The Black Panther Totem

the only advice i ever gave myself is to discard all the standard recommendations and trust your intuition (this applies not only to the panther)
in any process/practice/situation, imagine her next to you.
it’s easier than it seems, and quite effective


This is how i feel like with my dire wolf archetype and panther collides. She smooths and balances that raging wolf


“The Black Panther” + “Smilodon Bones” is a good idea?

Can I have both in my jean bag?

Can Black Panther make Smilodon’s energy stronger?

I’m thinking of leaving Smilodon Bones…



Many thanks for the Black Panther, Captain!

This kitty is purrrfect. Making me not feel guilty for standing up for myself and that seduction energy is no joke.

I want to activate the jaguar energy from Viracocha and see how that pairs with the panther.


I bet you could. The most you would have to invest is one day into seeing if you like the combo.

I’ll offer you an unconventional answer. If you can look beyond it looking not like an answer. I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t believe there is more to it than meets the eye.

Have the nft on you while thinking about how cool the black panther is. That’s all. I’ll go on to try and flesh this out but really that is it.

Think about how much you’d like to be like the black panther. Stealthy. Powerful. Sleek. Quick, deadly when necessary. Wise in the jungle or rainforest.

How awesome is it for you to have some of these traits. Feel a little bit excited about it. Have at least a touch of that feeling you had when you were a kid and you were excited because you got to have something cool; maybe a new action figure or video game or to see the coolest new movie that had just came out. Feel at least a tiny bit of that excitement over having something cool for yourself. And that is all. No incantations or visualizations necessary.

Do that and it’s all the “welcoming” and “connecting” you could want.


I like how so many were minted because now I can eat popcorn and read al the testimonies hehe :popcorn::nerd_face:
That’s the reason why I never ended up deleting my account so I could continue to stalk the forum
But ever since nft group thingies, not so much/ it’s not been as fun (because there’s not much openly to stalk lol).
Actually about to make popcorn rn I’m not even jk



This advice is pure gold and trust me, read this a hundred times or more to fully grasp it, and bookmark it





I love this NFT so much! There are whispers on the forum that this is Ugnis’ best project to date.
That is saying a great deal! :gift_heart:


when I stare into his eyes, I feel like he is reading into my soul … and besides, I have adored the panther since I was a child


I wear it 24 hours a day.

  • My head feels heavy, overwhelmed.

  • I’m sleeping A LOT.

  • VERY STRANGE dreams.

It is still a short time to discover all the power of it.

I want to try:

The Black Panther Totem + Smilodon Bones.



my suggestion. dont wear it constantly. look at her two times a day speak to her an leave the mandala.


yo a Smilodon lo puse a un lado para conectar más con la pantera igual he tenido sueños raros; te recomiendo que la veas a los ojos por un rato y le pidas sus habilidades ya sea encanto, agilidad, autoridad etc aún no la he impreso


“Yes,” said Mowgli, “all the jungle fear Bagheera–all except Mowgli.”

“Oh, thou art a man’s cub,” said the Black Panther very tenderly. “And even as I returned to my jungle, so thou must go back to men at last–to the men who are thy brothers–if thou art not killed in the Council.”

“But why–but why should any wish to kill me?” said Mowgli.

“Look at me,” said Bagheera. And Mowgli looked at him steadily between the eyes. The big panther turned his head away in half a minute.

“That is why,” he said, shifting his paw on the leaves. “Not even I can look thee between the eyes, and I was born among men, and I love thee, Little Brother. The others they hate thee because their eyes cannot meet thine; because thou art wise; because thou hast pulled out thorns from their feet–because thou art a man.”

“I did not know these things,” said Mowgli sullenly, and he frowned under his heavy black eyebrows.

“What is the Law of the Jungle? Strike first and then give tongue. By thy very carelessness they know that thou art a man. But be wise. It is in my heart that when Akela misses his next kill–and at each hunt it costs him more to pin the buck–the Pack will turn against him and against thee. They will hold a jungle Council at the Rock, and then–and then–I have it!” said Bagheera, leaping up. “Go thou down quickly to the men’s huts in the valley, and take some of the Red Flower which they grow there, so that when the time comes thou mayest have even a stronger friend than I or Baloo or those of the Pack that love thee. Get the Red Flower.”

By Red Flower Bagheera meant fire, only no creature in the jungle will call fire by its proper name. Every beast lives in deadly fear of it, and invents a hundred ways of describing it.

“The Red Flower?” said Mowgli. "That grows outside their huts in the twilight. I will get some.

“There speaks the man’s cub,” said Bagheera proudly. “Remember that it grows in little pots. Get one swiftly, and keep it by thee for time of need.”

“Good!” said Mowgli. “I go. But art thou sure, O my Bagheera”–he slipped his arm around the splendid neck and looked deep into the big eyes–“art thou sure that all this is Shere Khan’s doing?”

“By the Broken Lock that freed me, I am sure, Little Brother.”

“Then, by the Bull that bought me, I will pay Shere Khan full tale for this, and it may be a little over,” said Mowgli, and he bounded away.

“That is a man. That is all a man,” said Bagheera to himself, lying down again. “Oh, Shere Khan, never was a blacker hunting than that frog-hunt of thine ten years ago!”

Mowgli was far and far through the forest, running hard, and his heart was hot in him. He came to the cave as the evening mist rose, and drew breath, and looked down the valley. The cubs were out, but Mother Wolf, at the back of the cave, knew by his breathing that something was troubling her frog.

“What is it, Son?” she said.

“Some bat’s chatter of Shere Khan,” he called back. “I hunt among the plowed fields tonight,” and he plunged downward through the bushes, to the stream at the bottom of the valley. There he checked, for he heard the yell of the Pack hunting, heard the bellow of a hunted Sambhur, and the snort as the buck turned at bay. Then there were wicked, bitter howls from the young wolves: “Akela! Akela! Let the Lone Wolf show his strength. Room for the leader of the Pack! Spring, Akela!”

The Lone Wolf must have sprung and missed his hold, for Mowgli heard the snap of his teeth and then a yelp as the Sambhur knocked him over with his forefoot.

He did not wait for anything more, but dashed on; and the yells grew fainter behind him as he ran into the croplands where the villagers lived."

Excerpts from “The Jungle Book” by Rudyard Kipling. Read the book or watch the movie…but the movie only in 3D (CGI).

I guess I’m feeling ‘some kind of way’ today. :sparkling_heart:



Start at :22 or so


Same here for me, been feeling nostalgic lately. Having better dream recall as well
The charisma and glamour part is showing itself, more looks and better reception from women

I bought a second copy for trading purposes but let my best friend hold onto it. He’s open to these things but doesn’t care to actively practice. He made a phantom wallet and we both set the image as our wallpaper. I may let him keep it as a once in a lifetime, rare gift lol

This field is truly powerful! I’m really happy and excited to own it! Looking forward to healing from the past, assuming our new life and identity, and attracting people and opportunities to act on!

Many thanks to you brother @Ugninis . Very thoughtful and inclusive of you! :heart:
And of course thanks Dream for making this gem! :gem:


Is this sold out already? :sob:


Yes, it is sold out!

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