The Black Panther Totem

I want to explore the healing abilities this phanter can do :face_with_monocle::cat:


This is a blessing. And another hidden power beneath this nft

Give me goosebumps reading thisā€¦ Canā€™t believe she actually came to my life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just wow

This is truly her sign I got this nft for helping me to face my problemsā€¦ And face my fearsā€¦ Just speechless


:grin: :wink: :+1:


What can we expect from this NFT regarding to shadow work? Thank you!



It can help you to bring back your true powers that includes psychic. Whatever powers you have. You will reclaim it back. It can be with the confidence that lost and you slowly get it back.

This is my opinion though. But Iā€™m sure this can do lot more than even psychic. It also can help with spiritual growth


Do you mean Jungā€™s terminology?
The shadow is the part of our psyche that contains everything we have been forced to reproach and hide-our faults, failures and darkest secrets.

He argued that your shadow behavior and patterns were acquired as a result of traumas and painful experiences in this or past lives.

(greed, negative emotions such as anger and envy, unwanted repressed behaviors such as aggression, prejudice, negative behavior patterns, fears)

perhaps interacting with Panther might help you to accept and neutralize these undesirable parts of yourself into your psyche

but thatā€™s just a thought.
I think there are methods of working with shadow aspects on the internet, you can use them when in contact with this NFT


This is unreal to tell but I got another result again today but not for me!

I asked the phanter to help removing my boyfriend his problem. I didnā€™t quite specific on my command but what I told phanter about his problem. ( remove all problem he have)

Then just at this moment. He told me. He felt something big releasing from his heart. Thatā€™s extremely rare for him. Even telling me like this. He is a skeptic btw.

He told me that something is exploding from his heart. That it want to come out. I think itā€™s the blockages or something. But damnā€¦ It works really fast


That is awesome but im not surprised, Panther is so powerful. This might turn out to be one of the most powerful NFTs. I dont think we have discovered all his secrets.


I stayed connected with Panther today for around an hour and a half, it might have even been longer.
I have my NFTā€™s printed in A4 size on my bedroom wall and I feel like there is more energy from the bigger sized NFTā€™s, it might not be true but I seem to get a better connection while focusing on the bigger ones. But anywayā€¦This is one of the craziest NFTā€™s I have to date.

I stayed focusing on the eyes again, this time I kept fighting on through the crazy energy it was sending through my body, loads of anxiety also at the beginning but I stuck with it. Then my eyes started going so hazey that I thought my eyesight was going. It was like a mirage on the NFT and my eyes. It was literally like everything was turning hazey white and I couldnā€™t really see properly anymore but i kept with it and my third eye was pulsating so much with pressure also. This was after maybe 10 minutes. Then I felt ā€˜invincibleā€™ would be the word I would describe. Still in meditation mode while staring at Panther, I spread my arms out and felt every muscle in my body tense up like I was about to run through a wall but I was still focused and very alert, instead of a fit of rage type scenario which was cool. What was nice was even if I lost focus for a couple of seconds, I still stayed in a meditative state. I always see a light purple colour while meditating and that never left even when I lost focus for a few seconds or more.

I then took the chance to ask my new friend for some help with healing, removing blockages, negative energy and trauma while still staring at it. Iā€™m not even sure if all of these types of things are part of Panther but it was the first thoughts that ran through my mind to ask. I usually feel so heavy, like my whole body is full of metal and I just keep dragging myself around (I think this is from trauma) but after asking to help remove this stuff, I felt so light, like what a body is supposed to feel like. The heaviness is back now again tonight but i know there was a nice bit removed from me, i can feel it. While keeping eye contact I spread my arms out again and it felt like everything was leaving out through my fingertips with little zaps of energy. Then my lower lower back started vibrating like crazy in the middle (root or sacral chakra maybe?)

All during this my eyes were still so hazey, if I didnā€™t know any better I would have thought I was losing my eyesight it was that intense while staring at the NFT on the wall. Then I moved my focus from Panther to my other NFTā€™s and thatā€™s when things got even cooler.

