The Blueprint of Life

After a week of using it 4-5 times a day, I understand intellectually its effect on our consciousness, but surprised by the work it’s doing.

The first two days I could see & feel some immediate results (other fields more powerful, more harmony, joy, etc.), though it feels those last days except when I set an intent on something specific (intelligent energy yay) this is working on things I have no idea about and I’ll benefit from it later on.

Anyone with the same feeling?


:muscle: :+1:


Yes, new thoughts and insights about stuff I didn’t know I needed to know…

I really love this field.


I notice this too! The way I respond to other fields seems more powerful and also more harmonious (fewer overloads, etc.), thanks to this field.


Might want to expand upon this please :grin:

Hi All,
Need your guidance can this field be played along with Knight/Warrior mindset?


Thank you for the reply I am about to purchase to purchase this field I purchased warrior mindset last month “The Blueprint of life” also make changes in mental level as I read the experiences of others so I am bit confused that if I play these 2 fields together it should not clash their results

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Thank you !
Do you use both fields?

I use both at different times of the day.

In my opinion or what has been my experience so far, blue print takes us back to our original ‘virgen’ pure self, The audio offers the journey of understanding, healing, discovering, releasing or embracing what or where you see it suitable, its your choice what you do with the info your gather in this journey, whatever you choose this audio helps you to get to the beginning so then you can build the self that you want… therefore while “deconstructing” you can be “constructing” that new you. In this case with the energy and vibration of a Knight :slightly_smiling_face:

When i listen to the Knight i listen to this one after:


Thank you for the reply
I am facing issue in my life I know what actions need to be taken in order to improve my life however I got so stuck in indulging in pleasures due to worries that I don’t take harder actions. Would this “The Blueprint of life” would be suitable for me in order to generate best version of mine?

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Def both yes and maybe essence of the mantras :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ego dissolution
Unstoppable will power


Thank you

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Thank you I am listening to Ojas it is very powerful


Same for me


Why at the same time though?

Do you not have time or some other reason?

I am not saying same time
I play knight mindset field & few other fields while sleeping
I have created a playlist for different stack & play it using sleep timer app so it pauses audio after set time
If I purchase Blueprint of life field then I would play it in day time

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Can you show your stacks?
Thank you

In the night (in loop)

sacral & base
smart stem cell (from Gumroad)
brain chemical restoration (From Maitreya)
Gratitude & appreciation
Addiction healing (From Programmed_intention)

In the morning

Subconscious limiting belief
Attract wealth
Probability alteration & luck

In day time



I think you are confusing the ‘at the same time’ i mean one after the other not both playing at the same time


Update no. 2

Nothing has ever dissuaded me from smoking until now (except my own temporary decisions). People criticizing? Who cares :partying_face: Degenerated organ pics displayed on the new disgusting cigarette packs? Hehe… Those haven’t read one of the most known psychology experiments lol. Dear Dreamweaver’s anti-addiction fields? Not even them (I’ve never pressed their play button :grimacing:).

But Blueprint? Unsurprisingly, this one is about to win over me. I might soon put a :no_smoking: next to my profile pic (but I promise to never become a dumba.s criticizing other smokers once I quit :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:).