The Astral Walkie Talkie NFT The Release 👨‍🚀 {|~AstralTour~|}

Astral Communications

The first thing we wanted to achieve with our Astral Walkie Talkie is mastering Astral types communication, ranging all from psychic, energetic, to visual and auditory.

Your subconscious mind will become more aware, open and accepting to your NFTs, Mandalas, Fields, Servitors, Gods… Your psychic senses will also become receptive to all these beings, fields…

But not only that, alongside your subconscious mind, your psychic senses and psychic communication skills shall also be trained to a level of utmost communication with these beings, fields.

It will be a constant automated practice and learning of it.

So now you have all the experience and knowledge, skills needed to communicate effectively with astral beings, your servitors and gods, fields,

No information will be lost during the communications.

(in all these effect you may also develop telepathic connections with people)

As in general you will become more aware of subtle energies and information, that which you are aligned.

The ultimate goal in this concept of astral communications being you easily holding effective communication with all our servitors, fields or gods, now even higher selves, places or any beings at once easily and use all of their functions at once to the fullest potential.

Without any overloads.

When communicating it also:

Automatically creates an inner space that can be accessed by focusing inwards. Traditionally people have used circles and the like for this, a safe, enhanced space for communication.

You are able to see these beings. Subconscious and psychic senses are aware of their form. Nerve clusters just sensitive enough to see them (Astral Viser)

Not only see but you are able to hear responses of servitors, gods, fields, or deities, beings, in our minds. (Strong control and safety measures with that, getting responses only when we want to and when we are open for it, or if there is a state of emergency we’d get a nudge to listen what they want to tell us) (astral listener)

Can help you to go into discovery of each particular concept any user has NFT offers. Now easily and with mastery, more than ever before.

Helps with your mastery of interaction with these as well.

For energy bodies there will be:

Training of astral bodies towards being more open to subtle energies and communication towards beings. Also training and healing, robusting of energetic/auric bodies as well as nervous system and meridians to be able to handle a lot of energy, fields, servitors, gods at their fullest potential. (Energetic and Astral Vibing Robuster )

Psychic Expansions

AWT is here expanding and empowering your forehead center, 3rd eye, psychic endaviors and communications with beings through that way. Guides you on how to use it at its best.

It also clears any blockages in those areas. The blockages cleared there then in effect can clear blockages in other areas which were suppressed due to these blockages.

You also get to learn the power of calibration.

The All Powered AWT consists of powers of all our nfts, fields…

All of our intentions/powers from individual NFTs and any field we have access to is included in this NFT.

So when you want to achieve a certain thing.
Now you simply tell Astral Walkie Talkie.
And he distributes the information amongst all of your servitors and gods, fields, astral animals, to work towards that goal together and apply and compliment each other in the task.

Since all servitors, gods, nfts can learn from one another, we can automate it with this field even more. Every servitor/NFT/tag that you possess is added to this Walkie Talkie consciousness,

and then it also reroutes all of the powers to each of the servitors.

As Astral Walkie Talkie has access to any fields we have access to, it easily applies them in the automated manners explained bellow:

It directs these energies of all our fields, NFTS, beings, gods to:

  • Automatically induce Chakra Balancing and growth as long as you have the NFT

  • Remove junk energies

  • Automatically heal, strengthen and expand your energy bodies, nervous systems, energy centers, energy points such as meridians ect….

  • The energies you receive anytime are never overwhelming, and as we go on we want to be able to handle more and more of them and use them at their full potential.

  • Infusion with confidence, self love, success, limits removal,

  • Constantly attract to us whatever we want

  • Constantly repels from us whatever we don’t want (or what is not good to us) (so still keeping the things that we don’t want but that are important for our growth)

  • Speaking of growth, they should offer us a whole bunch of opportunities and energies suited for growth

  • They teach us astral projection, perhaps by searching for the knowledge about it and then themselves creating a field for it and applying it on us.

And whatever else you customly want them to do.

Imagine it like this

Providing a guidance of Fulfillment.

This aspect tells NFTs and fields you have access to, to manifest your most optimal desired reality. Alongside with utmost fulfillment in every second of our lives.

Tells your NFTs and fields you have access to, to protect you from: negative people (toxic ones, scammers, fake people, ones not wishing us good, ones trying to use us…, protects against negative energies ( protects against negative intents, curses, jealousy…).

Tells NFTs and fields you have access to, to depatern any damage done from these things listed above.

Activates passive and active abilities of our servitors or gods, removes any limitation for that to not happen (in this case removing limitation of us not noticing/receiving the effects)

Tells servitors, gods, fields to infuse you with all beneficial energies for you personally, as well as draw them into your life.

Tells servitors and gods, fields to Integrate their effects at a rapid speed. At the same time doing anything necessary for that to successfully happen. (balancing energies, strengthening aura, energy bodies, grounding… pushing towards results.) Clear guidance and help from our NFTs, fields and beings in your everyday life. So now beings, NFTs, fields we have access to, that can help in a certain situation will also help us in this way: let’s say in one situation we need a bit more confidence or power, in some other some protection in some third some self love, in some other some clear message on what to do, on some fifth some grounding, one some sixth case some knowledge about a certain topic could be useful, on some seventh case you may need some chakra cleansing, or soul restoration well Astral Walkie Talkie would therefore also make sure to direct the power and abilities of and NFTs, fields, beings that we’ll add and access (with Explorer’s tool, more about that at bellow) themselves to work on our needs and wants.

How would the field know what we need or want? Well it’d probably be smart enough, but it could also be programmed to help us to achieve constructive fulfillment and content in every second of our lives.
Heck perhaps it’d even be making sure we achieve the dream of purity and any end result of the field we have, as well as our any goal or objective. (With the help of all our NFTs, fields, and even beings which also we’ll access with Explorer’s tool later)

The Explorer’s Tool

The goal here is to establish a connection with any being, deity you want, and add it to AWT for them to be at your service, help .

When added works for all users of this nft, so it is also a collective adding in :slightly_smiling_face::muscle:

It basically helps you to tap into any being you want and by doing it establishing a safe connection where we get that specific being’s help and blessings.

After that communication is formed, the being is asked by the field whether she wants to automatically help you out and bless you without you needing to focus on that being again. So that being would then be added to the aspect written right under the special feature heading where this Astral Walkie Talkie has access to powers and abilities of our NFTs and fields which it then uses them all on us.

Well now after having one interaction with some specific being we would choose to connect with, if the being agrees to joining and helping through the astral walkie talkie like our other servitors, gods, fields, that being would join it and assist us on the daily basis the manners we’ve explained in above functions.

“So in a sense it would be a being NFT maker function, that adds any deity (that agrees to participate) to Astral Walkie talkie to be at our service and help”

It makes it extra fun because we would be the ones adding them in!

And then of course it’s made easy to do that and with all protection that only the positive stuff get’s reached into us.


So yeah once it’s in, it works as if we’d have a pure nft of that being.

Servitor Creation Tool

If beings like listed above (deities ect) are not for you, then also be able to create your own servitor based on your preferences, via the field, easily by scripting its abilities, looks and saying “create servitor”.

Can be made of infinite unrestricted potential, power and with infinite abilities. Astral Walkie Talkie shall create it.

Written in Stone Scripting:

Of course you can also script which being you want to add in. And what you would want from it.

And then say or write to the script “Add this being”

(Just one way of using it)

So yeah goes straight into the Astral Walkie Talkie.

You may also write it down, in your scripting digital file or paper or wherever, what function you wish to activate of a specific being and Astral Walkie Talkie will see it, and give that information to the being, and the being shall do it’s service.

Same functions and ideas apply now for any NFT or other field we have. Simply write down what ability and function you wish to activate, and again the astral walkie talkie shall see it and give that information to specific NFT you have, or field and that specific function shall strongly activate.

