Fae Servitor
(Active effects) will block and remove a wide variety of hexes and curse, overtime this ability can grow as it observes.
In this sense it can be an ever evolving protection.
Soul Restoration/Core is the only field I can associate with it.
(Passive Effect) Empathic shielding, this can be very beneficial especially for very sensitive individuals. So this this shielding, it will be harder for other to project their emotions unto you while also preventing your own projection of emotions.
Empathic Shielding mandala + gumroad mp3
The servitor will constantly remove it, ground off the negative harmful ones, then de-pattern and store the excess for you, which you can access by simply asking the servitor to flood you with it.
Energy Body/ Auric Deep Cleansing, but combined with Energy Accumolator and the Store Energy mandala
(Active Effect) Draws ‘positivity’ energy in all forms, so this can be positive people, positive energy, and positive outcomes.
Probability and Luck + a new draw positivity field??
Energetic Support Servitor
(Passive Ability) There is a knowledge base of a wide variety of shielding types that you can request the servitor to create for you or whoever you direct it.
Shielding Tag + the Shielding card
(Passive ability) The servitor has knowledge of energy structures and can manipulate your system, stimulate energy centers, modify the flow etc.
??? no field comes to my mind.