The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

Alrigth thanks! I’m excited to make the fae servitor but I think I’ll wait for the actual book. Sounds awesome.


guys what you think if wearing in same pocket items of dark servitor and Fae one would interfere with each other?
just asking

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They wouldn’t intervere


I have put a servitor in one of the magnetic capsules. It had no complaints.

I usually have several servitors embedded in crystals and other items on my person. Along with two very powerful magnetic capsules. Again, no complaints.

I would assume if it were fucking up their energy system or mine they would say something, but they seem strong and are effective.


Thanks, To be honest, I didn’t know if I hallucinating or not, but I asked my dark one and explained him all about his possible new friend and he said he is okay with it, I asked him to simulate my right or left hand, and he simulated right hand for yes, like he agrees


yes I think the dark and fae would get along. They aren’t too dissimilar…lol


The two servitors are in the ebook version, right?
The fae servitor and Energetic support servitor are in the ebook version?



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The Fae servitor is something else, I feel it that accepts the commands quite well, the energy feels feminine to me, hope I’m right because the name I gave it falls in the female gender :rofl:


Just to clarify . The fae servitor and energy one are both in the ebook ?


Yes they both are in the e-book.


Great thanks ! Guess then I’ll have no other choice ,damn I knew it :smiley: :see_no_evil:


I want “FAE SERVITOR” but remember that I CANNOT communicate with my “LIGHT SERVITOR” and I say better not :pensive::pensive::pensive:

You see… right there is the “mother of your problems” change that believe to I CAN

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I could not communicate with my “LIGHT SERVITOR” and I put it in a drawer.

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Try with dark servitor, why not
Maybe you would more resonate with it
Like me
I once created white one too, but it didn’t work for me honestly


I think the word “DARK” is what scares me.

So you also created a LIGHT and it didn’t work?.

I am not sensitive to energy. Your?.

Tell me a little more about your experience with DARK SERVITOR. It may be my chance and maybe it resonates more with a DARK SERVITOR…:mage::mage::mage::genie::genie:

I like it for now
Nothing dark and scare there
Try to just speak with it at least 30 minutes a day, telling it all your dreams, wishes, goals, what do you expect from it etc
Just make him busy and talk sometimes with it
You will feel something eventually
Just test him
I right now can’t say all what I experience with it, but it’s all good, it would be long, sometimes I will post here and there some my experiences, but not now, sorry
But maybe I will post here how I talk with him and about what , but the point is to always remind it on tasks and purpose, that’s all, and always telling how you respect it and appreciate it’s help


is there a way you can ask someone on this forum to help you try? i feel for the servitor being kept away and not being used.

maybe see it as adopting a pet. don’t give up on your servitor and yourself. you will eventually find the way to communicate with them just give your time and patience towards the servitor you created.

please consider holding off from making another one as you may get stuck without being able to communicate with two servitors instead of just one.

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What I can do?.

I don’t want to leave my “LIGHT SERVER” but if I can’t communicate, what can I do?

What do you recommend me?

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