This can probably happen without the help of Astral Walkie Talkie, but well now this all would really be enhanced, and reliable on command.

Simply write Activate (function), or things as such, intent should matter.

so yeah in conclusion you can basically script a lot. etc.

And easily add in anything, even artifacts, symbols, attributes, portals, create/form fields, projects, add in beings, create your own servitors. All by simply writing it down. (or of course you can imagine it all to be done so, but writing it down seems fun and easier.)

and AWT will see it and act and work upon it.

And all that you add in, or create, can be used by all of the users of this NFT. Unless some user may not want that his newest creation /or add listed above would be accessible for all, then you can keep it for yourself and others may not have the access. (So otherwise works for others with AWT also but only if they are aligned with the energies and other stuff added)

so yeah once youu add these in they will work on u :)

lol imagine it as a big omni field over time it can become, or does already at least hold that potential.

btw if you scipt/write down something stupid, field AWT knows how to make it smart and good. So no damage will be done.

AWT also guides you on what to write down, gives you inspirations and ideas.

And on how to write it down for best results.

Enter/Tap into any magic (place and dimension, artifact, attribute, archetype, symbol, anything else there is and has a positive energetic signature (or at least it filters and takes only the positive) and add it to the Astral Walkie Talkie

Let’s apply this same concept and add in it a portal to any place and dimension, (artifact, archetype ect, attribute etc.) . It would work the same, after we’ve reached them successfully and easily with the help of the field by setting an intention, that place, artifact, symbol would now automatically be accessed through our Astral Walkie Talkie and the energies of it would the also come to us when needed or wanted by the help of Astral Walkie Talkie’s programming. As well of course would add to the powers of Walkie Talkie’s abilities intertwining with abilities of power of fields, servitors, gods and other beings. Of course this place or dimension, artifact, etc. would have to agree with joining it I assume (if). So the field also asks for that kindly. And connect us only to positive energies.

Portals also provide means towards visiting them more easily in dreams/ obe tours (once we master that :D )

For all the aspects to add we could also get a slight nudge towards what we should focus on and add to it. (Also for thr beings)

Once one person with this NFT adds any being or portal, etc. to it, it works for everyone who has this nft. Same works for any artifact, attribute, archetype and symbol.

Field Creation Tool, add it to AWT

Now, if we are already playing with adding in beings and portals, why not also add in any fields? Yes, this aspect would help us to add in any field to Astral Walkie Talkie’s power and abilities.
How? Well we’d simply focus on what we’d want exactly and how it would be designed. And the intelligence of the field would then do the rest. So at the end we can create our own ideas of fields which would now be only tied to astral walkie talkie.

Or another way would be scripting of what the field creating function would create, and then once scripted say (while having script open, or near you) “create field” and it would start getting created and shall be added to the Walkie Talkie. (Or write “create/add field”)

So overtime as the field grows, or the more we try to use it. And with the power it will come already.
You may even create some really large and complex fields. At that time try and say “create project ” lol and Astral Walkie Talkie will start making it and add it in. So yeah another way to have our projects created.

Any negative idea or field that could have any negative effect will not be formed, created or added to the walkie talkie for those lucky with this NFT.

Then the Astral Walkie Talkie constantly also guides us and gives us knowledge and skill on how we can use and master these functions of accessing and adding, beings, portal and fields to it

As well as offers guidance and skill towards using all of its functions.


The Astral Crafter

And what is even more exciting is the Astral Crafter aspect of the AWT, this aspect allows you to put any aspect of the field on an item.

So in potential that would also mean you can put any NFT or field you have on an item. Since AWT works with them all.

Or the new deities we shall connect with., Or some cool stuff that we might want to have as a physical item, etc. Some artifacts, golden apples ect, maybe energies of gobekli tepe, perhaps even fictional ideas, items and concepts.

