The Blueprint of Life

Beginning/end… what’s that :rofl: :rofl:


Ahh! The description already reminded me of his work :smile:


Is there any recommendations of other fields to listen to before or after or tags to wear at the same time? :slight_smile:


Nothing comes to mind in particular outside of some may need Grounding still if too energized…

Not sure what you’re asking tho exactly.


Thank you for the reply :slight_smile: not sure myself either, just checking so I didn’t miss any great ways to use it.
Right now I just listen about 10 times a day on workdays and 30 times on free days :slight_smile:
Felt a little tired from the field but a few times playing Five Elements and Ojas helped a lot.


Do we still need to listen to Flower of Life if we have this?


Also these suggestions

:flushed:… What the…

I finally did get the field. Right now, I’m bubbling like a bottle of Schweppes.

It was definitely a good option for me to wait a few days and make some preparation before this bomb, that’s for sure! My heart is still beating like crazy, but it’s nothing alarming: I interpret it more like “hey, I’m more alive that you could ever imagine”. That kind of message. My throat is burning, some tears have stopped by… but the main signature of all this is: laughter. Yes, I’m laughing. And there’s a deformed version of Poles Apart (Pink Floyd) running inside my head. Blabla and blabla.

I’ll probably come back to write a more “right to the point” review in a year or two… This is just a preview, bypassing any possible vocabulary.

@_OM, you were right, once again. You were right to knock relentlessly on my prisonish shell. If you hadn’t cracked it up even a little… I would have never been able to open myself to this field. Never. The old saying is right: we throw our most spectacular tantrums to our most beloved ones… to those who we count deeply on.

Because yes, you are a beloved family member for me and one of the greatest teachers of my whole existence. You have an eternal throne in my heart. So has Dreamweaver.


:+1: :slight_smile:




Wow, I love these words.


Finally I couldn’t resist buying this.
Bought it during my morning walk today.
Listen to it twice seated in the cool of the garden.
Nothing major happened.
Felt some sensation on my feet, more on right foot.
Notice i am calmer and my mind is quieter.
Seems to make me more sensitive to other audios afterwards


Wow, so seeing all these reviews I was like, here goes 50% of my remaining monthly expenses.

I feel this straight into the core. @Bronyraur I completely agree with your description of a bottle of Schweppes - what an apt description xD

Also angel’s description about “cold plasma” - I feel that on a really deep level too while releasing. This stuff is amazing. First day though, so I can’t say too much until I have more experience with this field. This is going on my daily stack.


OMG, in such a long time? Given the Dreamweaver realizations in a few weeks after 21/12, by that time they will surely have created the field for time travel or for the choice of favorite timelines. :sunglasses:


Although not explicitly mentioned, every field has this! You just don’t consciously know you’re shifting


it was a joke, a way of speaking


Kinda early to say but I believe this field (or ojas or both?) is having some sort of impact on my reading abilities, words aren’t just words I feel like I’m actually reading something and understanding what I’m reading in the moment whereas before I would “read” and have ZERO idea what I just spend my last 5 mins reading. If anyone else have similar results let me know what field you’re listening to.


Kinda early for me as well but it seems that something has already been… “uncorked” (is this word correct?) in the past + - 30 hours, also regarding this aspect. There’s a book I was struggling to read. Now, it just goes like pure water.

I’m using Ojas as well, like you + a bunch of brain tracks regularly since quite a “long” time. But this on the top of the stacks has set on fire all the other ones, including Plasma. I was chilling with the latter (thanks to Fae and other grounding stuff/crystals) but since yesterday… it’s :fire:.


do you have aphantasia? I’ve had the same problem, never did well on tests and exams. After learning about aphantasia, I attributed that to the cause.

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omg this is exactly my problem for years :joy::joy:
it makes learning for school so much more difficult :/

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