The Archetype of Parental Love

I think it’s excellent that you reflect and feel for yourself what you need to listen to. What’s right at one moment can be very different at the next.

And sometimes just throw in something one doesn’t think would give any benefits. Actually a funny thing is that things one resist often is just the things one really, really need…

Saying this to myself as well. ( being so hooked on Blueprint that everything else comes in the shadow of it, for now.) :wink:


Drums playing have entered the room :sunglasses:

Tah dah. This.


This was a very thoughtful much needed release, Dream. Thank you so much @El_Capitan_Nemo


:rofl: I thought this at first but then was honest with myself. Excited to use this!


Thought the same thing. Great minds…

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Will do it next time I feel like playing it.Right after writting that reply,I used Sirian infusion and it filled my chest area like a balloon.Like I am just present and feel it endlessly expanding.After a while I tried talking to the energy just like when I used to try talking to higher self long ago.This time communication was like soo clear,again I know it could just be my subconscious but this was unexpectedly fast and answers werent nice or gentle,but I needed to hear them.


:blush: keep following what you think is best for you x


I feel this is filling up the hole I have been trying to (unsuccessfully) fill with porn.
This field is probably great to add to any “Addiction” playlist.


hmmm seems like a trait I should develop,during Sirian session,after asking how should I use this session optimally,I got reply-Remember when in the begginning u just liked trying different stuff,mixing them together and observing results?Way u are now,u want to know how something will affect u without even using it first.
So yeah u are right,but in my defense I didnt have any privacy for 3 weeks,had exams so I had to use only stuff that works.



I have been using this field for the past two to three days in a kind of a realized benefit spamming manner. I usually have a couple more fields playing in the background along so it makes any “side effects” quickly balanced out. More like instantly. So a total of 7 hours for each day of the 3.

I’ve been surrounded with an “artsy” environment growing up, but I’ve always been directed away from it; I found myself having an “urge”… a deep desire that wanted to come out immediately and that’s been there for years already; Dancing, drawing, singing out loud, and playing some virtual music; all instruments and of all kinds :) … It mostly has to do with the latter … such a reaction … or a couple … with each instrument that my heart and my perhaps artsy as well mind reacted to … I usually do the dancing and singing stuff out loud when no one is around … but this… has always been different. That and writing as something I have always recognized as mine, but the redirection has always had a different pull.

This happened on the first day of long listening and second day of the audio being released; Ojas and Five Elements (+regular stacks) were the audios playing along. And two (?) more days for me to get it out to the light.

Can’t wait for the more to come. :)


You listened to this one audio for 7 hours :exploding_head:


Uhh… I left some more out :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey! Glad you’re following up with what Captain says :)
It’s not an ambient field at all, not used for background or environment either. I only do this for I have been listening for a long time and I always have to adjust accordingly. A simple accepting and assimilation phrase makes a difference. If you want, you may want to try— specifically this one field, with Emotional release or Ojas and see how you feel, but absolutely no more than this… And of course, it’s only advisory on my end :)

These could be the Plasma flower, the Atmospheric vibration riser, the fields from the Radio, and fields like the Powerful Good Luck energy and Life of Magical Abundance.


Of course! I just mean in general, for all of us, the things one resist often has a message. No need to defend yourself…:grinning:


It was exactly at 1 minute 27 second I couldn’t hold it up anymore and broke down in tears. I cried like a child throughout the video and cried some more. Being raised in a shaming and fearful environment, I was severely impaired emotionally, socially and personality-wise. It purged and helped relieving some of the pain I had in my psyche.

The audio and video both are wonderful.

Accept my gratitude, @El_Capitan_Nemo. That’s all I could say.


This + Ojas are already the most important fields of the year – and 2021 has just begun. Very very grateful to have these.

If we can find a way to project this field on everyone on the planet (incl. wandering entities) then we can heal the world within a just few years. I don’t care about everyone’s free will on this :stuck_out_tongue: – everyone needs to be healed so that I can live in a constructive and blossoming world, lol. Yes, this is the moment when the small ego learns that it is far better off when everyone around is also healed and happy :upside_down_face:


And this is one of those things…

I listened to this once upon release and didn’t feel or think of anything much. I gave it a try again today, thought of my dad, and tears just came rushing down. I have forgiven him, although I still can’t forget all of his shortcomings as a parent through the years.

