The Requests and Fields


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alchemical revision of artistic genius

Boric alcohol works every time :mountain_snow:šŸ«° :deciduous_tree::droplet: (edit: for water in the ear)

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@Abcd to be poured in the ear?

@Mr.Nobody thanks will use

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and make sure to have a good bloodflow towards your brain (sitting straight etc)

iā€™ve also heard the energy expansion card (from his instagram) helped

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Create a digestion-focused field specifically targeting red meat, addressing all aspects to help the body process it efficiently :

-hydrochloric acid ( To make the stomach have enough acid to digest red meat perfectly

-Supplementing of Magnesium Bisglycinate, we need magnesium to synthesis diamine oxydase that in turn break down histamine. Magnesium is essential for synthesizing diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that helps break down histamine. High histamine levels can contribute to elevated cortisol, leading to symptoms like itching, anxiety, and confusion.

-digestive enzymes to help the digestive system, even if we eat a lot of carbs with the meat.

-Make our bodies capable of processing the residual energies from slaughtered animals so that we do not absorb them, and instead, these energies are transmuted into beneficial ones for us.

-adding some carnivores animal digestive qualities like
Lions, Tigers, and Other Big Cats: Their digestive systems are specialized for processing meat, with a short digestive tract and high stomach acidity to break down proteins and kill bacteria. Wolves and Foxes: As members of the canine family, they also have a digestive system well-adapted for meat consumption, though they can sometimes digest plant material as well.

-Some fields to remove brain fog and sleepiness that some people experience after eating red meat

-Enhanced Cellular Nutrition Absorption to make the meat we eat give us a huge boost of energies helping us be more productive.

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Yes, pour a few drops in one ear, let is pause a bit, then tilt your head on the other side, it should evacuate the water and it will sort it out. It is a miracle remedy šŸ«° works every time

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How are your ears?

A good way to drain ears is to pull your earlobes outwards at the same time (Like this, except earlobes only) and yawn while pulling. You can try sticking out your tongue while doing it too. Looks silly but is great for draining the eustachian tubes

It is better thanks but tinnitus still is there.

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A Request For a Field For Victims of Domestic Violence and Stalking, and Those Who No Longer See Themselves As Victims But the Pattern Still Circulates

A field that eradicates the tendrils of such kind of karma, patterns, and processes which lead to these types of scenarios.

Inward and outward, psychological, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual protection against these abuses

and the Right Action which leads to receiving the proper support which ends the violence and cycle.

Please, and Thank You



If thereā€™s one already, Iā€™ve missed it, I do apologise.

Please, A field to prevent/treat /get rid of Shingles. Itā€™s something many of us will get as itā€™s dormant. Thank you :heart:

Quick question: does anyone know if the anti virus fields effect dormant ones?

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Can you please create a morphic field related to comedy and comedianship? Thanks for everything @Dreamweaver

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Anti-cancer field but made more tailored against benign tumours, or ectopic ones.


Idk if tagging him helps with getting him to do your idea. He checks here when he wants and picks.

And you might consider the Creativity NFT.


Stronger field for any and all Fungus the ULTIMATE destroyer like version 3.0

Kill them all :sunglasses: :gun: :white_check_mark:

:low_brightness:And this !! :low_brightness:

:fast_forward: Pau dā€™Arco- field :rewind: :white_check_mark:

Also known as taheebo or lapacho, it is used as a tea in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments. In laboratory studies, compounds extracted from pau dā€™arco showed antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, and anticancer properties.

Pau dā€² arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) has been shown to inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), thereby inhibiting inflammatory prostaglandin synthesis in vitro. Pau dā€² arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) has shown analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in vivo .

Pau dā€™arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) is native to South America, where it has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including pain, arthritis, inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), fever, dysentery, boils and ulcers, and various cancers .


A portal field for Pyramid and Kingā€™s Chamber for meditation.


Klesha Nashana Kriya - Fire :fire: bath ritual of purification and cleansing


This :up::up::up:


Plasma flaunt - the same field option #2 for sound - calm sound.