(Btw if things as such great added to items the also systematically to get added to the AWT. Unless AWT user specifies otherwise in the process of creation))

To create an item you simply:

The Astral Crafter Manual

To create an energetic item

Either put the item on the image, and say what you want to create and it shall be done in approximately _______ mins/hrs depending on the request…

Or if you wish to do it digitally and remotely, it will work as effective. Simply put the AWT image to the document, alongside with the picture of item you wish to put it on, and write down what you want AWT to put on that item.

You could write down or say something like:

“Put the positive aspects of fortuna/ or any xy deity like Ares etc. on this item”

and then say/write “Create Item”

(of course it is allowed automatically only to do positive stuff, so things for safety are not required to mention when adding in)

Or you can say “Put x field/nft on this item”

(Which you must own)

And say voila “Create item”.

You can also state how you would want the item to work.

Like: this item, being a ring or a tag, or anything, also connects you with the power of all other rings (one might had created as field or deity) or any other tag or item perhaps you have and works with them, perhaps by distributing the energy, right from your finger (if ring) towards you, in a way that is pleasantly noticeable.

As an example.

Lol, what if similar ideas would be applied to idea of where we would do that to any of your audio file (or mp4 if it has audio)

while listening to it, simply say create/add x as an audio to this audio file.

So AWT can do really anything these terms,

Even Charge Fire With Deity Energies

Fire Being Charger

The Being Fire Charger

You may also use AWT as a fire charger, with the specific function where the beings we want communicate with, now can manifest themselves through the energy of fire.

So stick it up on a candle etc. For that to work perhaps, or just intend.

If I were to remember some new idea tomorrow, like to add in a copy of consciousness of specific person and guidance with it, AWT would be able to learn how to do that, if not know already and then do it, if that is user’s wish.

The Acquantancer (Mandala and Audio)

big guns right here :D.

Re- Acquaintes you with your servitors, beings, gods, higher self, fields, on a very deep level.
Developing a deeper and more open and conscious and subconscious connection with them.
Enhancing and mastering the communication and connections between us and these beings, gods, higher self, fields.
Trains us to be able to hold, handle, and perceive huge and complex concepts in your mind. (or multiple nfts)

Strong clear back and forth communication is also established like it is with the tarot cards.

Induces realization of potential of nfts.

So yeah in short , you get acquainted fully with every field you use.
You fully experience its potential. Induces us a huge realization of the potential that every field and NFT offers. It also induces in us huge realizations of how to use their 100% potential. Strong connections and way of communicationsare formed either by just listening it and it will do it with all your nfts, and other stuff in AWT, or if you wish you can focus on just 1 and the whole focus of connection making and strong acquaintances will go on it!

Therefore every field you have access to in AWT and to its connections also comes forth and does its thing in a way most useful for the user. (This could mean growth in all aspects and areas (abundance, love, self, personality, mindsets, your energy, life, ascension, guidance, health, and all that any field, nft that you have offers) Automatically :raised_hands:

Meditation for effective communication, acquaintances and connections is not required.
But for those that wish the field puts you into a deep brainwave state that is extremely even more open to these beings and fields.

It also has a self reliance mode which makes you to always able to easily let go of the connection of the servitors, beings, fields (in case we get too connected or attached to them). Encompassing prevention from any mental backfiring or feelings of weakness when letting go of NFTs, fields etc. Which also removes any ego patterns or your beliefs saying that you need nfts or fields, removing unhealthy cravings to acquire nfts or fields.
Instilling an abundant belief of you already having all the nfts, fields you ever needed and knowing that you can conquer the world with those that you have.

It also put/pushes you towards timeline/reality where you have mastered the use of Walkie Talkie and where you are enjoying its benefits and features to fullest potential! (with possible woven potentials also).

Special Acquantancer Audio Feature:

When playing the acquaintancer and having a specific NFT in mind, or in front of you, acquantancer shall give you direct connection to it and energy flow of it through audio.

So imagine having an nft like Arc Light or Zeus now channeled through audio. In all their power and potential and with the concepts described above.

Also you can access, any being, field, artifact etc you have added to the Astral Walkie Talkie through the audio.