Cliché maybe, but this is one of those reasons I hadn’t had many great and long-term relationships with men. Looking for love in all the wrong places… Speaking of which, I played the Mental Health and Alchemy of Love albums after this and I am feeling much better.


Don’t forget about Air Revitalizer, this is also very important

From Jeru Kabbal’s Finding Clarity

I would like to tell you a story. It is the story of your life, the story of everyone’s life.

After you were conceived, you lived for nine months in the womb, though you weren’t aware that nine months were passing. As far as you were concerned, you had always been there. Always, since your very beginning, forever and ever, you had been there. It was eternity for you. It was paradise. If in natural circumstances everything you could possibly want or need was provided before you actually needed it, you never had to feel that something was missing. Everything was exactly as it should have been.

And then one day, it was time for you to be born. Within a matter of minutes, everything changed for you. You were thrown out of paradise into what we call life. There was no warning; no one prepared you for this major change. It was a huge shock.

After spending an eternity in darkness, suddenly bright light was everywhere.

After spending an eternity where the temperature was always exactly right, suddenly it was extremely cold. After spending an eternity where all sounds were soft, muffled, and familiar, suddenly every sound seemed unnaturally loud and harsh, unpleasant and threatening. After spending an eternity surrounded and supported on all sides by something soft and warm, suddenly nothing was there, you were free-floating in wide-open space. You were being wrapped in a sheet or cloth, which the adults around you thought was very soft, but it felt like sandpaper to you.

As if all this shock were not enough, if your umbilical cord was cut too soon, you began to suffocate. You felt as if you were going to die. To save your own life you had to start breathing on your own. But this first breath was not a pleasant breath; the air felt harsh and hot.

You went from paradise to shock in just a few minutes. You moved from comfort, security, safety, and perfection - from the paradise of the womb to the experience of almost dying. The first thing you consciously did was to try to save your life. You were in a state of pure panic.

When you’re in danger, you have a natural tendency to pull your energy in. Look at most babies who have just been born. They are still clenching their hands; their eyes are tightly shut. We think it’s natural, but the baby is saying, “I have to defend myself in order to save my life. I’m afraid to let go.” When you were born, in a state of panic, the only thing you could do to protect yourself was to contract. Not only your physical body contracted, but something at a very deep level contracted as well. And it hasn’t relaxed since.

All babies - even those born in more natural ways - realize something very quickly: “I can’t do anything for myself. I depend on others. I’m in trouble now.”
But you had the instinct to survive. You also had the intelligence to know that you were helpless. When you were in the womb, your mother took care of you, but after you were born, you felt that you were in danger, and your own defense mechanisms began to function. Your first thoughts were based on fear:
“I’m weak. I’m helpless. I’m in danger.”
“I’m defenseless. I’m vulnerable. I’m inadequate.”
“I can’t take care of myself.”
“I’m somehow separate from everything else.”
“I won’t survive unless someone or something takes care of me.” Although you aren’t thinking these exact words, nevertheless, the feeling was there.

It is extremely important for you to grasp that your first self-image, your first ideas about yourself, came at these early moments in life. And these ideas were: “I’m weak. I’m helpless. I won’t survive unless someone takes care of me.”
This is the first programming that went into your mental computer, and after all this time it’s still there. None of the programming that came after this is new; it’s an extension, another layer, of the original program. At your core, you still feel about yourself the way you felt then: “I’m weak, helpless, defenseless, vulnerable, inadequate, and I can’t take care of myself. I need someone else to guarantee my survival.”
Although it may be difficult to accept this, nevertheless it’s important to see that it formed the beginning of your ego. It was the beginning of your defense system. It was the beginning of your mind. It’s just as fresh now as it was the day you were born, though it’s been covered up and disguised.

Probably Trauma release and other newer fields in time would heal even this?

A field specific for this would be fine though

EDIT: Was just posting this in the request field section, then I realizaed maybe this field would be enough to adress this?


I think yes this field and probably Blueprint.