The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

I have the ebook but it does not have the energy transformer maker— or am I wrong? Does anyone who has ebook know where it is located?


You are correct. The Energy Transformer Servitor is only in the physical book, not the ebook.


If you are subscribed to Sapien’s Patreon,
there’s an Environment Transformer Servitor NFT.


Is it Environmental Energy Accumulator ?
I don’t find a Environment Transformer Servitor.

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If I let an item host a Servitor, later, I intend not to wear the item or abandon it. Then what should I do with this Servitor. Can I have it transferred to a new item, or can I have it leave and dissolve the relationship?

I think you will find the answer to your question in this thread.


I saw the end of the first article, it took 1 day, and did not see the answer I wanted.

I would like to re-ask the question again:
Can the Servitor be transferred to a new item ? I think they are like game characters, with their own attributes, exp, levels. It would be nice if they could be given a move so that the previous growth would not be in vain.

Now that there is an Environment Transformer Servitor on Patreon, will the other two cards that are not on the ebook be put on in the future as well?

What’s the name of those two cards?

Booster and The Flow

Thanks, me too I have the eBook version

I wish we’ll be able to buy them separately in the near future.

Paper books are too inconvenient, and easily destroyed, accidentally wet by water, bitten by rats or insects, accidentally torn, will be invalidated. :confused:

How long has your servitors existed and how strong are their abilities now? Can you share the experience and results?



I don’t test how much they are strong.

I followed the instructions wrote in the book by Dream:

how to create them and what are their active and passive abilities,

I have both of them with me, Fae and Ess servitors, 24/7 and I feel safe from negative energy around me.


Experiences are not the same for everyone,
As I mentioned above, I feel safe from bad energy keeping them with me 24/7

In the forum there are many threads talking about the Servitors created by Dream,

search :mag_right: and you will have an idea about the Servitors.


May I buy the pdf ebook, print out the cards myself, and create servitors into a physical item?

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Yes of course, that’s why I do

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Awesome, thank you :relaxed:

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