The Best Version of You - Psychic University

I’m listening to it now, and I feel stupid for forgetting it.

I guess I had put expectations way too high on a field, and ultimately got disappointed.

Forgetting those things are tools, and are not here to do the work for us :grin:


I can’t even word how much I’m relating to you both right now
But omg Danny that’s some serious commitment right there!
It’s one of the best fields out there and I definitely feel so stupid for letting it slide that long now!
I should note also, the field totally knocks you down on the first few listens/days until you really pass the initial phase
But once you do, it is an immaculate inner change
I almost thought all of us watching the thread were listening to IH at the same time :D


Rigth after IH, I got led to Kundalini Shakti btw (still playing on the back).

The field my rational mind would avoid at all cost due to all the recent changes in my reality.
Yet, she feels very nurturing & supportive.

(No full blown kundalini experience fucking you up :grin:)


It’s the Goddess, no other presence can be as healing as hers. :)) Also, comes to my mind the implosion process in immutable happiness with the Kundalini from Kundalini Shakti. A true refinement in all layers.


@JAAJ type later, buy immutable happiness :D


Didn’t think about that. Genius

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haha thank you, it came in after a few moments :'D


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I guess then I still have to find out what those are supposed to be and look like… :man_shrugging:

Because so far, most stuff on this planet has been presented to me like a 5 star restaurant, while actually just being a dirty effed up McDonalds.
I am not going to be sold on this.
I recognize shit when I see it and my Higher Self better comes up with better and proper incentives lol…
If my Higher Self is me in the future, then how does it come that it fails at providing the proper incentives to its past self?
This never made sense to me… :thinking:
I know how I would motivate my younger self for maximum development while at the same making it happy – so why does the Higher Self fails with my current self?

:grey_question: :question: :grey_question:


Only NYX, is THE Goddess :wink:

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Haha. The “Goddess” is the Divine. Creation sprung forth from Her ;) :black_heart::black_heart:

I think it is a matter of perspective and alignment.

This process allows us to build discernment between a McDonald and a Michelin Star Restaurant, even if the Michelin Star looks like a cheap Kebap at first sights :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Then enters alignment with what will brings us the highest Bliss, which at the beginning of the path we are fully oblivious to.

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I’m gonna use your words that you once enlightened me with in a long gone yet current tiff with the Higher Self… restyled

‘the Higher Self has already evolved into what is now. It has seen all that you are going through. And it has provided its incarnations with the incentives it needed. Now it’s on you to catch on to these incentives.’

Also remember, this is why we have the feature to upgrade the higher self in the Higher self NFT :)

Perhaps, some of the extraterresial thinking of matching the outcome to the present, and not the other way around… Is exactly the way back and through to such incentives :)


I was going back up the thread and saw that.

I think it is a good idea, I’m sending a message to PU to ask his opinion about the Higher Self.
As a lot of his fields are Higher-Self based, he must know quite some good stuff about it :crossed_fingers:

And we are hanging out on a thread of his :grin:

No expectation though, as lately I’ve realized he takes more times to reply (24-72h) and seem to be much busier.


@JAAJ any specific question you would like to insert in my request?

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I probably have a Billion questions about the Higher Self. I need to think about those. Good thing PU is also here in Germany, so I can even email him in German :slight_smile:

We also had very interesting discussions in the Higher Self NFT project group. I will ask the group whether you can be added there.


Sweet, no need to add me as I already have a thousand groups.

But perhaps I wait for a script from you guys, and we send this together :ok_hand:


Okay, please give me a few days to collect my questions. Thank you.


Please keep us updated my friend. btw very good conversation going on here @JAAJ @anon32464289 i’m learning a lot, so thanks for that.


I thought about adding something to this. But after thinking it through I just want to say thanks to the both of you @JAAJ @anon32464289 . A lot of this conversation resonated deeply with me. Especially this:


Does this also change one’s birth card?