The Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT

Wow, congrats! :muscle:


Yes! Since I was 10 years old, I hardly touch sweets and sweetened drinks, and I will add raw honey at most


After 7 weeks I haven’t noticed any improvement in my psychic abilities whatsoever but at least it’s a really well rounded brain/memory field lol. I notice it mainly in my Japanese studies, I struggled to learn vocab etc. and now I see a new word once and can recall quite easily. I’ve been learning like 40 kanji and 100+ new words weekly with ease.
Another thing, even though I’m still using my CR field the one here seems way more effectively integrated. To the extent where I read a sentence in foreign language and understand what it says even when I don’t know most of words. Didn’t get that in 8+ months of CR so in that sense this is a big step up


Sounds like an improvement in your psychic abilities 🤷



Yeah I guess what I mean by conceptual thinking was separate from psychic abilities in my head lol. In that department it seems to have great potential but I was hoping it would enhance my other abilities. I’ll keep it for the memory benefits alone if anything, I am not dissatisfied with at all lol


Hello :heart:

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Thank you fine sir, can you send the file again lol please I’m new to this🥺

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I’m not sure man… Maybe @SammyG can help you?

There are still copies available I think…


Thank you so much I’m so garteful for the Nft.:heart: Sapien med is the real deal.


Anyone else getting little glimpses of Matrix type vibes with this NFT?
I presume it’s from this anyway, but, every now and then it’s like I see little glitches like I’m in a video game or simulation type world where reality is not “normal”


Things like sparkles in the air or weird atmosphere like cloud in the dark ?


I’ll see can I find a video or pic of what I’m seeing to explain it better. It’s like if I just look straight ahead of me at a wall for instance, the wall can start to look like it isn’t a wall and it becomes futuristic like something from the matrix movies that keeps glitching and changing.
It’s not constant but often. It’s cool.


I had to give up searching I couldn’t find something the exact same but something along the lines of these pics. It would also be like these pics but in shapes of loads of hexagons all joined together that keep going brighter and darker and more prominent and then fade and come back again.
I’m so bad at trying to explain things :joy:



Do you use the audio regularly?

That makes me want to spam it. I am only seeing some flickering and sometimes grids


Not really to be honest. I have to take it very easy with fields that interact with the brain because it overwhelms me like crazy doing work on my brain. Even a couple of loops of Brain Regeneration can overstimulate my brain and set off loads of lovely symptoms. I’m working mostly with nervous system, aura repair and Panchanga at the moment but when I have free time I do a few loops of BoB, Primordial Spark, Psychic Mastery and a few healing fields. I’ve done 3 loops of Psychic Mastery just now and my brain is buzzing like crazy.
I keep the NFT in my wallet so it’s not on my all the time either.


It is a sign of psychic development.
Relaxation exercises will strengthen the visionary state.


Just out of curiosity did you buy this nft? Psychic mastery I mean.
Don’t mean unwell just that you would waste your time using it when you didn’t actually buy it.

Interesting. I haven’t felt anything like this yet I think. Life is a bit hectic at the moment so I don’t really have the time yet to delve into all of this deeper with a clear mind. Im really excited by this NFT though.

How often have you been listening to the audio field? Do you wear or carry the NFT with you constantly?

I think having Black Panther has helped with this also. I’ve been seeing some cool stuff with my NFT’s changing shape and coming off of the page since I have been working with Panther for a few months now. It’s very exciting to see where working with Psychic Mastery for a year or more will take us :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you. Trying to find the time to do the exercises is proving to be difficult at the moment, but hopefully things will change for the better soon and I’ll have some proper time for myself again. it’s well overdue at this stage :pensive: