The Black Panther Totem

Sometimes people ask me these questions and expect a clear answer
it doesn’t always work that way.
being the designer of some ideas - I don’t always know how to implement them to their full power.

I would not like to give direct answers… these answers will only be an opinion
how it will work for you, I can’t guarantee.
Time and research skills are your best allies

If you work purposefully in certain directions, you will get results. I don’t even know what practices you use, or how you interact with different products

There is a huge amount of advice on the forum on how to work with different NFTs, I recommend SammyG posts, they are clear and structured


Who is Semmi?

I think, he meant SammyG. It might be a typo.


stared into the panthers eyes for a couple of minutes yesterday and felt like an absolute god


Do you have the nft or was it just like a residual thing?

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It’s funny you say that. I find any time I glance at it’s eyes I feel and think “this is intense” and I stop after half a second. “It’s just a picture! Right?” is what some part of my brain says when that happens. But we know better.


I never seen some attention that people give me when I use enhanced Glory. I feel like when I walk outside. I give this big cat energy that makes people wonder who is that person. Last night I went out with my dad. Still people just trying to look on me. When i glance them back. They still keep staring at me. Like something in me.

So I think the attraction part is quite showing. This work well with enhanced Glory btw.

Though I couldn’t care less with the attraction part. It still nice knowing it give you lot of attention. Lol

Tell me. People who own this nft. With the attraction part. Do you see the same thing happening when you go out? If not then it’s probably just enhanced Glory do it’s thing😂


Yes. Lately, I just wear “The Black Panther” in a pocket when I´m outside and it´s quite obvious its effects. I get more stares from ladies, feel like a king, confident, like someone important…


Oh now I see it’s from this nft! :rofl:ya the stares just wild lol


Same plus makes me feel super flirty it’s fun !!


My cat been clinging on me lately it’s so weird :joy: I think he see me like a big cat lol

This nft making you like a cat woman in real life! :joy:


The confidence is nice. I feel like the panther is walking besides me reminding me hey you got this. It’s something else.


I think I understand how to implement this nft now

So I stare with the phanter eyes. And I begin to ask what I want. For example. Like infusing me with fame energy. It flows right away

The way I asked ( give me the power of fame) then I can feel the energy saturate me with lot of attraction energy. Even though it did automatically by carrying the picture anyway but the flow seems a bit boosted up when you ask for it.

Pretty cool!

I did the same thing with confident. It give me slight boost. Can’t really say about this part though. But I did it hours ago.

Might try with the intuition command and see how it goes. I’ll report once I see some results :slight_smile:

I feel like owning big cat servitor but this isn’t servitor either :sweat_smile:in a way it feel like it :joy:


I also think that’s the best way to work with this NFT. Sometimes I felt that I could talk to the Black Panther. Anyone has the same experience?


Last night. When I was almost falling asleep. I could see an image of cat jumping on me. :sweat_smile::joy:but yes. You should speak to it lol. Its like a cat. I think it is a big cat after all


Yes! I talk to him & I see his response in his eyes, change of expression. I think I see movement in the image - fur whiskers, whatever.
I ask him for strength & smooth flow in daily events. Despite a lot of travel last week, I have no back ache. A bit of fatigue, but not as much as usual. Easy finding of cabs, timely arrival, etc


Oh so we can actually ask for more than just anything with this then? :eyes:that’s very cool


Yes, I wanted to ask about the movements in the image as well, but then I wondered if others would think that I’m delusional :joy: :joy: :joy: You can combine it with Tuaoi Crystal to upgrade your energy level.


You’re not delusional. I saw it too lol but I see the actual cat coming out of it😂


Same here, I thought I was going a bit crazy

Have you tried yet?

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