The Black Panther Totem

More lovely response to you and your beloved Panther! Perhaps you might use a field of choice before you go out so that you are ready to accept and receive what your panther is so lovingly giving you.


I had fun… It was nice but it’s time to go now. Panther is really good. Farewell big :cat: :sob:.


Why you let it go away?

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It doesn’t give me the energy of attraction.

Will I let the panther go?


She gives me the willpower to wake up early in the morning when I’m going to sleep no earlier than 2AM and that for me is new lol


That’s unfortunate she’s not even a month old !


No. If you really need some money. Then yes. Otherwise don’t. I was in lot of grieving letting go of the nft. But I need to let it go. Because I have some personal thing that need to be fixed. In real life. Money wise.

Trust me. Panther is good spirit. It help you to get yourself back to be the best version of yourself

Giving you lot of will power. Making you less depressed. Removing lot of intrusive thoughts and on top of that it give you very confident energy


I don’t need the money.

I’m a little desperate because EVERYONE gets results and I DON’T.

I think I’ll give you more time…

Thank you.



Just because some people are noticing results and telling us about it doesn’t mean you are not getting results. I am sure that panther is supporting you in magical ways regardless. It often happens in the forum that people think they are not getting results because they do not notice.
Panther is a powerful being: a healer, a companion, a protector, a friend, a magician/shaman. Stare into the eyes and let go with your frustration. Panther will fill you with love and absorb your fears. I am so sure that panther is full of love for you. I can feel it as I am typing. Breathe in the love and hug your panther. Feel the soft fur and hear the purring that heals you inside and out. Woohoo!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Don’t be. You can always get it back later. And Captain never rests. He’ll definitely bring out some more awesome stuffs in the future.



Same here, what a sparkling :star_struck: eyes!
Love the eyes colour, dazzling. I feel myself imagining to change my eyes to this colour while staring.
Lucky to have panther with me.

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Hi, you gotta get out of this mind state.
You only require to let go. Some people call it surrender, some call it go within.
Just find an extremely relaxed inner state of mind.
You can conjure that up from memories (i.e. relaxing in a bathtub, getting a massage, etc). Feel the feeling of a really relaxed moment and surround and infuse yourself with it.
Its not a race to compete with others who gets quickest results


Hmm, perhaps your situation is different from others.

i notice you Deeply want to be “attractive” (from other forum post/threads) to others maybe work on other things that aren’t “attraction” focused but lead to that once you “clean” yourself… ie. remove limiting beliefs, get into an abundance mindset, letting go the end result; accepting what is and what is not.


@Bre19 :hugs:

Try this!

  • For 2 months, stop listening to ALL fields/subs with the exception of PoNR
  • Do a spiritual practice every day - Sapien channel has some good breathwork-related videos (not fields, but actual practice)
  • Make sure you are getting exercise - if you can do 5 Tibetan Rites, fantastic. Or just work out, run, walk, swim, etc. Energy needs to move and circulate and not stagnate
  • Do at least 20-min of meditation (can be guided, watching your breath, mindfulness, etc.)
  • Make sure your diet is as healthy as possible - enough hydration and enough minerals. I have noticed that a lack of minerals directly impacts energy work
  • Avoid social media - Twitter, FB, unnecessary emails, news, etc., to the best possible extent
  • Rest of the time, don’t focus on fields, subs, manifestation, thinking about things you wish you had, etc. Enjoy your everyday life, laugh, smile, eat, count your blessings, be happy - these simple things raise your vibration

Two months…

You will see a difference. However, this has to be consistent, and without missing a single day!

Paraphrasing what a Sufi mystic once said: “You walk one step towards God - God walks three towards you” - consistency and making the effort is the key, and the Universe does reward sincere effort.

Remember - fields not working for you does NOT mean you are bad, you are lacking, or that the Universe does not care for you. When we catch a cold, we rest, we hydrate, we sometimes medicate, we heal, and move on - this is similar. The Divine Consciousness that pervades the cosmos nurtures all of us - we are all different, but we are all loved, we are all supported (though it feels at times that no one cares), we are all amazing people worthy of abundance and fulfillment. Don’t ever doubt for a minute the splendor and magnificence of your own limitless Spirit.


I agree with everything Mao said however, I would say Listen to EGO and SLR then PONR

When i started Looping EGO I started to see massive changes not so long ago.

Its about just being happy in genral imrpoving your life and one day your noticie the fields are pushing you twoards your goals.

Try journeling your worries and your thoughts. you will notice that your life becomes less stressfull and hectic. When you journel.

Take is slow, Dont put pressure on yourself to do all the taks. Make a post in the jorunel thread, You might run across issues that you want to disscuss.

Their is a venting thread if u feel like u want somone to hear you out.

and remember your only human


This is an awesome piece of knowledge right here. I need to go get a good multivitamin/multi mineral supplement Friday. :pray:t3:

All around great post. Great advice!


I sold this nft for like 1-2 weeks already. But I keep seeing her everywhere. It’s like she won’t leave me.

I been seeing her on like YouTube feeds. Or when I read article. Then an image of panther showing up.

I know she still around me. And that’s big sign of her. Even after I don’t own the nft anymore




I had borrowed away an NFT and noticed it’s presence still until a couple days later. I think they’re still checking on us.

I was doing some Wim hoffing and during the second round, i saw her eyes clearly in front of me, and i asked “would you not be ok if i sold or traded you?”

The reply came “either way, I’ll come back to you”

My guess is you’ll get her back