Ptolemy’s Gate (Audio)

It is a kind of reverse summoning, a method that allows a human to enter the ‘other place’ where spirits dwell

The idea is here to be summoned to your beings. Into the spirit realm.

Via induced Astral Projection it may take a bit to individualize, but till then also can be done just mentally and energetically without astral projection until someone does not master it yet.

Access it through the audio.

And last but almost not least.

The Psychic Mentor (Mandala and Also Audio)

Simply comes with knowledge and guidance of many psychics that can teach you further how to use this nft (and any other nft) and how to become more psychically advanced in general. Whether it would be the communication aspect or knowledge and teaching from them, to get on your first Astral Tour.

Okay this was it :D

Thanks. :=)


This project is such a blessing :sparkles: Thank you for this AstralTour @Tikkun-Olam! Always such a great one to be a part of! :pray::sparkling_heart: Thank you for taking over and leading. And thank you @Snow for having the initial idea and starting up this project :pray: :raised_hands: And thank you so much to Captain_Nemo who made it all a reality for us :pray::sparkles: I don’t know what to say to express, just feeling super grateful right now for getting this chance at improving my abilities and experience through this gift. Much gratitude :sparkles::bouquet::heart:


Questions I have after reading the description:

  1. Will I be able to see entities of the non-physical realm (re: ghost) as my 3rd eye chakra opens with this?

  2. With the ability to install fields that I own, does it mean I can make duplicate copies of my Social Mastery tag, Advanced Unlimited Energy tag etc? and if so, would it be legal to sell these duplicate copies to other forum members?


So you don’t need to buy any more deity nfts because you can automatically connect to any deity on your own?

So this is four different projects in one?
Psychic Mentor (mandala and audio)
Astral Walkie Talkie
Polemy’s Gate
Item creator of anything you could ever imagine

you know, I sincerely hope not. that concerns me on many levels


Why? It sounds so cool
I want to grab a copy eventually

Also @Tikkun-Olam so the description written for this NFT is all said with the guarantee on Captain’s end right? It’s insane that’s why :weary::hot_face::heart_eyes:
@El_Capitan_Nemo @SammyG

there is certainly a potential for concern, hence my question.

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Why. What am I missing?? I dont get it

How many were minted? @Kay

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Damn @Tikkun-Olam and everyone… Yeah did good :smirk:

North of 15, I don’t got the exact number.


I do not think that those created fields will work for other people so no point in selling them. It’s to make fields for yourself, I am pretty sure. But I might be wrong!


I think people are concerned of users re-making and re-selling captain’s products, which is not ethical. But as I said above I do not think that is possible. It’s just for the user.


This looks lit af


true story?

This was definitely a walkie talkie project alright…

It definitely lives up to its name.


Well this is what was written down next to it. Didnt want to overload everyone here with too many details, but this was written right under it:

"If the captain wishes (prolly the most right way), he can make sure that any item created by someone who has ownership of a specific field or nft, does not work for those who do not own that field or nft, but may get the item.

Or that it only works for the AWT users. Who may own these fields."

I don’t know which one is it, but im pretty sure as long as you dont intend something ‘bad’ with it, u should be good.

Nah see it as subfields.

These all are made in ways to work together.

And there are also the 3 points that were specifically requested to be in audio.

Yeah we double checked to see if anything were to be changed in description.

Answer was, that to get out to the astral part to realm of spirits may take some time, as it has to be ndividualized it for you make it happen. And that the rest is here as well but made in ways to make it all work together.


How are we all gon grab when only 15 of these :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::relieved:!! No wonder why theres some unease haha :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue::wink::wink:
Love it. Congratulations🤩
Also can an owner simply wear the nft on them and get passive effects. Description too intense for me to understand :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:but if I get it I would just want to hope for the best that there’s passive effects!!!


What this means ?


So lit that the lit even had to flinch from its litness


Man this nft no hype but straight facts
I can retire now :sunglasses: