The Black Panther Totem

I think I was the first buyer :)


You got the serial number 1/100? :slightly_smiling_face:


If you mean the sequence number, then no, it wasnā€™t me :grin:


@Ugninis @Atreides

What is the best way to connect with ā€œThe Black Pantherā€?

How do I welcome you?

How do I let you into my life?

How to make a strong connection?

I am not sensitive to energy.

But I really want to connect.




sold out already? wtf


Lots of vivid dreams last night. Strong feeling of inner power/strength.

Memories of the past have been popping up at random to process furtherā€¦

Also, only slept 5hrs last night and am feeling the most energized Iā€™ve felt in a long time. This could be due to looping Major Blueprint and Negentropic Jing though :grin:


@anon36920264 Selling out in 24 hours is a luxury. I remember the days when 3 mins was too long. :sweat_smile::joy:


Same here


#70 for me! While the ā€˜dem bonesā€™ projects looked great, Iā€™d been holding off as I didnā€™t feel like I truly resonated with any of the animals. But I felt compelled to purchase this the moment I laid eyes on the magnificent artwork. Thank you @Ugninis and Captain for making this public, and to all who managed to purchase this I am looking forward to reading your reviews.

Since purchasing this, my body feels pumped and energized. For me this is noticeable because I havenā€™t been to the gym in 2 days, nor am I particularly energy sensitive. But I feel like Iā€™ve just finished a biceps workout, and Iā€™ve been unconsciously tensing and flexing my arms all day. The power of the black panther feels truly potent :muscle:


I know. Two years ago you asked me a similar question related to the Dark Servitors. You didnā€™t seem to find a strong connection with Viracocha either, if Iā€™m not mistaken.

Understand, everyone has different experiences and energy sensitivity. When people say to me ā€œI donā€™t feel anythingā€ itā€™s always surprising to me, as I feel every design of my project.

This product has nothing in common with past servitors . It is the purest living energy, it is completely real, and so elegant that it gives you goosebumps. The panther is alive. Look into her eyes for 2 minutes, what do you feel?


I wanna highlight this: stare into his eyes and you will find he stares at your soul. I felt it in 5-10 seconds.

@Bre19 for me i feel more relaxed at night. Perhaps you have a specific time in the day where you feel most relaxed? Try to use that time period where you feel this gentle relaxation, then just stare at him

(And obviously try this for any other NFT too)


Think less, and just wonder at the photo.

Feel whatever comes up and bring your focus back to the beingā€¦ Look at the eyes itā€™s surrounding

Practice this 2-3 times a day 5 mins each session.

How about you come back to us within a week of doing this and let us know what you sense?

(Journal your discovery, and keep them to yourself till the end of the week. Maybe you can compare your first day to the last, when you let us know.)


If you can imagine her sitting next to you just a little bit, thatā€™s great.
remember - using expensive perfume / eau de toilette / cologne, after a few hours you can stop feeling it
But this does not mean that there is no effect. People around you can smell the beautiful elegant fragrance.
this is called in a simple word: assimilation

energetic effects are subtle things, a lot depends on practice (or from the original gift given)


so the Panther like the Negentropic Dragon, meaning we treat him like a servitor??


Is it better not to wear cologne?

Also print and carry 24 hours. Thank you all for your support.



No, theyā€™re not servitors.
In the Dragon branch, the Captain also seems to have hinted
They are living creatures.

Put it as a screensaver on your phone for starters ;)


I didnā€™t say anything about this, I was waiting for others to experience but Iā€™ve had spiritual and emotional releases, psychic traumas strongly apearing etc. Its powerful


sorry, what i really mean is, can we request help/energies or assign task from the Panther like the Neg Dragon?


I think so. Depends on how you understand ā€œassignment.ā€
I think the interaction should be in the form of a friendly request

This applies to deities as well. I donā€™t see how they can be given tasksā€¦ :slight_smile:


yes, this part, Im imagining the NFT image while outside of house since mine is not yet printed
and i felt that i can the ask the Panther for request if needed.
So i decided to ask here just to confirm if its possible