The Bengal Tiger Servitor (Ayurveda NFT) --> Public Group

no servitors, armors, ect
the concept has been modified a few times
and there has been a complete return to the initial idea - a pure Ayurveda healing concept, with some bonuses in the form of “Ayurvedic massage” and negentropy, etc.

I don’t know when this idea will be implemented. I’m in no hurry to get anywhere. I’m sure the captain is aware of this idea. Let things run their course. Projects come to fruition when the time comes.
That’s something I’ve learned all along, too.
Not just wait nervously - but be content with what’s already there, and use the resources available, moving forward.


Couldn’t have said it better :muscle:t4:


Shivy :yum: :clinking_glasses: :slightly_smiling_face:


Interested :pray::tulip:

1 Like

Introduction to the concept

Despite the growing attention to Ayurveda, Western society continues to believe that Ayurveda is a collection of folk herbal and nutritional recipes. However, if you get to know this science better, you will notice that Ayurveda contains much more, and it can be useful not only for treating diseases, but also in maintaining good health, developing individual rules of healthy eating, forming personal practices and much more.

Ayurveda is the ancient “science of happy living”, a legacy of sages passed down from generation to generation. It offers a deep understanding of health by combining diet, natural remedies, lifestyle recommendations and massage techniques. The key to health, according to Ayurveda, lies within us.

It is a holistic project that incorporates methods to purify, rejuvenate the body and uses components to help unlock human purpose and improve health. Based on the five elements - earth, water, air, fire and ether - Ayurveda divides the human constitution into three types (doshas): vata, pita and kapha, which in balance ensure perfect health.

Expected results

  • Restoration of taste buds that determine satiety and taste preferences;
  • Reducing/eliminating addictions such as cravings for unhealthy sweets, flour, late dinners, frequent snacking and late night snacking;
  • Good digestion and appetite, sense of hunger at certain times of the day;
  • Restoration of the enzymatic function of the stomach and small intestine, as a consequence - maximum absorption of nutrients; proper digestion, metabolism;
  • Regular and complete defecation and urination;
  • Strong immune system;
  • Good breathing;
  • Restoration of daily biorhythms. The internal cycles of the human body correspond to the external cycles of nature, which are governed by the sunrise, sunset and have an interrelation with the Three Doshas; good sleep, falling asleep quickly;
  • Ideal hormonal background (a pleasant consequence will be weight loss, increased physical and mental activity, increased concentration, good, stable mood without fluctuations);
  • Quick engagement in vital activities upon awakening;
  • Healthy perspiration, healthy, soft, supple skin;
  • Calmness in the mind, mental health and stability;
  • And many other positive states :drooling_face:

Project Accents

  • Naturopathic methods of health correction - Ayurvedic phytotherapy, which takes into account both symptomatic and constitutional approaches. Therefore it gives a more important role to prevention than to therapy;
  • Holistic approach: takes into account the integrity of the human being as an entire system, including the way of thinking, the psyche, the body, and the relationship with the environment;
  • Ancient traditions combined with modern naturopathy and medicine. The aim of Ayurveda in this approach is to achieve health by establishing balance and harmony (balance of the doshas and the balance of the spiritual elements is absolute health (prana, tejas, ojas);
  • Intuitive understanding of the principles of healthy lifestyle and nutrition: a certain set of products can help a person to be healthy and active, or on the contrary - to aggravate the disease.



  • :exclamation:Enjoy the power of a smart field incorporating the full potential of Ayurveda - restore the body’s resources and eliminate the root causes of various ailments;
  • Ayurvedic Mindset with subconscious guidance - intuitive understanding of the principles of Ayurveda, combining diets with exercise to suit personal constitution, proper time management, balance between work and rest, etc.;
  • :grey_exclamation:Treatment at a distance with the ability to fill food and drinks with Ayurvedic energies (with the purification of food and drink from impurities);


  • Cleansing the body of toxins, blood purification;
  • Comprehensive Ayurvedic support for all organs and systems of the human body;
  • Rasayana from Captain - Ayurvedic health elixir;


  • Ayurvedic Aromatherapy and energy taste therapy;
  • Elements of energy massage with oiling is both a way to harmonize the physical body;
  • Elements of automated pranayama;


  • Elements of yoga, not as a separate tradition, but one overall integrated Indian system of improving body and mind;
  • Balance of vital energies - doshas (vata, pitta and kapha), which determine the general condition of a person;
  • Balance, equilibrium of spiritual elements of doshas (ojas, tejas, prana).

Feel free to add your ideas or correct what is written
ideally as public project :slight_smile:

Ayurveda NFT
  • I need it!!!

0 voters


It would be great if Tejas , ojas and prana are included in this🙂 Ofcourse, ayurvedic healing essentially provides those as byproducts, but adding them it would make it a holistic project for physical and spiritual benefits. Just a suggestion…

I am interested in this. . One more request is, if we can use it for family and friends, would be a great addition too :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you.



yes :slight_smile:

it will depend on the Captain
but we can hint at the beginning of the description :laughing:


It seems already perfect from my point of view


Please include me in this project @Ugninis . I have already missed on your earlier health related Gems such as Japanese Health , The Holy Grail, Alchemical Proprietary Blend etc etc and I do not want to miss on this as well.


just vote with a gentle click of the mouse/button :laughing:




Very interesting :heart_eyes: ,nice Ugnis :ok_hand::heart:!!

I propose this:

  • The addition of the navapashanam elixir

  • Possibility of energetically impregnating food like nft, “divine ingredients”

  • Ability to impregnate objects and use it on people at a distance like the life path :star_struck:

  • when we fast there is energy assistance to provide energy to the body (prana, bioenergy, sungazing)


For the past few days I have been reading this book little by little. I found it on my father’s kitchen table. This NFT will be a very good complement with the knowledge of this book :blush:


Interested if open


In! Verybinterested!


You can vote here


Mental health healing and stability
Blood purification

These I’d definitely add



No, my bro.
I’m not gonna do that.
I’ve always taken a slightly different path, I’m not trying to integrate something that already exists.
navapashanam elixir - was suggested by another member of the community and that exists as a separate field :slight_smile:

yes it will present

just vote here ;)

this will be the consequence.
I’ve been busy as hell today. :laughing:

I’m gonna redesign it a little bit, make it clearer and easier to understand. :slight_smile:


Thank you bro :relieved::pray::heart: