The Blueprint of Life

I really enjoyed reading everyone’s review on this field. I’m actually about to leave to put money on my card to get it. I’m so excited for it. The main theme I got from this discussion is freedom. This word has been coming to me a lot lately. And if this is the case with this field then this is the promise land. I’ve never been so excited for life. Happy listening everyone. I’ll post a review also soon. So happy to be hear. Thank you all. :heart::heart::heart:

Edit: Thought I’d post a picture of Eren since I’m sure like him all of us want freedom.


Oh I completely forgot lol…as expected the field is too strong as it’s supposed to be…I’d even feel the effect whole day even if I play 1 or 2 times…yet some were planning to loop the audio overnight and I told them not to tho…what’s your thought about looping the audio overnight?

Hi @anon20763027 like OM mentioned, looping is not needed. This is a very powerful sacred field. Looping it would almost be disrespectful in a way. Sit with it meditate and pay attention to it. You’ll fall in love with it.

Let me ask you, do you put on your favorite show on tv and then go to another room to do other tasks? No you sit and emerse yourself in the story.

DW fields are the same! When you emerse yourself in them, you integrate them within much quicker and no need to loop.

Edit: exception are the fields for the environment :grin: I loop them all day long :heart_eyes:


Yah exactly…I’m not an “Intellectual” to do it lol I’m very aware what this field is capable of…wish if those avarage joes saw this comment who were arguing with me about it :smirk:

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I absolutely need this one :100: :slight_smile:


Review Part 2

(Part 1 Here)

Disclaimer: While these are things I experience along with a few others as well, in no way am I saying this to say that this is the only way to experience this field. This is just my interpretation according to my experimenting for the past few weeks and the results that followed those experiments. Enjoy.

Blueprint of Life; The All-In-One Transformation Chamber (People that studied SEE, Attention)

I have talked about this in other posts but there are two ways I use fields that deal with leveling up consciousness.

Tuning Fork style, which means I let the field do what it does without my input on it and I let go of all resistance that I have towards it. At some point, there’s no resistance and therefore anytime I listen to the field, all I get is the pure vibration of the field does. When I am in this state, I take advantage and I do the second style.

Directed Style, similar to how I have explained how I use Plasma Flower and Plasma Light, I piggyback off the vibrations of the field and then use my mind to direct it towards that intent.

That said, It took a bit longer than usual to clear BoL as it was bringing up quite a few heavy things I had to deal with but once I was done, the results were very obvious.

The immediate effect was that I became even more sensitive than before, fields effect are more obvious, and the things that were stopping me from being “optimal” are now gone for the most part (Still have to do deeper cycles to make sure).

Now why the “All-In-One Transformation Chamber”…

I can feel Torsion + Plasma Light + Flower of Life + Mind Setting (similar effect) + A node type field + Vibration Series type effect (consciousness and physical)…


I’ve talked about this in another post so I’ll do a quick summary:


The void or the realm of potentiality. Where all exists and at the same time. When using the fields, you have access to all. In the past, I’ve explained that if you get into the Torsion field and focus your thoughts on your topic/concept, you get “filled” with that energy. Basically using the ether to provide you with the “proper” energy for that focus. Having access to “all” don’t low ball it.

Plasma (Negentropy)

This has been explained many times but it’s honestly never enough. Negentropy is not entropy. Meaning that it will reverse entropy and therefore set negentropy to whatever is focused upon, it will organize it back into its optimal condition. In the case of what we have been privy to in this community, anything physical or in consciousness.

Flower Of Life

Let’s put it this way, if you were an architect you would want to have the best blueprint you can put together, well Flower of Life is THE blueprint and many levels of consciousness-expanding from present to past and future and in ways that we do not have the intelligence to comprehend. We don’t need to put our ideas on how to improve, this is provided by Flower of Life.

Mind Settings Type Effect

Apart from my own experience on witnessing subconscious structures completely disintegrate and witnessing them changing into an optimal condition or just disappearing altogether…

The intention behind this audio is to create the right mental and physical mindsets to facilitate change while you use it.

Node Type Effect

Here’s what I can say, when I did a session with a friend we would take turns to “boost up” and the other person felt the shift even if one of us was doing nothing, so there was a “connection”. This lasted for a bit after the looping session. I’ll leave it at that.

Vibration Series Type Effect

I’ve written my review on the Vibrations series and while I am a lot more aware, most of what I wrote still stays, the only thing I would “change” is the semantics. I’m less wordy about spirituality as I’ve experienced that talking about it leads to less favorable conditions. Now about Vibrations, it forces you to level up, and usually by bringing up what you must take care of, once you’re over it, it’s obvious that you have progressed. The difference is that I would call BoL, Transcendence 2.0 and a lot smoother at that. I can reach my highest states I have access to now with ease thanks to this field. The funny part is that while I don’t want to talk about it objectively just yet but also add this concept to your physical body.

That said…

I sat down today as I’m getting ready to go on a hybrid hiatus (might pop in to do reviews from time to time) and I reviewed who I was pre-BoL and who I am now.

I’ve done some incredible growth in an extremely short time. I can say that for the first time ever in my life I feel that there’s absolutely no confusion inside me.

If I want to manifest something, I know what to do. If I want to let go of something, I’ve talked enough about that but it’s the easiest it’s ever been. If I want to become a different version, that’s easy as well. The best part is that I say this with no pride, no emotion, or hype. It’s now becoming breathing to me.

I’ve become somewhat of a consciousness shapeshifter.

