isn’t necessary. Interacting with or trying to balance out karma really isn’t needed either. Aligning with a higher vibration and choosing to continuously be with love, for example, will put you in a state where love is more the norm. That could echo out across time/space.

The honoring, healing, love, knowledge, wisdom, memory, and communication…these were the areas most important to me, and they are included. In a gumroad release they are a lot more accessible.

On personal ego

With the community project version, I felt more limited in what was possible.

I didn’t know if submissions would reopen
whether the project would be accepted
the fact that we could only write briefly for a submission proposal
the fact that only a strict outline with brevity would be accepted
the possibility that any ideas, concepts, or ways could be “copy/pasted” from within the group to another nft project, which also kept the writing succinct and on point.

On seeing this release my ego is a little bruised. The essential and core points are covered, yet that’s all that was really needed. I had been wanting an ancestry paid version, even expanding on the dreamseed titles. And yet here it is. There is even some parallels and similarity in feeling that I imagine some have with the recent shamanic release.

It’s streamlined and its there. And it’s now widely accessible. (You and I (are the same & different)).


Did you design this field/collaborate with Dream on this?



Bro Im speechless… Just when I bought Productivity Powerhouse and thought Im done buying fields for a while lol