The Career Mentor (Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

This field was created with the purpose of empowering one of the most essential aspects of one’s life: work.

The field was designed to address all essential aspects that go into one’s career, then create the perfect environment for their working life, both internally and externally.

This will help those seeking a new job find their best job, nail their interview, and be given the pay they deserve.

Those who are seeking to climb the ladders of their workplace will find the value of their work multiplied, recognition freely given, and promotions handed out consistently.

Those with more complicated relationships to work – disabled, elderly, pregnant or with children, and otherwise – will be able to find jobs more perfectly suited for them and their circumstances. The field will seek to make working as easy as possible and find jobs that are a match for their abilities. It even provides an aspect of helping every single area of their life related to work become better: getting ready, commuting, parking, even other people will go out of their way to assist with anything work related.

For when one is off of work their time to relax will become far more enriching. As soon as their work is done, they will feel an amazing shift away from their work related thoughts and identity. A complete refocusing of their life will take place, accompanied by positive emotions that help them let go of their work. They will be given priority for days off and vacations and superiors will be far more lenient with anything conflicting with work.

This NFT does it all (and then some.) An absolutely essential field for anyone who chooses the path of having a career.

Above summary written by Beltloop.

List of all the NFT abilities:

Best Path for Jobs
  • Understanding of the Ikigai concept, smart field to gain knowledge and experiences from those who have succeeded in their career with this concept, so the NFT owners don’t have to go through the redundant process. Similar to conceptual realization in a sense, but applied for Ikigai concept specifically.
  • This helps the NFT owner find the best job for themselves based on what factors are most important to them, not just salary.
  • Prioritizes the aspects of the job most important to the NFT owner and guides them to a job that meets/exceeds their criteria. This job can be anywhere in the world and the NFT owner may find themselves working for a company on the other side of the world.
  • Alternatively, if the NFT owner is satisfied within their job but wants to prioritize something else, the field will do its best to change the NFT owner’s working conditions to match their new priorities. No guarantees on anything, but if the field can do it, it will. Example: if the NFT owner wants to start a new business, or has a new child, the field could help them go from working in an office to working from home. Or have 1 day a week off and make up for work on a weekend.
  • If the NFT owner is looking to switch careers, they will be led to find careers that are perfectly suited for them and the item will help the NFT owner gather all the resources they need to make that career change.
  • Always bring the best work opportunities that are a good fit for the the NFT owner and inline with their desires.
  • If it is the NFT owner’s desire, the field will bring projects or another job that maximize the owner’s income. The NFT owner can have their Best Path Job and then also be offered consulting or freelance work based on their position where they can name their own price.
  • The NFT owner gets compensation and good salary negotiation skills to match skills level and in alignment with the best path
  • Ensures a smooth experience when moving jobs or changing careers that involves moving to a different city or country. Housing, legal documents, transportation and other necessities when moving are taken care of effortlessly.
  • the NFT owner is led to jobs and opportunities that recognize and celebrate the NFT owner for their age (whatever age that may be), and see age as another valuable asset that they bring to the table.
  • The NFT owner easily finds their true passion in something they can excel in and it aligns with income requirements. The NFT owner gets to do what they love and is inspired by their daily work.
  • Love to do that also serves others, something where our inspirations match others’ needs.
  • Good intuition when reading job ads. Even if the list of demands is daunting, the NFT owner will just know when it is smart to apply for the opening.
  • To accidentally come across a perfect job without actively looking for it, through connections or providence.
  • In case the NFT owner is not a perfect match for the position but still wants to get it, to be provided with any additional training by the company.
  • Field will maintain feelings of hope and positivity as the NFT owner looks for work as this can be a discouraging process.
  • When current or future employers or anyone else does an internet search on the NFT owner all past online indiscretions are not revealed. eg: Inappropriate Facebook posts, gambling, porn, dating sites, Google searches, memberships to wrong groups, etc.
Best work experience
  • Encourages the NFT owner to approach their work with gratitude, positivity and other positive emotions to make their work life easier. The NFT owner will begin to feel immense amounts of positive emotion and pleasure when accomplishing tasks and meeting work goals.
  • Regardless of where the NFT owner works, they will find their work to be more meaningful in the ways that are best for them. A divine nudge when the time comes to leave a job and look for a new one.
  • Inbuilt brain refresher and positive energy gathering to assist the NFT owner throughout their day as they work.
  • Will encourage the NFT owner to seek new ways of working or improve old ways of working to maximize efficiency and lessen stress. This can be time-management strategies, the building of new habits, or specific ways of accomplishing tasks that will be helpful.
  • Removes conflicts from coworkers and bosses and establishes a working harmony between the NFT owner and all coworkers, bosses and those outside the company that are regularly interacted with. Best case scenario is everyone being friendly and helpful. If this can not be established, at least a working peace will be possible.
  • Those within and without the company will do their absolute best to help the NFT owner. This could be helping the NFT owner complete projects, volunteering their off days, and providing help in any way they are able to.
  • Time will slow down or speed up depending on what the NFT owner is working on and their relationship to what they’re working on. Boring tasks will be sped up, meaningful and enjoyable tasks will be slowed down. Also, when something new/difficult is presented to the NFT owner, time will stretch itself to fit our pace of understanding. This will also work on the NFT owner’s breaks and lunch times to make sure they maximize the amount of time they have. This will be activated with the NFT owner’s command to slow down or speed up time. This feature is activated via saying a verbal Command phrase “Activate Work Time to turn on, and "Deactivate Work Time**" to turn off. It will work continuously until** verbally deactivated.
  • Lunch times and break times will feel completely rejuvenating, removing stress, providing additional positive emotions and whatever else the NFT owner needs to get back to tackling their work.
  • When the NFT owner is done at work, and there is no further work to be done (some people have to take their work home with them, work phones for being contacted, etc) this field will automatically begin to clear all work related thoughts, stresses, and negative feelings that the NFT owner will be unable to deal with until they return back to work.
  • Once at work, the NFT owner is focused and disciplined at their tasks or job at hand. It is easy to keep this focus even during emergencies or when sudden changes in schedule or routine happen.
  • The NFT owners in managerial roles will find that those working for them become more positive, work harder, and contribute as much as they can to any ongoing projects.
  • The NFT owners in hiring will have intuitions about who to hire that will best fit the position and the current business as a whole.
  • Tiny slip-ups will be excused or go unnoticed such as coming in a little late or leaving a little early. (Note: while the field can facilitate this, its obviously best to not continually be late or leave early)
  • the NFT owner’s off days will be given priority when asked.
  • There will be a feeling that the universe is conspiring with the NFT owner to get their work done as best as possible. For example, deadlines may be moved up for them. the NFT owner’s boss could simply overlook errors that aren’t detrimental, or forget to ask them to submit something if they need more time. If something requires collaboration from someone who is constantly busy, the NFT owner may find that they make special time just for the NFT owner’s aspects of work to be done. If the NFT owner needs to make an appointment and it may require them to miss work, availability for a time and day that works best for the them may happen. the NFT owner may instantly find the answer to a problem they’ve been facing for a long time and implement it flawlessly.
  • Aspects that are not directly related to work will also be improved. If the NFT owner has a long commute, they may find their commute going by faster and more enjoyably. If the NFT owner is often tired before work and needs several cups of coffee, they may find that they wake up more easily and have more energy. Sleep will be improved as well. If the NFT owner has limited time outside of work for friends/family, they will find these experiences to be far richer than usual, providing them additional energy for work.
  • In the event the NFT owner wants to leave a company, the company will see them in a good light and encourage the NFT owner to come back to the company if they are ever in need of another job. The company will write the NFT owner a glowing letter of recommendation and will act as a reference for them.
  • If the NFT owner refuses a job interview or possible hire, there will be no lingering resentment and they may come back to that job at a later time.
  • Will have an aspect that will allow those closest to the NFT owner to also benefit from this NFT. For example, if the NFT owner has kids their partner may want a job that begins shortly after theirs ends, or part time work from home. This will allow the NFT owner to find them the best job possible as this will also affect the NFT owner’s own happiness. the NFT owner could also use this for their ailing parents, their teenage children, siblings, cousins, etc.
  • Surround the NFT owner with the best loving, supportive, smart and kind managers and coworkers.
  • The NFT owner manages their priorities and expands their mind taking time to read widely, research and explore areas of interest.
  • Observe what you spontaneously love learning about and doing.
  • Find mentors by surrounding yourself with people you find inspiring and respect.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help in pursuing your interests and expanding your knowledge – a mentor can be your greatest resource.
  • Reinventing the role the NFT owner has: instead of a complete career overhaul, it may be more beneficial to renew their interest in the role and career path the NFT owner already has: the ability to anticipate any changes and new opportunities in their existing role in a company to refresh their view on it to make it feel worthwhile again.
  • Evaluate the NFT owner’s current role and establish the areas that are more inspiring and less fulfilling and think about the new skills and knowledge the NFT owner could equip themselves with to bring more meaning and inspiration to their current job. Asking how each of the NFT owner’s present individual job responsibilities are already assisting them in achieving their highest values and long-term career goals. It is not as much about what the NFT owner does, but rather how they choose to perceive what they do that counts.
  • The NFT owner is a master problem solver and sees the best solution right away and adapts quickly.
  • It is never too late to make a change and forge a new career path, but it is wise to not impulsively leap without some realistic planning and self-reflection. Don’t let age or time spent in a role trap you and deter you from acting and either transforming the career you have or finding a new career you love. The skills and experiences you have gained until this point have shaped you and will help prepare you for whichever change you chose. Sometimes finding a way of delegating uninspiring responsibilities to those more inspired to do them can be a solution.
  • The NFT owner feels welcome when joining a new company and if they are a long term employee is welcoming towards new recruits and team members.
  • The NFT owner is entitled to all the job benefits available such as medical aid, pension fund and housing allowance.
  • The NFT owner has leave request approved when they request them.
  • The NFT owner’s boss will be understanding when they need to nip out the off to run a personal errand.
  • The NFT owner is imaginative, creative and comes up with great ideas and suggestions. They are able to think outside the box.
  • The NFT owner possesses leadership qualities and is inspiring - their peers will look up to them for guidance and inspiration.
  • The NFT owner’s employers are willing to sponsor their training and send them to workshops and courses that will help the NFT owner improve their skills and at the same time help the company grow.
  • The NFT owner is able to make others laugh and uplift them when are having a tough day at work.
  • The NFT owner intuitively knows and understands which personality type they are dealing with when interacting with their bosses, work mates, clients, family or friends. Intuitively know what to expect from them and what the appropriate response should be so that all parties feel they are being understood.
  • The NFT owner possesses good core values–their deepest and most closely held beliefs–make them who they are. Not only do they provide guidelines for us to act, they broadcast to the world who we are, and what is most important to us. At work, it’s fundamentally important to have good core values–the kind of values that will inspire others to join you in your quest.
  • The NFT owner is articulate and able to communicate with eloquence and fluency . The NFT owner is able to express their ideas in a clear and concise manner and have the skill to choose apt words to lend more clarity to their thoughts, whether they are speaking to someone face to face, zoom calls, or when writing letters, emails etc.
  • Coping with a challenging boss - Identify and help the NFT owner’s boss achieve their goals/objectives. The NFT owner puts themselves in their boss’ shoes and go above the call of duty
  • The NFT owner is able to read faces and intuitively know what each facial feature tells them about others’ traits and personalities. The NFT owner has the ability to also read others’ micro facial expressions.
  • The NFT owner is able to read people’s body language and intuitively know what they are thinking without them having to verbally say anything. The NFT owner is able to tell when someone’s behaviour is completely inconsistent with what they are saying.
  • The NFT owner is an expert handwriting analyst and can tell the writer’s personality and traits from their written notes, memos, signatures.
Recognition / Promotions
  • Coworkers and bosses will take notice of all good work done, congratulate the NFT owner and use this as a reason to promote the NFT owner and/or give them a raise.
  • References for the NFT owner will give them glowing reviews.
  • The value of the NFT owner will always outweigh however much money can be given to them as a bonus or raise.
