The Black Panther Totem

You have mentioned how panther has changed you - at least you are noticing different ways people are reacting to you. That means you are already a different person. They are tuning into that, so perhaps you can allow yourself to do the same. Shadow or not, when you see yourself as any way you choose to, and not letting the memory of something you think you are hold you back, you might see that the confidence and bravery were there all along. Choose to see those things about yourself and let the panther scare away (transmute) that “shadow” which was never the real you anyway. Rise and shine and hug your panther and rejoice! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :hugs:


You’re not the prettiest frog I’ve ever seen but you do seem kind and that actually counts for a lot. Unless you’re a guy then you’re just devalued as a niceguy.

I think Panther did something to my voice too because even when on the phone women would get kind of a sexual or flirty tone. Somewhere in between those two. As if I was subtilly coming on to them but I was trying to have professional business conversations.


Omg :rofl: this cat really alluring it seemed!


Thanks rose :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Because the panther does not give me that energy of attraction?.

Because everyone has attraction results and I don’t?

I bought a different panther? LOL.


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It really IS VERY BEAUTIFUL…:heart:

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Perhaps you can talk to panther about the attraction thing. Panther loves hugs and chats, and it sounds like you might like an answer about that. :slight_smile:

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Every day I talk to him and ask him to please the energy of attraction.

He is with me many hours a day. But I don’t know what to do to give me that energy of attraction…

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Perhaps he can tell you. If you are asking and you think he is not providing, he must have some input for you. Meditate with him. I am sure he will tell you. Perhaps another tag you are wearing is antidoting it? Cloak perhaps or a macho bone tag?

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I only use 4 elements:

  • An audio for learning (2 or 3 times a day).
  • Black Panther Totem NFT.
  • Intercession Dogtag.
  • Best Path in Life Dogtag.

Do you think Best Path in Life Dogtag or Intercession Dogtag are the problem?



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You could do an experiment by taking off the BPIL and wearing the panther out and about. Is panther giving you any input about the attraction energy? I sometimes muscle test, and if you are familiar with doing so you might use that for some input. I sometimes ask arc light to use my hands when I muscle test so there isn’t any bias on my part. What does your inner being tell you about this entire thingy? Which way are you leaning? Ultimately this is something you work out to your own satisfaction. Do you want to feel attraction energies from others? Is there any conflict in your being about it? Lots of questions could be asked.


I have no success and no muscle testing skills.

Do you think it’s a good idea to remove both? (Best Path in Life and Intercession Dogtags).

Just carry The Black Panther Totem NFT.


Muchas gracias mujer hermosa :heart:

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This is your experiment. What do you think would be a good test for you? Also . . . you're so welcome angel

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  • First try The Black Panther Totem NFT + Intercession Dogtag.

If there is no energy of attraction:


Gracias gracias gracias :heart::heart::heart:


I would highly recommend you also to work with the nft instead of only passively carrying it around.

You dont even need to meditate or something but simply gaze at it multiple times a day for like a couple of minutes each time.

This helps to strengthen the connenction


Be very clear about what “getting an attraction” is for you?
is this your ultimate goal?
How should it be expressed?

Do girls have to hang onto your neck, fall at your feet, tear your shirt and kiss your neck in front of everyone?

Do you want extra attention?
There may be those signs of attention, but you might not receive them as you expect.

Sometimes it’s really hard to interpret the intentions of others, or to appreciate effects (results) that might not have occurred if you didn’t have this NFT

Let go of those expectations and enjoy the company of a friend who doesn’t owe you anything.


I noticed strangers asking for help from me more often. Is this some kind of attraction?

Could be. Could be it is just a trick just to talk with you lol.


@Bre19 do you have fae? If you do tell her to stop following you and let the panther give full ability to do anything with your energy.

The best path of life is also can be a reason why you can’t see results. Maybe it’s blocking you from receiving the attraction is for your good sake? Experiment. Taking it off and see few days from now. Then report back


I went to to change my glasses frame. You can see it’s glued with tape lol. When I sat there waiting for my frame fixed. This lady kept asking me stuff. At first she wasn’t paying attention at all but the moment she heard me speaking. It change everything. I’m not sure if it’s from this or voice of charisma tag. But the way she act is quite weird :joy: like she so focused on me. Asking my personal stuff as well :no_mouth:lol the whole time I feel so uncomfortable. They way she looked at me :joy:

She like examine my body with her eyes :eyes: lmaoo

Another update.

Wow lmaooo

I be getting lot of followers on Instagram :rofl:


Daily gazing session 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