I first moved to Pegasus and it looked like he was jumping up and down and almost getting ready to fly off. The eye in the Enviromental Transformer Servitor kept moving in circular motions and the rest of the pic changing shape. Eternal felt like it was coming out of the page and moving up and down (I was hoping for the snake to start moving but theres always tomorrow :joy:). Caladrius while looking at it, the wing that is not spread out, spread out like it was ready to take flight with the wings moving and I think the legs were moving also. This was an amazing experience, so I thought Iā€™m connected pretty deep now, so I may as well take advantage of it, and i used it to gain a deeper connection with all of my NFTā€™s and each one has been the strongest connection that I had felt to date so that was great.

The energy Caladrius engulfed in me was something magical, I felt like every fibre of me was being being insanely rejuvenated and I felt like I was holding on to an electric fence it was so powerful. I asked for the healing abilities of Caladrius to be put in through my body and to come out my hands so I can help use it to heal my infection on my lower leg. I put my hand over it for maybe half an hour and there was burning and prickly stinging pains in my hand while doing it and the Cellulitis started to fade in colour on my leg and the pain and burning there is now gone!!! Today has been mind blowing really but im trying my best to be chill about it. I have some crazy pain in my head and forehead from it all day though but thatā€™s all good, totally worth it.

This NFT is mind blowing, thanks @Ugninis and all others who were involved in the group who helped Cap bring this beauty to life. Just now coming into bed i focused on it again for 5 mins and the hazeyness happened again but thatā€™s enough for tonight. Tomorrow Iā€™m putting all my focus into Caladrius and I canā€™t wait to see what unfurls even more with that now after todayā€™s experience with it after getting a helping paw from Panther :slightly_smiling_face:


:sparkles: Wow, this is fantastic news! Iā€™m so happy for your progress to date and wish for you much, much more! :clinking_glasses:


Thank you so much :slightly_smiling_face: These last few months have been so mind blowing. Now itā€™s time to keep putting in the work with the help of all my new NFT pals and get myself to where I want/need to be in life :crossed_fingers:t2: I hope you are keeping well :pray:t3:


Amazing work, Seamie! Thanks for sharing! congratulations-123524-23273972


I like this. I refer to mine as my ā€œCouncil of Eldersā€ :smirk:

I am. Thanks for asking. :sparkles:


Thank you Rose. One of these days Iā€™m going to figure out how to send a gif on the forum and it will be coming straight your way :joy:
Thank you for being so giftastic :smiley:


I call mine ā€œCosmic Companionsā€


Look in a new post or a post that you want to edit and you will see an upload icon in the middle of the icons (looks like a picture). If you find a gif online or even one you have seen on the forum and download it to your photos, you can then select the upload icon and it will take you to your photo folder. From there you can select the gif you want. If you find a gif online and you right-click you can either save image as or copy. If you copy and it is an animated gif, you wonā€™t get the animation. You have to save image as for it to have its given animation. Try a test run by copying a few and pasting them into your posts. Pretty soon there will be no stopping you! :slight_smile: Force be with you


You can also send this phanter for healing others which is very cool!


Oh you have them all saved already? :astonished: Your phone must be all gifs and fields (said in the boats and hoā€™s voice :joy:) ill have to try it soon and see how I get on, Iā€™ve posted a few pics here before so hopefully the gifs should be the same. Iā€™ll make you proud, but I will never take your crown :crown:

Edit: I hope this works :joy:
Double Edit: IT DOES :grin::grin:



They are on my pc so loads of room.


when you say healing, do you also mean physical healing like someone has a headache, fever, flu, wounds etc?

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I think so. But I always say ( heal me as much as you can) so it heals whatever the phanter can offer.

But the phanter seems good with releasing burden feeling in your chest. Depression as well.

I have requested my phanter to heal my fungus wound. Last night. So Iā€™m looking forward to see how it progressing. Iā€™ll update when I see some improvements :)

But you can try and see how it goes. Try to imagine the person you want to heal and then begin to ask the phanter to send healing ( on specific request for the healing )