  • The path of (multiple) promotions is always smooth and joyful, there is no sense of cutthroat competition and promotions are awarded to the NFT owner based on their competence, glowing reputation amongst all the layers of the company and their character.
  • The NFT owner will be positively noticed even if they’re just starting out or have gaps in their CV.
Magnetic aura/ Glamour
  • The NFT owner will have an aura that exudes competence and good work and others will come to see them as such.
  • This magnetic aura will extend to all aspects of the NFT owner’s career and working life: their resumes, CVs, LinkedIn and all social media accounts that are related to work will have an energy that makes recruiters and all that can help the NFT owner see them as standing out/above others.
  • The NFT owner is respected, admired and valued by their managers and peers
  • The NFT owner is always asked to join the best, most exciting and fun projects
  • The NFT owner is able and allowed to bounce back if a mistake happens. Giving an air of learning from their mistakes quickly and being able to correct them, perhaps even making things better in the process.
  • The NFT owner has understands remote body language and influence: we don’t fully get the feedback like in-person interactions. Connecting with people at distance as an ability.
  • Harmonizing “meetings” and bringing out the “best” from colleagues/partners/project teams
  • An aspect of the aura that makes the NFT owner seem competent and respected regardless of their demeanor.
  • Automate infusion of self love, self respect, high self-esteem and confidence in the NFT owner.
Socializing and networking
  • The field will give an awareness of who is good to socialize and network with, and who the NFT owner should approach with caution when networking.
  • The NFT owner will always be seen in a good light in social situations.
  • Those who meet the NFT owner and are in a position to help (having a job that would appeal to the NFT owner, or knowing someone who does) will take a special interest in their career and recommend them for other jobs or hire the NFT owner if they can.
  • Automatic application of something akin to the 48 Laws of Power in work situations.
  • Remove resistance to networking with coworkers, managers, clients and other business professionals
  • The book “2 Hour Job Search“ by Steve Dalton mentions about “informational interviews“ which is a different approach to networking with people on LinkedIn. it’s about connecting with people who are willing to “help” others even though they might be strangers or less known, such people are classified as “boosters” so finding/attracting such open-hearted people would be great
  • If the NFT owner has dream companies/roles where the NFT owner knows someone and is hesitant to approach, the resistance collapses. Turning absolute strangers on LinkedIn into supporters/boosters when we are in the phase of job hunt/evaluation
  • The NFT owner attracts great managers, coworkers, customers and companies to work with and who will help the NFT owner’s career.
Work Protection
  • The NFT owner will be directly protected from layoffs with the company always favoring to keep them rather than let the NFT owner go.
  • If the NFT owner can not be protected from a layoff, they will gain an awareness of when layoffs are coming so they can find new employment.
  • Should the NFT owner be laid off from the company they will be provided a good severance package.
  • The NFT owner will be protected from jealousy, gossip, having their work stolen, office politics, negative emotions, people and circumstances.
  • If the NFT owner is involved in workplace drama that can not be avoided or makes an error, they will always appear to be the most innocent and have the least negative effect as a result of this situation.
  • Protect the NFT owner from workplace discrimination, bullies and aggressive people that look to sabotage the NFT owner and their career. Instead of being toxic, convince these people to be friendly and helpful instead of creating drama and politics.
  • Ability to get out of hot water situations by staying calm
  • the NFT owner will be protected from loopholes, technicalities and tactics from management to avoid paying overtime, being forced to work outside of agreed upon hours, potential stripping of benefits and other unreasonable cost-cutting measures at the expense of employees.
  • Protected from being made a scapegoat by your boss or coworkers when there’s a problem in the NFT owner’s company.
  • Release ALL negative emotions that come up during interactions and around the NFT owner’s work / career.
Constant Learning and Development
  • Motivate the NFT owner to constantly learn and develop their skills that will help excel the NFT owner in their careers
  • Constantly seek self mastery
  • Perceived challenges or knowledge gaps that arise from new tasks/assignments inspire us to expand our knowledge/skillset, attracting the perfect resources and guidance along the way’
  • Unconscious mastery of everything the NFT owner needs in their career/job. All the skills and knowledge are already present in the NFT owner, and by getting to use them at work, these skills will come more and more to the surface.
  • Enhanced cognitive skills in both left-brain and right-brain ways of thinking. Pattern-recognition, solution-based thinking, cognitive processes in STEM, creativity, visualization, writing skills are all enhanced and refined to develop the NFT owner’s own unique skillset
  • Enhanced memory and recall. The NFT owner easily goes through large amounts of data (technical manuals, research data, investment reports and analyses, scientific articles, etc) and retains and instantly recalls the information that they need in any given situation.
  • The NFT owner’s cognitive skills and memory keep improving with age
  • Retraining the NFT owner for a different career is met with optimism, joy and confidence, because they get to expand their skillset and knowledge even further.
  • Intuitively and conceptually learn from other people’s experience (either people close to the NFT owner or inspirational figures, both alive and dead), being able to mimic and take on the mindset of another person, allowing knowledge, skills and experiences to flow to the NFT owner for accelerated learning (Raikov Effect Method)
  • Speed reading with full comprehension
  • Intuitively knowing what is the next important change in the NFT owner’s chosen field. Being guided to be one step ahead so the NFT owner is prepared and already planning next moves.
  • Attracting mentors in the workplace or outside of the workplace, perfectly aligned with anything the NFT owner currently needs and/or wants to develop themselves in. The mentors come into the NFT owner’s life to guide, support and teach them valuable lessons that harmoniously connect to the NFT owner’s goals
  • Quickly picking up on a new language in case of getting a job in another country and easily finding native speakers willing to to be language buddies.
  • Always having skills that set the NFT owner apart from A.I / machines or ways to develop and enhance them.
  • Learning through osmosis. Learning by proxy, when the NFT owners are being exposed to someone/people the NFT owners will naturally be able to unconsciously achieve an assimilation of ideas, knowledge and even technical skills just from being in their presence or through watching a presentation.
  • Be able to read between the lines’ and comprehend what the person is trying to indicate but not stating it in exact words. Find meanings that are intended but that are not directly expressed in something said or written.
  • The NFT owners have great listening skills and intuitively understand what others want to communicate, particularly when the statement lacks clarity. While conversing ask questions that promote discovery and insight. Good listeners make the conversation a positive experience for the other party.
  • Come across as confident and credible, build amazing rapport, and get others to trust the NFT owner.
  • Have elite interviewing skills to be able to detect deception and get to the truth.
