The Black Panther Totem


Bagheera! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I had this association when I saw the blanket
amazing :laughing:


Aside from the blanketā€¦love your pillows! There is Silent Mind, Stone of Destiny, Neg-Fool, the Hawaiian area which I canā€™t spell. Plus a tower of power there on the right


This nft gave me a better connection to cats (?). I was outside with a friend and we talked for a bit. I saw a cat and tried to attract it to us. Strangely it worked and the cat came instantly to me and I could pet it, the cat even stayed for a minute. My friend asked me if I know this cat, I said that I have never seen it before. 5minutes later we saw the cat again and it went again to us after I tried it.
My friend told me that I have a aura for that,donā€™t really knlw what he meant but still


What would you qualify as long time energetic abuse?

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Wow, Looking back and this video is quite amazing. Deeper meaning we can derive from it.

Bless Anna Breytenbach strong with the Spirit, she understands the green language, the language of the birds. The common tongue before babelā€¦ The tongue we first use when we are babies our native language. The language PROVES we are equal and life speaks through all of itā€™s creationā€¦

in the video notice how Yo Olson is speaking of the Diablo:

ā€œThe whole atmosphere there was a vibe of aggression, a ā€œI hate you and I will kill youā€ attitude, and you know, the one encounter I had with him sent me to the hospitalā€”one bite, one week. Heā€™s a dangerous cat, very, very dangerous. Heā€™s hostile towards me and towards everybody else.ā€

Than he mentions this:

ā€œI honestly do not believe that an animal can talk to a human or communicate with a human. Iā€™ve had animals my whole life. We give them commands, we give them instructions, and they do as we instruct at the basic level, but I am very skeptical to think that an animal like Diablo can communicate with humans.ā€

We give them commands
we give them instructions
they do as we instruct at the basic level

by the way heā€™s speaking of it as thereā€™s little respect for the animals (even if he had them all his life)

Now Annaā€™s approach is totally 180.

ā€œThe minute he saw Ana, he calmed down and let her kneel right outside and look at him. This beautiful black leopard that youā€™ve asked us to communicate with is very overwhelmed by his new surroundings, having come from a very cramped and stressful place.ā€

Sheā€™s understanding of this beingā€™s conditionsā€¦

ā€œDiablo. He wants that name changed because he doesnā€™t like the associations with itā€”the blackness, the darkness, the diabolical.ā€

Again showing (Spirit) is conscious deserves the respect you would give to for example your mother or an elder etc.

ā€œAnd when asking him about his past before coming here, he shows concern for two young cubs that were next to him. Heā€™s asking what happened to them with a great sense of care and concern.ā€

The Love and care for other life is evident to spirit even if she feels threaten one of the first things she asks is of these cubs.

while the humans:

ā€œWe actually forgot about that. When we went to fetch him, there was so much excitement about bringing him back here, it actually slipped my mind.ā€

elated excitement

ā€œAlso reassured him that you have no demands of him here, that youā€™re quite happy to not make any physical demands of him or any expectation for display or interaction. That youā€™re really willing to let him be how he wants to be, and thatā€™s given him an enormous sense of relief.ā€

again this theme of respect and appreciation from Anna is consistent.

ā€œHe said it was the first time that someone has directly expressed to him verbally appreciation for who he really is, not how I see who to be, and that really surprised him. It shows me an image of literally stopping in his tracks, surprised at that sense of a wall of appreciation coming towards him. He is so relieved that nothingā€™s being demanded of him here. Heā€™s just so relieved, like his weight is lifted off his shoulders. And when he was grunting, he said he was saying ā€œthank youā€ for the thank yous. So each thank you he was getting, he was saying thank you back.ā€

Wow just so beautiful, So much warmth when i heard this again fell upon me. ā€œHe said it was the first time that someone has directly expressed to him verbally appreciationā€ would never say the same about someone giving him commands or instructions. We see again how the minds communicate with each other,

ā€œIt shows me an image of literally stopping in his tracks, surprised at that sense of a wall of appreciation coming towards him.ā€

wall of appreciation coming towards him. appreciation, appreciation, appreciation!.

The man was in awe as he stepped out of his disconnected way of thinking about the whole situation, that love and appreciation he got now for Spirit made him cry they were both healing.

Itā€™s two different animals; itā€™s two totally, totally different personalities. We had a snarling cat, angry at everything, upset about being here, hating humans, hating us for having him here, you know, ready to kill in an instant, to this relaxed black leopard thatā€™s lying on top of his log in his shelter. Itā€™s this attitude of ā€œyou recognize me for who I am now,ā€

It is that love that changed the DNA of the creation(s).

Now Iā€™m Looking back at this NFT because i was looking into the Eyes of the Panther and was just struck with this intense appreciation from both ends, it was so much that in my mind came rite of passage. As if i was being tested but also i remember these creations are aliveā€¦ Just in a different form than what we are used to ā€˜seeingā€™ the same lessons apply here and Dream has been dropping hints over the years.


Very beautiful :heart:
Thanks for sharing :pray:


thx again for sharing this @Zen .
I checked and the update is that Spirit passed away last year being over 20 years old, which is nice.

This story inspired me, I saw a cat that was sick in a cat shelter. I mean the cat was wearing that head ring or what you call it. The cat looked really sad. So I just went there, looked at it, and gave it reassurance in my mind, that it is a beautiful cat and that its gonna be healthy, and that I saw a video of his big black panther brother :smiley:

The cat made a few movements and then slowly got up and walked to me ;) I played a little with him and before I left told him he has to rest well to be healthy soon. After this thought the cat kind of nodded and lay back down!

I believe this cat is gonna be well soon


Maybe you turn into cat whisperer


no but i want a black panther at the office please

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I love how you can pick up right where you left off with these intelligent friends/fields.

I hadnā€™t worked with black panther in a bit, I picked her up as I was cleaning out a drawer and the instant reality shift upon looking at her was

chefs kiss

Definitely my strongest nft connection


I was really confused with the description of the black panther that kind of made me push it away in a sense until it had extra info below and now I feel like i kind of grasp of what the black panther holds. Also from what I know its not an entity energy like Thor right? But like a field similar to knight warrior that instills certain powerful energies in your field? Usually I stay away from entities stuff so I just wanna make sure its nothing like that. Also I really like the attraction aspect of this and it seems to fill you up with empowering energy which is also something I like. I hope some clarity on what black panther truly holds.

Itā€™s totemic energies
term from the shamanic practices of the North American Indians. It is the energetic representation of an animal and it contains the absolute power of that species
this is the Spirit of this species

These animal totems are spiritual guides that help a person on their lifeā€™s journey by providing support and guidance, etc.



From my personal experience, it works on an intuitive level. It allows you to quickly understand your mistakes and turns them into lessons. If you are working on yourself, you will make significant progress in a short time. Itā€™s as if the processing of information multiplies.
Moreover, the panther always shows you the right path to follow so you can gain the greatest possible benefit. This means not getting trapped and lost in the middle of the forest.


Is this NFT still available? I cant find it either on sapienshop or on the first post linkā€¦

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This NFT was previously available as a limited edition on the sound weaver website.

The only way you can find it now is through our secondary market:

Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread