The Requests and Fields

It’s multifactorial, a lot is related to ear inflammation and damage to ear, which can be eased, but a lot is nerve related and what is currently lacking is nerve decompression ways. Literally friction leads to wear and tear of myelin, in normal conditions it’s minimal or can be worked around by the body, but starts to play a role when nerves are damaged or strained.

That is bad Smarter Rife was not helpful either.

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Did you try adding Vagus Nerve Stimulation?

Smart Vitamin Balance. A field that detecs vitamin difficiencies and holisticly works towards balancing it out. For pets and humans :)


Creating a morphic field centered around family healing, protection, and abundance. This field would resonate with the energies of lineage, connection, and prosperity, aiming to heal past wounds and bless future generations. Here’s an idea for the morphic field along with the potential effects it might create for the person who listens to it.

Morphic Field Concept: Family Healing, Protection, Abundance, and Love

Core Intentions:

  • Healing the Family Lineage: This field would focus on releasing trauma, negative patterns, and emotional wounds that may have been passed down through generations. It aims to cleanse and transmute any lingering pain, freeing both ancestors and descendants.
  • Protection for the Family: The field would establish a protective shield around the family, guarding against negative influences, harm, and ill will. This protection would extend across time, ensuring the safety of all family members, past, present, and future.
  • Creating Abundance: Abundance in all forms—love, wealth, health, and opportunities—would flow into the family line. This aspect of the field would work to remove financial blocks, promote prosperity, and encourage success for everyone connected by blood.
  • Strengthening Bonds of Love: Love and harmony would be enhanced within the family. This includes fostering understanding, forgiveness, and unity among family members, ensuring that relationships are supportive and nurturing.

Potential Effects of the Field on the Listener and there family:

  1. Emotional Release and Healing:

    • The listener may experience a sense of release from old emotional burdens and familial trauma.
    • A deep sense of inner peace and closure may arise as they feel connected to their ancestors in a healing way.
  2. Increased Protection:

    • The listener might notice a stronger sense of security and safety, both physically and emotionally.
    • External negative influences may have less impact, as the protective energy of the field acts as a barrier against harm.
  3. Enhanced Family Harmony:

    • Relationships with family members may improve, with increased understanding and communication.
    • Old conflicts may resolve more easily, and there could be a greater sense of unity and support within the family.
  4. Prosperity and Abundance:

    • Financial opportunities and success may start to manifest more frequently for the listener and their family members.
    • The listener may feel more confident and capable of achieving their goals, attracting abundance in various aspects of life.
  5. Spiritual Connection with Ancestors:

    • The listener may feel a stronger spiritual connection to their ancestors, receiving guidance, wisdom, and blessings from those who came before them.
    • This connection can foster a deep sense of belonging and purpose, knowing they are part of a larger lineage.
  6. Generational Healing and Blessings:

    • The healing energy of the field would ripple through the family lineage, potentially improving the lives of descendants and future generations.
    • The listener might feel a sense of responsibility and empowerment, knowing they are contributing to the well-being of their entire bloodline.
  7. Increased Love and Compassion:

    • A greater capacity for love, both for oneself and others, may emerge.
    • The listener may become more compassionate and empathetic, fostering a more loving environment within their family and community.

This morphic field, with its powerful combination of healing, protection, abundance, and love, could have a profound impact on the listener’s life and the lives of their family members across time.

Hey if if the esoteric arts or eldergroven haven guilds would like to take this idea and expand and improve on it and present to cap. I would love that, I kinda feel like it fits with the concepts you guys create. @Rosechalice @Nice2knowU




Have you seen this one ?

It’s easy to miss releases.

Your idea might be different, if so that’s fine.


I deal with this since 2015. Try avoiding caffeine in all forms. Consume more water to hydrate your nerves.

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I got this few days back because water went into my left ear while taking shower. This damn thing is not going away.

I did forget about this, thanks for letting me know. I guess my thought process was creating a energy field of protection, love and abundance flow to the listener and there blood relatives and family, so relationships and the bond in the now is enhanced and more harmonious.

But I guess ancestral continuum might create the same effects per se. I wonder can anyone speak to more family harmony and enhanced relationships with there family members with this field

I would try Negentropic Full Body Yawning and Purring then if you have it or something similar. Water in the ear is not nice, but being relatively recent can possibly be dealt with without complications.

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alchemical revision of artistic genius

Boric alcohol works every time :mountain_snow:🫰 :deciduous_tree::droplet: (edit: for water in the ear)

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@Abcd to be poured in the ear?

@Mr.Nobody thanks will use

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and make sure to have a good bloodflow towards your brain (sitting straight etc)

i’ve also heard the energy expansion card (from his instagram) helped

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Create a digestion-focused field specifically targeting red meat, addressing all aspects to help the body process it efficiently :

-hydrochloric acid ( To make the stomach have enough acid to digest red meat perfectly

-Supplementing of Magnesium Bisglycinate, we need magnesium to synthesis diamine oxydase that in turn break down histamine. Magnesium is essential for synthesizing diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that helps break down histamine. High histamine levels can contribute to elevated cortisol, leading to symptoms like itching, anxiety, and confusion.

-digestive enzymes to help the digestive system, even if we eat a lot of carbs with the meat.

-Make our bodies capable of processing the residual energies from slaughtered animals so that we do not absorb them, and instead, these energies are transmuted into beneficial ones for us.

-adding some carnivores animal digestive qualities like
Lions, Tigers, and Other Big Cats: Their digestive systems are specialized for processing meat, with a short digestive tract and high stomach acidity to break down proteins and kill bacteria. Wolves and Foxes: As members of the canine family, they also have a digestive system well-adapted for meat consumption, though they can sometimes digest plant material as well.

-Some fields to remove brain fog and sleepiness that some people experience after eating red meat

-Enhanced Cellular Nutrition Absorption to make the meat we eat give us a huge boost of energies helping us be more productive.

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Yes, pour a few drops in one ear, let is pause a bit, then tilt your head on the other side, it should evacuate the water and it will sort it out. It is a miracle remedy 🫰 works every time

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How are your ears?

A good way to drain ears is to pull your earlobes outwards at the same time (Like this, except earlobes only) and yawn while pulling. You can try sticking out your tongue while doing it too. Looks silly but is great for draining the eustachian tubes

It is better thanks but tinnitus still is there.

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