The Blueprint of Life

Agree that the blueprint is very powerful😊


I haven’t had many experiences with Blueprint where I’ve felt literal bodily sensations, however I’ve been listening to it at the start of my night stack for a bit now, and tonight I’ve got the tingles in my arms :relaxed: I think it’s them cellular healing tingles :wink: yip you know the ones…


I’ve been listening to BoL for 17 days. At first 1x, later 2x. After moving to 2x I seem to have light heartburn everyday, and maybe because of it, noticably less hungry. So can this be a detox symptom?


It could be, sure.

If it’s unpleasant or uncomfortable to you, you can dial your listening back to 1 or 1 1/2x and see how you feel.


Some doctors will choose to up your medication if your dose is inducing a detox but not making you fully go through it :)

More clearly, up your listens while you stay within the normal range, go through your detox, be thankful for letting go, move forward with what Blueprint brings up :)

And always address your physical symptoms with as much attention. (Heart Repair + Heart Inflammation with ‘flow’ fields)


what are the benefits of using this field please?


My words can disrupt the real meanning of the field .

You may want to experience it for yourself better.

:gorilla: :ok_hand:


Agreed with @AkiraTheWild. All the words in this 1111 post thread paint an accurate picture of what it does. But it must be experienced


This fields is everything you need ,is the concept of the flower of life in a Negentropic ,it restore your entire being ,an heal everything in you ,since is the flower of life this has all the solfeggios including phi/golden ratio energy , it also heal your DNA completely ,and may trigger the activation of DNA strands this field will change you and evolve you overtime :rocket::rocket::pray::heart:


To the date , i keep discovering thinngs my man .

bbut i believe whatever it is , you may get the bennefit !


This fields is everything ,i also think ,that if someone is new to morphic fields or energy stuff ,this field should be the first choice :rocket:


Having a hard time deciding between this, and Plasma Protocol. Eventually I’ll get both, but which should I get first? :thinking:


Since there s alot of fields for healing ,i recommend blueprint of life first ,you won’t regret it


Imagine that the pure concept of the flower of life changes your inner life in a way of negative entropy, and your genetic core is affected by harmony and the sequence of negative entropy.

Everything in the world is a mirror in the heart

Also recommend blueprints


Hi Guys , so it will be a better stack ,in order ,to play the DNA repair field first and foremost , followed by the detoxed plasmatron life and then followed by the Blueprint Of Life , right ?

My reasonings ( from my limited understanding and quoting from the descriptions of the fields) are as follows-

  1. Firstly, the DNA Repair System field will Initially provide a signal that switches on 5 major repair pathways involved in the repair of DNA damage; initiate a deeper all round repair for things at that level and also provides a deeper energetic renewing of life force.

  2. Then , the Detoxed Plasmatron Life field will take things further by providing A deeper detox to facilitate a far deeper healing.

  3. An then finally The Blueprint Of Life field would layout and seal in your entire being the perfect form of the Blueprint of the Flower of Life in you .

:smiley:What do you guys think ?

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For looping or for 3x listening ?

If its for looping blue print of life is enough ,

I use plasmatron has my wake up audio,it wake up your body and give instant energy ,it replace coffee 100%because of that field i don’t drink coffee anymore ,and yes it may trigger detox duo to acceleration of metabolism and the enhanced circulation effect

And my opinion of DNA rapair i think it repair only 3D level while blueprint heal it in all levels


Either one of them is great, just decide since both, for me, are ‘must haves’. I got both protocol, then BOL on discounted prices this year.


I meant for 3x listening, not looping

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If is for 3 listening is good :pray:


Thanks man :blush: