The Bengal Tiger Servitor (Ayurveda NFT) --> Public Group

Thank you for your excellent work bro :pray::heart:

A few days ago I became interested once again in breathing. Breathing is important for acid-base balance, electrolyte balance.

Poor breathing can acidify the blood (respiratory acidosis), which then draws on mineral resources to reduce acidity and balance blood pH.

Knowing how to eat correctly and consciously is very important. Choose your foods, prepare them and then consume them in the right way. that is, eat in a calm environment and eat consciously, taking the time to chew and salivate. During the day, stay in positivity so that the rest of digestion takes place correctly.

Good digestion allows you to recover nutrients in the best possible way .

This is my feeling and my understanding of this NFT. For my part, this would be the first place of importance to find a healthy balance.






Interested :-)




@yisus2302 :yum: :muscle:
lightly press the button
we have reached 50 people ;)
but it’s great that you’re also interested ;)

I made a small correction in the description, given some disagreements in another thread
the main idea is clear :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe something could be added that helps one intuitively to understand the principles of Ayurveda and how to apply them to their own life?

Or rather that it teaches and guides you subconsciously what is needed in the moment if you for example have an unbalanced pitta dosha or whatever is currently not balanced

Like a teacher you know?


I propose to clarify and expand the meaning of this point a little ;)

Ayurvedic Mindset with subconscious guidance - intuitive understanding of the principles of Ayurveda, combining diets with exercise to suit personal constitution, proper time management, balance between work and rest, etc.



Yes…! Great … Just came here to comment this :relaxed:
Intuitive Ayurveda Cooking according to one’s dosha, environment/place of living and respective seasons.

Infusing food with herbs energies required to balance the doshas. (If unavailable)

The roots of ayurveda speak about breathe, sound/naada and food. It’s not only about food.
Integrating this wisdom of ayurveda into our lives thereby balancing pancha koshas naturally.:sparkling_heart: