The Black Panther Totem

Wow!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ThatĀ“s totally Awesome, Mind Blowingā€¦

IĀ“m glad for you. Thanks for sharing @Seami !!


I forgot to update :kissing_heart: it was from yesterday.

I was delivering chips again and my motorcycle fuel just empty. While standing waiting for the line. I had no anxiety at all

It was a fun ride. The whole day I felt very grounded.

Even today. I feel like my mental is improving significantly in term of being more expressive. :woman_shrugging:

Now I think I know what is the power that phanter trying to show me. I think itā€™s more of my inner power manifest back to me where I used to be brave and strong. I feel it slowly fueling me back my my psyche.

Iā€™m still looking forward to see how it goes with my confidence in months from now.

I canā€™t really say much about it as itā€™s too early to tell. But from this alone. I already feel much better already.

Like Iā€™m just being more expressive. Playful. Even with my cat. Which I usually donā€™t like it. I tend to joke around even more nowadays which is weird. Rather than being depressed or serious

Iā€™m looking forward to see how much this can improve my social anxiety!


Well, it seems that the panther DOESNā€™T LIKE ME LOL.

I ask for Energy of attraction and nothing,

I try to connect and NOTHING.

The panther is in my pants pocket and NOTHING.

Only the first day I had strange dreams and overwhelmed. What I do?



Wrong. You can get this nft already means she chose you to own it. I think what phanter want to show you is you need to focus on detaching from the outcome. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t see it right away.

Try now focus working on your shadow aspect. Let alone the attraction behind. And focus on the shadow. Ask the phanter to integrate your shadow and heal it

This is what it really meant. The phanter really asking you to work with shadow work

Idk what strange you mean but just look at this

You see. Itā€™s working. She with you. She just really want you to work with the shadow first.

Trust me pal. You own this nft alone itā€™s a sign she likes you. And want you to work with her :) youā€™ll come out very fresh. Vibrant and just attractive. Because you heal that aspect of yourself. And when you do this. You blooms. And it makes you attractive!


I donā€™t feel nft right away. I choose one of them and work with it for a while. Described it yourself. You concentrate and meditate several times a day. Bring at least 5 minutes of meditation several times a day. For me, it really gave a result. Some NFTs feel better, some are more difficult. Learn to work with the perception of energy.


I donā€™t have this experience with the black panther, but I have had similar experiences with other nfts. There has been a lot written on techniques to get past this, but I do hope you find a way to connect to it.

I had written in the Aphrodite Blessings thread something that worked for me: making offerings. The nft item does seem to tie into the totem/spirit, and perhaps if you offered something out of gratitude for having the item it would help. ā€œHey, thanks panther spirit for being awesome because I have access to the panther energy. Send me some good vibes please.ā€

There will be those who will say there is no need to do this because you are the rightful owner or youā€™re trying to bribe the nft with gifts, but the real point is doing something to show gratitude. I will say I did this, and I feel the act was appreciated and helped even if the nft would have worked just fine anyway. Gratitude opens up a lot of doors. A lesson I am always forgetting myself.

So this is just one suggestion. Others might be to try the attunement card in one hand and the nft in the other. Listening to limits dissolver with the intention of removing limiting beliefs of the nfts. Staring at the panther until you go crazy, lol.


I have no craving with meat at all which is so weird. I feel like my affinity of eating vegetarian back again when I was like so strictly eat vegan food back in 2016.

In fact I been wanting to eat more veggies. :thinking: so I think the will power quite improving right now. Which I know I always wanted to be the way it was back then. Being vegetarian. But since I got addicted to eating meat. It was hard. Now I have the will again!

It usually always happen like when my parents cook me some meat. I end up eating it as well. But yesterday I refused it completely!

So I think this help my addiction lol I donā€™t even listen to addiction audio. None like that. Just carrying this alone is helping me to combat that.

The good thing is that I got my body slim again :laughing: I can wear my favorite pants now. And other pants that didnā€™t fit before

Oh I forgot to mention. Last night when I was scrolling a phanter picture showed up lol


BY yay


The attraction aspect of this is 10/10. Number of looks I get is insane. I wish I had something as efficient as this for my finances.


Yesā€¦ This is why itā€™s hard to let go of this nft :sob: cause itā€™s to damn gooood

Idk if I want to trade but Iā€™m needing solidifer to help with my financial problem


Iā€™m in agreement with you. Next animal NFT needs to be Money Cat





Thank you :pray:


Got another small result again. Someone just called me ( very pretty) :rofl: man itā€™s funny as hell

I really need panther to work with psychic abilities instead of alluring energyā€¦ Lool


Or maybe youā€™re just very pretty! :mage: :hugs: :slight_smile:


Thanks rose but people never really give me that compliment lol. Itā€™s out of the blue lool


Perhaps you can do daily CoP rituals for the finances and keep holding onto the precious Panther (who obviously loves you, lol). After all, the Solidifier will be around for awhile, but not the Panther.


Canā€™t for that at the moment rose but thank you. Iā€™m using cone of power focus on my boyfriend. He needed more help than me financially so the cone of power just focus for him


Canā€™t you use the Cone of Power for finances for both of you? Plus I think you might have other NFTs that you could ask to help also, yes? Letā€™s think of a way to help your finances without letting go of the beloved panther.


Yes. I think Iā€™mma settle down with Panther. I guess itā€™s just a sign anyway. Beside I got lot of things to get fix. Mentally :joy:and this panther does help. Hopefully it bring me back the old imogen with lot of confident and bravery. It slowly getting there! And Iā€™m positive once all my shadow aspects heals. I will be a new different person :)