The Black Panther Totem

The Tuaoi Crystal has given me a big boost in energy since I started carrying it. And it also seems to alleviate the detox symptoms I got from The Black Panther. I think the Black Panther works more on the muscles and strength while the Tuaoi Crystal charges your energy systems directly.


Okay. So I just did tarot for myself. Usually when I lay all the cards. I need to observe a little while. But today is so fast that I just look at the cards and instantly know with less observation :face_with_monocle: :blush: so I think the psychic command I asked yesterday worked!

Also I was putting some post of trying to trade this nft. But I could feel the entity of phanter giving me so many reasons not to do it. I feel like each days Iā€™m getting more closer to it.

My next command will be for self confidence. I want to know how it tackle my social anxiety


Since working with this NFT IĀ“ve become a sport man. ItĀ“s like I need to exercise everyday as much as possible. Before the pandemic I used to do some exercise (like a couple of days a week), but lately I was not doing that much exercise anymore.

IĀ“ve just realized that this happens since this Black Panther appeared in my life. If IĀ“m on my laptop not doing something useful I get bored so quickly (Before I could be the whole day not doing much and I was quite fine with that).


^ that kinda make sense. For no reason I feel the courage to eat more healthy food. I feel like I want to eat more vegetarian diet than eating junk foods

I guess itā€™s from the health aspect of itšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Eh cringed loool I got some weird compliment on internet out of nowhere. Could this be from this nft :joy:or what. But never heard such a compliment like that before when using enhanced glory! Never. Like what the hell :sob:

Itā€™s soo weird lately I got lot of stares. Even compliment. What the hell :rofl: how this phanter way better than enhanced Glory for attraction part :sob:

The stares. Itā€™s just sooo wild :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes: :rofl:

The attraction part is so different than enhanced Gloryā€¦ Way different. Itā€™s more stronger

Have you seen that Jeniffer Lopez papi music video? That what it gives for the attraction part.

With enhanced Glory itā€™s more like famous but people still giving you space.

For example.

Enhanced Glory will give you stares 6/10 people in the room.

With this

10/10 :rofl: huge difference

This is different. The attraction is like forcefully. Like a love spell that makes you soo damn attractive :rofl:

Itā€™s funšŸ˜‚ I like it lool Iā€™m so grateful to have this nft!


Can confirm. Get way more attention and friendly interactions from the general public when Iā€™m out.

Been carrying this in my pocket with the latest crystal. Great combo :ok_hand:t3::sparkles:


I been avoiding it yes. For some reason I just want to be more cautious with what I eat and have the will to eat healthy food. Very strange! Since I got this nft.

So it really does good for my body health wise (:

Yuh. Itā€™s another reason why I got enhanced Glory in the first place :rofl: but nothing beats this one.

I didnā€™t expect something like this come from big cat nft lol but it truly does amazing job for attraction. Way better than Glory lol ( in my experience of using glory)

Enhanced Glory give you impression of like artist walking alone.

This nft give you that impression of big cat that people just want to see it. You know when a lion walk in public. People just gathering and extremely curious with the lion. This is like the energy it emits from this nft

On top of that. I think you can ask protection from this phanter as well. Because you can actually ask it if you want and the phanter will do what it can to protect you.

You definitely feel its being if you are very energy sensitive. When I ask for infusing me with confidence I could literally feel the phanter working on my solar chakra. And pouring the energy to it.

This nft is like your best friends. They will be there for you if you call them. :slight_smile:

I also think the energy affect animals as well. Because my cats behave differently lately. More like clinging to me more which is weird. I think itā€™s because the energyšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

I canā€™t wait to discover another great things this phanter can do. Iā€™ll report once I see another results!


Maybe Iā€™m used to all the stares and compliments from the Internet, so I donā€™t feel any much difference (I was using Kitsune mandala, Inner Beauty mandala, Charisma and Glamour audio before The Black Panther). But people are much more friendly and caring, friends and acquaintances treat me like Iā€™m very important to them. Yes, it feels a bit like a soft love spell and I love this kind of attraction.

I also become more sensitive to automatic workout fields and seem to build muscles faster.


I canā€™t get the energy of attraction. How do you do it?.

I watch ā€œThe Black Pantherā€ every day and I ask him to please give me attraction energy and I say Thank you Thank you Thank you and NOTHING HAPPENS.

He is also in my pants pocket all day.

Many people say that Malaysia is very beautiful.




When I look at Panther eyes I blink and ask him ( give me the power of attraction) then I end it with thank you. And I forget it.

You have to trust whatever the phanter doing. You might not seeing it right away but trust me. The being doing itā€™s job


Maybe because itā€™s not what you need the most now. I believe that the Black Panther is a smart field and it can detect which is best for you.

Maybe you have strong negative beliefs about your attraction. Then it would take a longer time to get the attraction effect from the NFT.

Maybe other fields are canceling this effect from the Black Panther. It happened to me when the Woven World - Contentment field blocked many of my manifestations from the Cone of Power.

You can try to communicate with the NFT or your servitors to get an answer.

Btw, I did not ask the Black Panther for the attraction energy, it just happened.


I saw that black Panthers can have genetic advantages. I asked it for some healing yesterday, thinking maybe it had something like the gila monster drool field it could pass on to people - apart from the back help which is cool. I did feel something, but not really strong.

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It does seem it manifests quite strongly when youā€™re not thinking about it sometimes at least for me.

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Last night I had strong dreams about lions what does it mean ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: itā€™s been I while since I wear my lion tag


This means that you are the beast! :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::tiger::tiger::tiger::lion::lion::lion:šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸˆā€ā¬›


:rofl: Hell yeah Gian :sunglasses::sunglasses:


@Ugninis I have a quick questionā€¦ Am I going crazy or did the Panther just blink while I was staring in to her eyeā€™s while gaining the first connection?? :flushed:
The most logical answer would be that I am gone a bit crazy, but I really really think that I know what I saw as mad as it sounds that a picture blinked at me.

Itā€™s energy is so strong that itā€™s overwhelming my system. We had an intense staring contest for maybe 5 minutes (I couldnā€™t take my eyes off of hers, they were glued to Panthers eyes like in a trance) we were stuck in this battle and the energy inside me just kept building and building. I may not be strong enough for her yet, she really packā€™s a punch :boxing_glove::boxing_glove:


The protection from phanter is so warming. I woke up today with feeling being watch and follow with this big cat ready to always protect mešŸ˜Š


When a year ago, before the release of the Firebird, the Captain let me test it, and when I told my team how it felt, emphasizing that it was sitting on my shoulder, they also thought (at first) that I had gone crazy :)

get used to it :grin:


That happens to me all the timeā€¦