The Black Panther Totem

Something about this field makes me feel very complete. I’m satisfied with using less and less fields. This is very impressive.


I am a snob (self-admittedly), at times, haha - Bones, Raven, Ape, naaw I don’t need that! (I got all of them anyway)…

But this one just called out to me and disproved my sort of standoffishness with anything with an animal name (probably owing to my peaceful non-affinity with most animals). This field does so many things that I least expected - increase energy, balance energy, all this while being grounded, and at some point, it was very directly working on my third eye and/or pineal gland.

Feeling very humbled, and IMPRESSED with this field!! I even got two copies :cowboy_hat_face:


Yes bro! I didn’t expect any of this either.


I just got this :blush: but I the picture isn’t load in my wallet. How to download this picture? Anyone with this nft can send me the original picture? That would be nice :grinning:


Thanks! Btw does this nft has charisma and glamour field to it?


I wouldn’t take it as “the same old field on gumroad that the Captain put in Panther”

every product has its own alchemy - panther energy has charisma, glamour, sexiness and more.

Don’t divide this NFT into lists and points. It’s too simple. :slight_smile:


I´m so in love with this one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


:face_with_monocle: Not that field, per se, but definitely the vibe of Charisma and Glamour ( and then some! :sparkles:)


Alright. I will print this nft tomorrow and see how it goes! Quite excited for the attraction part :joy:


yes the sexiness aspect is wonderful.
what i like even more about it is this automatic “embedded intrinsic-ness” for a lack of a better description.
Its the “I KNOW I look and feel sexy”
This in essence is the ultimate self-confidence field.
It encourages you to be like this, by looking into your soul and blending all your current aspects together, then highlighting the ones that need work




Like cat woman? :eyes:

Damn I will be walk like this in real life ?

That’s cool!

I’ll update with the confident part if I notice anything

In the meantime. Let’s settle it down with contagious yawn


I have been using it for a few days. I bought it for the confidence part but received much more than expected.

The first obvious effect, I can feel the muscles in my whole body twitching, especially in my back. I’m not a sporty person, so it was the first time that I could feel so many muscles in my body. I felt like a real panther, with all of its strong muscles and power. And strangely, I had the urge to do exercise every day and become more active in life (i.e., going out, making things done), like it is a natural part of mine. To my amazement, I went from a couch potato to doing exercises multiple times a day. (Btw, doing exercise every day had been on my list of manifestations using the Cone of Power for a while. So, another manifestation has come true.)

And then comes the detox part. I woke up from strange dreams about the people and events in the past, frozen by surging fears and sadness, having nausea, dizziness, and fatigue all day. I felt overwhelmed and decided to work less with this NFT. The power of this NFT is definitely too strong for me.

I also noticed that people became much more friendly with me. Some strangers were chatty with me out of nowhere. I’m living in Germany, believe me, here people are not chatty to strangers, especially foreigners. Friends and acquaintances became much more endearing and attentive. I felt confused sometimes because of the new treatment I received from people. I had used the Charisma and Glamour and the Fame mandala before but the effects of The Black Panther are very different. People are attracted to me somehow, without any effort.

Finally, the confidence aspect. This effect is more subtle. It is more about being content with who I am, with all my flaws and weaknesses. I still compared myself to other people and felt insecure sometimes, but such negative feelings faded away very fast with a positive attitude about the future.

I’ll update further after a month or so.



just got a message from a friend :grin: :+1:


Dont, i do that sometimes if i get back pain :smiley:




there is more panthere

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah this is a lot more than a confidence and attractiveness project but it’s all good stuff have fun with it :) but if your going for a strong session I recommend after work lol


Maybe during the weekend. The effects lasted the whole day :joy:

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