And while this didn’t happen overnight, it happened in just about 120 days. I dare say that with current tools it would take only weeks if I had to re-do it. I believe that the fact that the people that are in Satori have started to manifest very specific goals in just days is a sign in itself.

My goal is complete and it’s very clear thanks to @_OM and @Dreamweaver.

Special thanks to those who stuck all the way to SEE and are reaping the results of feeling control along with the humility of what is your part in this co-creation of life.

Angel :v:t4:


Agreeeee :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


@anon22855873 As I’ve told you before, I’m not the least bit jealous of these gifs…not even a little bit! :expressionless:

Wonderful Testimonial!


What can I say…

I just have the consciousness of amazing gif finding :joy:


Friends, you gotta stop it! I’m trying not to spend my coinz on this! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But between your cool gifs, your powerful words and your inspiring transformations, I gotta confess: I’m weakening.

(I’m also high-fiving each of you in your experiences.)


This post is one of those that I save as screenshots and put in my archives :trophy:

High-level stuff, but at the same time, it has this scent or “promise” of absolute clarity. The one we long for, the one with which we lose contact over time, because of parasitic interferences, etc. You know the song.

Thank you for taking the time to share your journey. Always sharp, always meticulous, always :+1:t2:


probably! my dog was napping with me in bed and he started to move and bark in his sleep indicating to me that he’s in deep sleep when he’s usually alert at any sound or movement.

i learned from him today that he’s not bored at all. when he goes to sleep he’s active doing other things same as when i go dream and i’m somewhere else.

on a note of dreaming. i felt a ton of fear in my dream but it was like my consciousness helped my dream character realize how messed up their situation is and to just dip.

it was like sobering up and really seeing everything for what it’s worth.

when i ran i heard my name being called out from the two i was with and they were shouting at each other telling each other that they were the reason i ran.

another dream character noticed me and helped me flee from the situation.

i woke up with my heart beating and realizing all will be well for my dream character.


The part of.atractivness is because this has golden ratio to/phi?


Yes it transforms cells and dna


My pleasure, happy to share. :pray:t4:


I decided to take a risk on this, I was at my budget and I was planning to be strict. I decided to go ahead and cut a stock loose and sell it because a raw gut instinct told me that I’d make the money back tenfold.

I read this thread all morning, had to make sure I properly did this one right.

I’ve been doing the Vibration series every night before bed, great series but a roller coaster ride. I wanted to get a softer, gentler ride and to a better vibe, somehow I was convinced this would do it.

I went and did the Reiki Star Exercise in my backyard, feet firmly grounded in grass. First time, felt like a rush. First time for Reiki and first time for a field that’ll make everything else my first time.

I played the field, felt a raw buzz between my tongue and my teeth. I got the chills as the violins started playing, My temples pulsated and I felt lightheaded. All my worries, stresses, fears dissolved. The 10 minutes felt too short.

I played it two more times.

I needed more, it put me in a mental state that I didn’t think I could ever be in. Subconscious limits were truly dissolved more than the namesake field. Whatever fears I had and thought of, were immediately deleted. Whatever unconscious beliefs I didn’t understand, all my subconsciously rooted disgusts and demons were explained away, as if I could finally see them in a completely holistic perspective.

I was in shock. I didn’t ever think of myself able to truly be at this vibration.

Absolutely amazing, I’m still playing it now just to truly take it in.


Thank you for sharing your experience


I know that feeling. This sense of alignment with the purest part of oneself is extraordinary.
I can’t still, maybe never fully will, put this feeling in words, other than that it reaches far, far beyond what I can imagine. In every possible aspect.

Love this field.


So I finally got this.

I thought I’d be able to describe the experience but words are failing me right now. But I pride myself on my abilities with words so I’m giving it a shot.

I knew I’d benefit off this a lot when I first saw it and now I have it and, it’s definitely a lot like what I thought, but definitely more than that as well.

For a LONG time I’ve been in a situation where I’ve felt “stuck” energetically/vibrationally. Now, I feel completely different, like things are actually possible.

What’s more is I’m feeling all sorts of emotions I haven’t really felt since I was a kid. Like, the actual sensations of them are different from the little narrow band of them I’ve been experiencing.

It’s like… pieces of me are coming back to me that I lost long ago. And it’s got me feeling insanely empowered.

And this seriously feels like one of the most important fields I’ve ever come across. I know plasma protocol is another, need the money for that one first, but that’s for healing. In terms of my spiritual growth and such, this is currently at #1 for me. There’s so much coming back, is the best way I can word it, but without having experienced this and reading those words, one would NOT be accurate in their understanding what I’m saying. Heck, I dont even understand yet what’s happening other than clues I’m picking up here with the words I’m forcing out.

Going to add more to this post or something as more comes to me because I’m not done with this yet.


Nothing has come close to the type of healing I’m experiencing here.

This feels like… I’m finally getting a hug from the universe that I’ve always wanted.

This is truly one of the best healings for the soul ever.

I almost feel like my heart chakra is doing something. I’m just energy sensitive enough to say, I think I see that happening?

Sudden insight: this field feels like it takes all your scars and such throughout your life and integrates everything about them in the most harmonious way possible into your being, whilst said being is being overhauled as well, all into the best whole it can be in alignment with your highest… version?

That’s the best I can get at trying to illustrate what it looks and feels like is happening with me. I may be over exaggerating something because the “this is so awesome” is overpowering right now lol. Trying to reel it in but this is a cathartic experience.