The Astral Walkie Talkie NFT The Release 👨‍🚀 {|~AstralTour~|}

What this means ?


So lit that the lit even had to flinch from its litness


Man this nft no hype but straight facts
I can retire now :sunglasses:


So little review:
My energy sensitivity has gone up a great amount since i have this i can really feel fields like i haven’t before with all my Body my perception has increased and shifted for the better as well as my consciousness i am more mindful and aware.
It works very well and this has been the best psychic “boost”/increase that I’ve had since using Dreams great creations.
Before it was a subtle and slow increase this one was bang opened me up to an unprecedented level for me and this is just the beginning have it for less than 24 hours.

I am sick as well and i listened to virus disruption and bacterial apocalypse and first it got better and yesterday it got worse again for whatever reason probably not resting enough sore throat came back etc. So i asked to connect to all my nfts and beings i have a connection with to focus on the single minded intent of making me healthy this was 2 hours ago sore throat is gone and snot being released/flushed out upper airways freeing up.

This is such a wonderful tool esp for someone with a large library of Nfts but really for anyone.

Normally dont write such big reviews but this one os really sweet esp because i now can use and connect to all these great projects that i was part of and that i own on a different level!!!


I’m sure this could all be resolved over a nice few spoons of potato salad.



Put all your posts into the disputes thread and leave this thread for the actual project and their testimonies


Mini testimony

So i tried and asked Awt to form a certain field.
I know its crazy but it seemed to work. The field i envisioned seems to be coming from awt for me.

I have asked others to try and access it as well since once its added in anyone with it can access it and this is what two who tried have felt.

I do feel more energized.

I feel a deep vibratory power, primarily in the dantien. I activated it for 5 minutes.
Good work!

Through audio there is this feature.

Which pretty much seems to be channeling that field formed through the audio.

Another thing is this

Its really gold, there are so many interesting energies coming from the Audio, giving me a feeling that they take care of anything i want and need.

This one is cool as well. I have looked at certain NFTs I have, and started feeling instant connection and energy oozing out from the mandala, and then enveloping me through the audio in a way where it seems to enhance and bring up the energies from nft mandalas into my beingness. Its something I think will get stronger and stronger over time.

The guidance to work with nfts is felt as well, those are these mental stimulation/guidance one only has to follow and you will see potentials of your fields, nfts starting and revealeing more and more on a more conscious and energetic level for you to feel.




Sup bip

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me talking to my astral friends

haven’t had time to do much, but I feel very clear headed and able to express myself better and with real weight (during heated discussion with family), which is actually kind of a big deal because communication is a mess right now astrologically speaking. Possibly the field Snipe made is giving me the confidence. Also my combiner servitor likes to wear the walkie talkie around its collar and its cute.


Hi, jademckinley08! welcome-77-526697508


It is envisioned to do so yeah. It should become more sensitive and awarenof subtle energies.

In last 2 days I personally noticed two colorful flashes of something that seemed to have a shape.

I will continue to observe more.

Oh also I noticed aura radiating out from my hands for few seconds.


is there a way to not see ghost? energies and auras I am all for, but ghost😅

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Which basically was translated from this line from the document:

“Your subconscious mind and psychic senses do not become aware of any unwanted entities or overload of energies. Also protection when (and from) communicating with any unknown dangerous entity. As well as repelling any negative spirits and entities away.”


I missed that part while reading the whole description, thanks for pointing it out!


I’m born clairvoyant. And the way you see ( ghosts) is not the same as the movie depicts lol.

So I hope you don’t put to much of expectations with ( seeing ghosts)

It’s honestly quite boring. And most of the time. Just annoying. Yes there are entity that may messing with you. And usually you’ll feel uncomfortable. They can appear in real world. But it take lot of energy for them to do it. And this is don’t happen often. Unless if you know with what entity you dealing with.

The majority of wandering spirits doesn’t really know what to do. Oftentimes they just come at you asking about their daily routine that they been doing for many years. They don’t even realize that they are physically already dead. This is the part that is depressing. And once you know this. Usually they keep following you. And annoying you ect ect. And yes. Once you are can ( see them. More will come)

My advice is. Tell them to ( follow your guardians and go back to the light)

But I guess this nft has protection to it. So I guess you’re safe from being bombarded with annoying spirits.


Not entities are from the dead, i think.
Servitor ones are not from dead creatures.
Entities/beings that are born invisible, alive from the time their exist.
They have their own worlds.

If you are clairvoyant, you should be able to differentiate this: Pegasus, Unicorn, Caladrius,… in their world they learn to heal.
Wraith, Fu dogs, in their world they learn to attack and protect… and absorb nature energies (not only for this planet), etc.
If you don’t know them and their speciality, then you perhaps lack of explore.


I’m talking about the general wandering spirits :slight_smile:

And servitor is not a ghost. That’s the whole context I’m trying to explain


The word “spirit” here is used as a general and broad term. Angels, Daimons, Geniuses etc, but can of course also mean deseased humans.

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Yea. But I mainly talking about the lost souls. The one that not moving on from this psychical plane.

I put it simply as that because I thought the person mainly focused on seeing the “ghost” But yes. If you put all astral beings in general. That includes the lost souls.

I hope my message is clear here. And sorry for my broken English.

If we talking about gods. And goddesses. That’s something I wasn’t focus on here.

Thought the way you see them is the same thing with how you interact with the ghost.

They talk conceptually. All of them. But it is mainly depends on someone born abilities. The clairvoyant don’t always have Clairaudian ability which is about hearing. Though we all can have all of it. But the natural one is more stronger.

Stornger what I mean here is the flow how you receive the information