Mindset Mastery
  • Recalibrate the NFT owner’s entire mindset towards advancement and real momentum
  • Transmute fears and self-doubt. Triumph over impostor syndrome. The NFT owner feels worthy and deserving of their current position and future promotions, feels comfortable, confident and capable in their role and responsibilities.
  • Seek and experience personal freedom … to choose and actualize it.
  • Ability to take over our impulses and direct our minds to choices and commitments that will serve us.
  • Be more patient and disciplined in getting mundane tasks or work done
  • Ability to reflect and think clearly
  • Belief in the NFT owner’s own power to shape their life transmuting scarcity mindset INTO an abundant mindset
  • Thinking before taking action
  • Removes all programming learned from society, parents, universal unconscious, about work. So if the NFT owner believes they should hate their work and only look forward to the weekend, this will be removed. If the NFT owner believes that staying in one career for a lengthy period of time is the only way to succeed, this will be removed. What will be installed and strengthened is the NFT owner’s own best beliefs about work.
  • Effortlessly shift into and embody a state of success and accomplishment. Success in the NFT owner’s career and at the workplace feels like a natural state to the NFT owner, attracting everything they need (resources, people, circumstances, knowledge) and having an underlying trust and confidence that everything is always working out for the NFT owner. Success is inevitable and the NFT owner’s way of being already exudes it.
  • Download and infuse the NFT owner with the best innovative, creative and strategic master minds from past, present and future Examples Nikola Tesla, Einstein, etc
  • Dissolve Distractions, Free Mind for What’s Important
  • Functioning from the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness
  • Get the job done and accomplish goals systematically.
  • The NFT owner develops a strong work ethic, are professional in what they do and take responsibility for their actions.
  • Be dependable, productive and have great organizational skills
  • Be able to multitask and handle several projects at once.
  • Be viewed as someone who is confident, honest, has integrity and possesses a positive attitude
  • Be motivated to grow and learn. Have a hunger to always learn more and polish our skills so the NFT owner keeps up with new trends and talents.
  • The NFT owner has a positive attitude to increase work productivity. When handed a mammoth task has the attitude of this is achievable, you can count on me.
  • Release fear of failure
  • Remove all levels and types of procrastination for the NFT owner so they can focus on their job/career/profession, personal goals, etc
  • Work colleagues, bosses, friends find the NFT owner to be fun and witty and a pleasure to work alongside.
  • The NFT owner is a confident driver and is able to smoothly negotiate traffic in any weather conditions on their commute to work or when out on the roads visiting clients. When driving to meetings parking spaces are always available in front of the destination.
  • The NFT owner is a master strategist and understands the nature of a long term goal and invents an innovative plan to achieve it.
  • The NFT owner is a great tactician and is good at planning tactics: the specific means of accomplishing goals
  • The NFT owner is an excellent negotiator and has the ability to discuss an issue with one or more other people to determine ways to reach agreement and mutual satisfaction. The NFT owner has the ability to change others’ attitudes, opinions or behaviour and can be direct or indirect. Good at persuasion.
  • The Ability to Lead People Effectively - The NFT owner possess the following leadership skills, Excellent Communication Skills, Problem-Solving, Effective Decision-Making, Integrity and Trust, Relationship-Building. Flexibility and Versatility. Delegation and Prioritization.
  • The NFT owner is a person with the strength of Communication, has a profound knack of how to put thoughts and feelings into words, images or any variety of expressions.
  • Learnability - adapting the NFT owner’s skills by growing and expanding their knowledge base, so they can use new information and skills to respond to whatever is happening in the workplace or on site with the project.
  • Resilience - the NFT owner has the ability to bounce back in the face of obstacles and failures. Being resilient enables the NFT owner to handle stress more positively.
  • Agility - the NFT owner is agile in shifting gears when the context calls for it and responding accordingly to the needs of their workplace, clients or industry trends.
  • Collaboration - the NFT owner has the ability to work effectively as part of a team. To collaborate, share knowledge and contribute to the teams, to capitalize on a diversity of thinking and perspective ways and come up with collaborative ways that everyone can benefit from and drive to the shared outcome.
  • Excellent verbal communication skills. The NFT owner is able sell others on their ideas, products, or services. The NFT owner has a good strong, warm and confident voice that makes others listen and pay attention.
  • Empathetic - The NFT owner has the ability to empathize with others, and see things from their perspective by understanding their emotions and reactions. How we interact with one another. is vital because even in instances when you disagree with your coworkers on elements of a work project, for example, empathy allows you to demonstrate to others that they are seen and heard.
  • Creativity - The NFT owner is able to look beyond the present and imagine future possibilities for their company. Creative workers are the ones who ask why. They question, they are curious, and in so doing, they develop new ideas and solutions.
  • Technology - The NFT owner is able to keep up with modern technology and possess excellent technical skills. The NFT owner Is able to understand and work with new computer programmes as they become updated and advanced,
  • The NFT owner is observant, mindful and aware of everything taking place around them in any situation they find themselves in.
  • The NFT owner posses Active listening skills. Hearing someone and actively listening to them are two different things. Most people hear someone speak and start to form a response in their mind (or worse, starting talking) before the person finishes what they’re saying. The key is to actively listen, which takes more time but produces better results. It means you listen without interruption and then take the time to think and form a response before replying.
  • The NFT owner is excellent at making Good judgment calls. Good judgment is a key people skill that comes directly from learning, listening to others and observing the world around you. It allows you to wisely select friends and associates, determine reactions and responses, and make sound decisions.”
  • The NFT owner has The ability to keep an open mind. When interacting with others they create trust and respect in others, people know that their point of view and feedback will be considered and used. Being known as someone who keeps an open mind also makes you more approachable and easier to work with.
  • The NFT owner has a great sense of humour. “Who doesn’t enjoy laughing? It’s ‘the great diffuser’ of tension and conflict. If you can jam the system of tension or routine with levity, you will thrive in your job,” “It was once said that ‘nobody ever died of laughter,’ and if you can retain some light-heartedness in your job, you’re likely to get more air time during meetings and overall.”
  • The NFT owner always knows their audience. They know what, how and when to say things to others. For example, if someone had just lost their job, they would intuitively know that it would not be a good idea to talk about their promotion. etc.
  • The NFT owner is viewed as someone who is Honest. The saying, “honesty is the best policy” is not only true, it’s essential in building trust among our colleagues. "Once you lose it, it’s almost impossible to regain.
  • The NFT owner is good at proactive problem solving. Work is a series of problem solving situation, but if you’re proactive, you’ll take the pressure off your boss and colleagues.
  • The NFT owner has the ability to be supportive and to motivate others. The NFT owner is able to make people believe in them regardless of how successful they might be. By showing support in the form of encouragement, they can put someone back on track or keep them headed in the right direction.
Communications and Public Speaking
  • Infuse all of the NFT owner’s meetings and interactions with divine, unconditional love and protect them from misunderstandings.
  • Infuse the NFT owner’s written, electronic, printed, verbal, conscious and unconscious communications with positive energies and unconditional love so the NFT owners is seen in favorable light, admired and respected.
  • Help the NFT owner’s CV / Resumes standout from others to recruiters and hiring managers
  • Eloquent speech and the ability to immediately get the NFT owner’s point across, to the full understanding of everyone involved in the meeting/presentation/seminar.
  • Pleasant tone, color and cadence of voice. When the NFT owner speaks, everyone listens attentively and is roped in by the way they explain or propose things.
  • The ability to inspire, convince and comfort everyone the NFT owner is speaking to/meeting with or are presenting to. For example the NFT owner can inspire people to follow them in a certain idea for the company, the NFT owner can convince people that things are better done in a certain way, and can comfort when something goes wrong within the workplace.
  • The NFT owner is seen as an excellent representative of the company, able to clearly communicate and envision the core values, mission and benefit to society that the company strives for.
  • Some body language restructuring for the NFT owner.
  • Aura and energy effect is good but i think a good body language is necessary to go along with it
  • we can find people who are famous for very excellent body language and non verbal skills and have this aspect being set on us automatically with the field (Joe Navaro)
  • For those NFT owners not comfortable speaking to a large audience, releasing anxiety and increasing confidence
  • The NFT owner is able to accurately read a room. Be or become aware of the opinions and attitudes of the group of people that they are talking to.
  • The NFT owner is able to handle criticism of themselves or their work positively and doesn’t easily get upset. The NFT owner is open to criticism knowing it will give them a new perspective and opens their eyes to things they may have overlooked or never considered.
  • The NFT owner has a healthy ego which allows them to genuinely appreciate their strengths, accept their imperfections, and love themselves unconditionally.
  • The NFT owner possess empathy and organizational awareness, and has the ability to perceive the feelings of other people and how they see the world.
  • The NFT owner understands that success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
  • The NFT owner is patient. Patience is a vital quality in the workplace. It can reduce stress and conflict, leads to better working relationships, and helps the NFT owner to achieve our long-term life and career goals. Patience improves the NFT owner’s ability to accept setbacks and enjoy life much more.
  • The NFT owner makes sure that they are achieving a great work-life balance. They appreciate the progress they are make at work, and understand when they need to reward themselves with some downtime.
  • The NFT owner has a growth mindset, they feel that they can change, grow, and learn through effort. They don’t believe that failure is a reflection of their abilities. Instead, they view it as a valuable source of experience from which they can learn and improve.
  • The NFT owner understands and avoids becoming a workaholic or perfectionist.
  • The NFT owner understands that to live a truly full life they also need to have purpose and draw a boundary line that shows respect for their family life, physical health and spiritual health.
  • The NFT owner has a good sense of self worth. They feel fulfilled and happy each time they reach their goal or accomplishment.
Motivation & Integrity
  • Help the NFT owner get to the WHY before choosing any action. Motivation’s root motive means ‘a reason for action’ . The mother of motivation is choice
  • Spark the NFT owner’s motivation as soon as they want something greater for themselves and keep us them focused and undistracted until the NFT owner gets it
  • The NFT owner has greater willpower
  • Never commit to anything where the NFT owner lacks passion
  • The NFT owner keeps their word to others
  • The NFT owner always has respect for themselves and others
  • The NFT owner has the courage to speak their mind and tell the truth without any repercussions . The cost of lies to self and at a company is too high.
Interviews and Salaries
  • The NFT owner attracts multiple great opportunities at companies to interview at
  • The NFT owner stays calm, confident and self assured throughout the interview process
  • Have the interview process go smoothly, filled with love and positivity and in the NFT owner’s favor
  • Cause those who are interviewing the NFT owner to see the NFT owner as extremely valuable and favor giving the NFT owner the highest salary available
  • Help with negotiating salary if needed
  • Attract the highest possible salary for your job
  • Download into the NFT owner all master negotiation skills from all business, political, creative arts etc leaders from past, present and future . (time isn’t linear)
  • Manifest positive outcomes and job offers during and after interviews
  • “Interview Mode” once activated, it brings out the most favorable side of the NFT owner
  • The NFT owner can easily secure the desired job, be it a national or international job. The NFT owner’s job application/CV should stand out among all applications and get selected easily.
Safe Work Environment
  • Create a safe and positive environment when interacting with people in person and online
  • Infuse meetings with positive and open vibes
  • Create an environment of mutual support and cooperation. The NFT owner encourages and is being encouraged to work together harmoniously, learn from mistakes along the way and immediately apply the newly learned lessons and get to the understanding that the sum of all parts is greater than just the individual components put together.
  • Create equality amongst all team members so everyone feels inclusive and not left out.
  • Aspect of field to promote good energy flow within the area of work
  • Physical energy refresher, constant recharged stream of will power and physical boost fatigue inhibitor, refresher of mental and body
  • Unused energy will either be stored for use at a later time, or will flow to other channels that could benefit from an extra boost of energy
  • Regular, sustainable work environment energy boost
  • Create a positive environment in all mediums that invites abundance and positive outcomes.
Business Strategy
  • Download relevant information from all business, strategy and leadership books in the past, present and future
  • Attract top-level advisors and consulting firms that work with the NFT owner harmoniously and efficiently to craft various business strategies depending on the NFT owner and their company’s needs (market entry, merger and acquisitions, dissolvement, strategic takeovers, company expansion, etc)
More Abilities/ Concepts
  • Infuse the NFT owner with feelings of immense gratitude and joy
  • (For those who commute) Excellent driving skills, with confidence and fearlessness when going on the road. The NFT owner always has a pleasant driving experience, others on the road are responsible and kind drivers. The NFT owner is always able to navigate easily to wherever they want to go, in whatever country or city they are currently are. They are able to navigate in any weather condition. The NFT owner easily gets the best parking spots and their office and meeting spots are always conveniently located.
  • The NFT owner has the ability to lead and deliberate comfortably in office meetings with multi-disciplinary team members.
  • The NFT owner should get the opportunity to work till the retirement age of 65 or above, if they so desire.
  • The NFT owner’s age should not be an obstacle in getting the desired job.
  • The NFT owner can adapt easily in a foreign country and feel at home in multi-cultural environment if employed in a foreign country
  • New work situation: the NFT owner experiences what it has been going on in that work place in the last few months. It is like a subconscious download of informations of what has happened in that place recently, in the last months.
  • Dynamics between people who work there, what they are looking for achieve in term of work goals.
  • Can name this: Conceptual download of workplace history
  • This can allow the NFT owner to start with a sense of comfort and connection to the people and place they are just starting on.
  • Is like a feeling of familiarity the NFT owner feels and sends to others teammates
  • The NFT owner is already connected to all the dynamics both in social and work goal of that new place
Dieties / Gods Inclusion
  • Seven Lucky Gods
  • Ebisu: Deity of prosperity and wealth in business, and abundance in crops, cereals and foods in general. Patron of fishermen and the seas, later he was also worshipped by merchants and farmers.
  • Daikokuten: Deity of commerce and prosperity, also the purveyor of fertility. Patron of cooks, farmers, bankers and protector of crops. Considered a demon hunter and protector of Buddhist temples.
  • Bishamonten: Deity of fortune in war and battles, associated with authority and dignity. Patron of those who follow the rules and behave properly.
  • Benzaiten: Deity of everything that flows; water, words, time, speech, eloquence, music, knowledge and wisdom. She exhibits the qualities of financial fortune, talent, beauty and music.
  • Jurojin: Deity of the elderly and longevity. Often depicted under a peach tree with a scroll in his hands. The fruit from the tree is believed to be able to prolong life, and the scroll contains the wisdom of the ages.
  • Hotei: Deity of fortune and popularity, guardian of children. Patron of diviners and barmen. He represents contentment, happiness, abundance and magnanimity.
  • Fukurokuju: Deity of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. The items he carries represent longevity and he was considered to be an immortal who could survive without food.
  • Kichijoten: Deity of happiness, beauty, fertility, fortune and merit. Not a part of the established Seven Lucky Gods, but sometimes replaces Fukurokuju as one of the Seven.
  • The Lucky Gods symbolize a wide variety of careers, traits and all symbolizing either wealth, abundance or good fortune in different areas of life. With the patronage of these deities, we would in short:
  • Have success and good fortune in our career path of choice
  • Develop talents and skills under the guidance and blessing of these deities
  • Develop preferable traits like authority, dignity, beauty, eloquence, wisdom, virtue of mind and heart, creativity, artistic expression
  • Express ourselves and thrive until a very old age
  • Have a foundation of contentment, happiness and luck in our lives
  • Be in flow in whatever we do. Our thoughts, speech, talents, skills and knowledge are perfectly aligned in flow.
  • For the work/life balance; we can freely express ourselves in things outside of work, whether it’s something artistic or another hobby or passion project. We are blessed with fertility and our (possible) children are protected
  • The Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods (Takarabune) is there to take us along for the ride, while each and every one of us embarks on our own individual journey filled with success, good fortune, wealth, abundance, happiness and life balance.
  • This will be a literal direct connection to The Seven Lucky Gods - a full blown attunement to all of them.
  • There’s actually an 8th one (Kichijoten) which sometimes replaces Fukurokuju (this information is just for reference)
Personality Tests & other Philosophies Integration
  • Seamlessly integrate the NFT owner with the Japanese concept of Ikigai - a reason for being that is best for the NFT owner
  • Integrate and Infuse the NFT owner’s whole being and aura with ancient concept of Eudaemonia including flourishing, well being and pursuit of virtue, excellence, and the best within them
  • Integrate the Enneagram archetypes that is best suited for the NFT owner’s career situation and activity in the given moment. This is an intricate model of the human psyche.
  • Tap into any Leadership archetypes in the past, present or future and infuse the NFT owner with their qualities and essence.
Gems / Crystals Inclusion
  • citrine
  • sunstone
  • sodalite
  • chrysoprase
  • black onyx
  • carnelian
  • pyrite
  • selenite
  • green aventurine
  • Tiger’s eye
  • fluorite
  • green jade
  • ruby
  • a grounding crystal for stressful situations
Artifacts Abilities
  • Takarabune - During the first three days of the New Year the Seven Lucky Gods are said to pilot through the heavens and into human ports a mythical ship called the Takarabune, or “Treasure Ship”. The gods carry with them takaramono (宝物), or treasure things, including the hat of invisibility (隠れ笠, kakuregasa), rolls of brocade (織物, orimono), the inexhaustible purse (金袋 kanebukuro), the secret keys to the treasure shed of the gods (鍵 kagi), the scrolls of books of wisdom and life (巻き物 makimono), the magic mallet (小槌 kozuchi), the lucky raincoat (隠れ蓑, kakuremino), the robe of fairy feathers (羽衣, hagoromo), and the bag of fortune (布袋 nunobukuro). Paintings or prints of this boat usually include a special and auspicious poem which reads the same when read backwards from the end; nagakiyo no/ tou no nemuri no/ mina mezame/ naminori fune no/ oto no yokikana 長き夜の/ 遠の眠りの/ 皆目覚め/ 波乗り船の/ 音のよきかな [Awakening from a deep sleep after a long night, I seem to hear the sweet sound of a boat sailing through the waves]. The Chinese character, baku 獏, a Chinese imaginary animal which is thought to devour (i.e. prevent) nightmares, is sometimes found written on the sail . Often auspicious cranes and tortoises are depicted in the sky and the sea.
  • Hat of Invisibility = Kakuregasa 隠れ笠 - The Invisibility effect is automatically off, unless the NFT owner activates the invisibility effect on command verbally or mentally
  • Cloak of Invisibility (Lucky Raincoat) = Kakuremino 隠れ蓑, Allows one to perform good deeds without being seen. Provides beneficial Luck in all endeavors to the owners. In conjunction with Kakuregasa, the invisibility effect is turned off, however the NFT owner can activate the invisibility effect on command verbally or mentally. One can also activate both of them at the same time for further enhanced invisibility.
  • Robe of Feathers = Hagoromo 羽衣. A long loose flowing garment giving one the gift of flight. Attribute of Benzaiten.
  • Magic Mallet, Mallet of Good Fortune = Uchide no Kozuchi 打出の小槌. Brings forth money when struck against an object or when shaken. Common attribute of Daikokuten.
  • Bag of Fortune = Nunobukuro 布袋 (lit. cloth bag). Includes an inexhaustible cache of treasures, including food and drink. Common attribute of Hotei.
  • Never-Empty Purse or Moneybag = Kanabukuro 金袋. Bag of unlimited wealth, prosperity & fortune.
  • Key to Divine Treasure House = Kagi 鍵. The treasure house is symbolized by the stupa (pagoda) held by Bishamonten.
  • Rolls of Brocade = Orimono 織物. Scarves and clothing were considered treasures in ancient times and used in various rituals.
  • Scrolls of Wisdom & Longevity = Makimono 巻物. Common attributes of Jurōjin and Fukurokuju, who are said to be two different manifestations of a single deity (the god of wisdom and longevity).
Mandala Physical Environment Effects:

Smart field identifies specific energies that flow into the NFT owner’s environment during different scenarios / modes with the activation word ( x mode) and specific time limit. For example - stare at mandala, say activate Interview mode for 30 mins. The range is 20 ft in person and thru all digital medias

  • Interview mode -
  • Meeting mode -
  • Flow mode -
  • Work mode - includes Planning and Research. puts a person in the zone / singularly focused
  • People mode-
  • Family mode -
  • Meditation mode-
  • Networking mode-
Connection to Portals
  • The 23 Shrines dedicated to the Seven Lucky Gods - They’d be an amalgamation of all the energies from these 23 different shrines combined, infusing the NFT owners with their blessings and powers. Since we’re dealing with a smart field, the NFT owner could also potentially ask for more specific energies from certain shrines if they wish. The mandala itself would connect to all the shrines. The NFT owner would also be able to spread these blessings and powers from the 23 shrines to their surroundings if they wish to do so.
  • Myōgonzan Hongakuji Temple 妙厳本覚寺 → Ebisu
  • Asakusa Shrine → dedicated to Ebisu
  • Seiunji Temple → Ebisu
  • Hase-dera Temple 長谷寺 → Daikokuten
  • Seonsoji → where the divinity Daikokuten is located
  • Gokokuin Temple → Daikokuten
  • Hōkaiji (Hokaiji) Temple 宝戒寺 → Bishamonten
  • Matsuchiyama Shoden → Bishamonten temple
  • Tennoji Temple → Bishamonten
  • Tsurugaoka Hachimangū Shrine 鶴岡八幡宮 → Benzaiten
  • Yoshiwara Shrine → dedicated to the goddess Benzaiten
  • Shinobazunoike-Bentendo Temple → Benzaiten
  • Jōchiji (Jochiji) Temple 浄智寺 – Hotei
  • Hashiba Fudoson → where they pray to Hotei
  • Shushoin Temple → Hotei
  • Goryō (Goryo) Jinja Shrine 御霊神社 → Fukurokuju
  • Imado Jinja → known for being the birthplace of one of the various legends about the birth of the maneki neko as a lucky charm and a famous sanctuary where to pray for requests for engagement and happy marriage. This is one of the two shrines dedicated to Fukurokujo
  • Yasaki Inari Shrine → Fukurokuju
  • Togakuji Temple → Fukurokuju
  • Myōryūji (Myoryuji) Temple 妙隆寺 → Jurōjin
  • Hishiama Shrine → Jurojin
  • Choanji Temple → Jurojin
  • Ootori Jinja → Jurojin

Omg what a perfect NFT in is own category.!!!

The art is beautiful and powerful!!

Not gonna lie this here made me cry!!! So beautful!!

When i went to University for the second time i chose Industrial Design with the only purpose of focusing on designing about everything for disabled people that dont have a chance to have a normal life contributing to society just as much because the obstacles their disabilities would prevent them from performing well within the working place and i thought that was so unfair.!

Unfortunately i didnt finish that career for external circumstances but it warms my heart seeing this NFT being made!!



what a beautiful creation!!!

I’m loving this!


My initial experience -

The day before the release:
I had a 30 mins zoom interview. I was kind of anxious and asked my soon-to-released Career Mentor to help with the interview and make the process go smoothly. I kid you not, the interview went soooo smoothly. The manager basically spoke for 20+ mins and it felt like an easy conversation when he did ask me questions. We ended the meeting with him saying he wanted to move forward with next steps and for me to meet more people.

The day of the release:
I activated the Physical Environment Effects of the NFT during a few of my meetings (Meeting mode). I felt that everyone in the meeting was engaged and in lighter moods. I also had something that I needed to do and focus on but kept procrastinating. I activated ‘work mode’ and after 10 mins I naturally left my distraction and focused on what I needed to do for work. After work, I had ‘family mode’ activated and my place felt warm and full of love. I went to a meetup on Sat and activated ‘networking mode’ and the folks I was with were all open, engaged, happy and willing to help. So good! This aspect of the NFT is spectacular!

I CANNOT wait to discover the other abilities and have them work for me with my career!

Many thanks and gratitude to @Captain_Nemo!! This will truly lead us to a better working life and career :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

EDIT - Forgot to add the most important part. Thanks to @Beltloop for starting this project and all the group members that helped to make this what it is. It was truly a group effort and so happy to have worked with everyone on this. :purple_heart:


My work history is… rough and I’ve been unemployed for long, long periods of time. No stellar education or people who would have my back or recommend me. In short, work is the one nightmare sector of my life. This NFT has its work cut out for it with me!

That said, the moment it was all done and I downloaded the picture I felt a kind of electric current going through me and ended up crying tears of relief. I’ve had very intense dreams where I am happily employed and I keep getting all sorts of novel and pretty crafty ideas of who to contact and where to look when hunting for employment. These aha! moments keep surprising me and all in all I feel more hopeful than I have in years. YEARS.

I look forward to what will come next and have faith that this will help me overcome whatever needs overcoming in this area of life. Thank you team and and an enormous thank you to @Captain_Nemo


Yes, it will. The energies in this are extremely strong. :purple_heart: :raised_hands:


congratulations now you are like your name :slight_smile:



A neverending story of growth and progress instead of shame and despair? I’d love that. I will love that. Thanks, Luna!


Short testimonial. I’ve not used it much until today when I’m going back to the office after a long Lunar New Year holiday. People are still in the holiday mood I think.
But what surprises me is that I’m more talkative, words just flow out of my mouth and it’s so smooth, and I’ve never been a smooth talker :rofl:. And everybody’s tone is so soft and full of love, especially the guy who likes to rap, he usually has an aggressive tone about him, but today he’s AMAZINGLY soft :rofl:
Gonna make the most out of this as there is quite a lot of stuff pending since the holiday, but I know with this I’m more than fine.
This NFT holds a dear place in my heart, I knew it when I had the chance to participate in the project.
Thanks everybody for the incredible work we put in and @Captain_Nemo for this lovely gift.
I’m excited to use it every day and see where it takes me.
Long testimonials to come :partying_face:


Its been three days since I have been using this NFT. First day I fell sick due to the high energy emnating from the NFT. After that I gradually feel the energy getting ingrained into my energy system nicely. Last night, my whole body was vibrating but in a possitive way, it was not uncomfortable. We are still working from home. But I am all set to apply various practical features of this NFT to get my desired results in my career and I will update you guys accordingly. This NFT is a masterpiece gifted to us by our dear @Captain_Nemo . There was a great team work to arrive at this ULTIMATE NFT. This NFT makes the use of many of my other fields unnecessary lol.


This is the only field/NFT in which our @Captain_Nemo focusses specifically in career upliftment.


Exactly! This is the ULTIMATE Career NFT with a personal Mentor guiding you. It’s truly a blessing. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


where do we buy this?


Being a limited NFT like the other group projects, you’d have to contact a member of the group who’s willing to sell or trade you for another NFT!


Just a quick first impression of working with the Career Mentor for the past few days:

It took me a day or so to get attuned to the energy of this NFT and I did some releasing around it with the Light Collapser from the Freedom Course to remove any resistance I may have to it.

I’ve been mostly working with the physical environment modes, in particular Flow, Work and Meditation.
So far it’s been really nice to be able to take control of what I let into my experience and where I direct my focus to.
With Flow there is this really nice undercurrent of smooth sailing energy, where even the most mundane tasks that have to be done every day feel like things that I enjoy doing and can get done with minimal effort. Work has been amazing when it comes to reading, taking notes and contemplating new ideas. I can really focus myself in any environment (works really well when you want to get something done in a coffeeshop).
At the end of the day, I find it difficult to really let go of everything that happened during the day, and Meditation mode really puts you in that zone of focus inwards and does it quickly. I don’t require that much of a lead time anymore, where normally the first 10 or 15 min would be spent just to get myself in the meditation mode and fully relax. This mode puts me there fast and I expect it to be even better moving forward, especially when integrating with all of the other modes and have it be a part of a holistic experience throughout the day (work-life-spirituality).


I got promotion on the day this was released. Because of time zone difference, I got the order first, then this came out. Promotion had been very elusive. I went to court to fight for my rights & this came as per court orders after 6-7 years of battle!
How can I say this was a coincidence? It was very clearly the energies of this nft that speeded up the process, after it dragged on for years!
Very happy that I got the position I wanted. But I am posted to a city 7 hours away from my home!
I travelled today & will go to the new work place tomorrow. I want some arrangement that will help me keep my new post & also get back home.
Am sure career mentor will get me what I want. Will keep you all updated


Big congratulations!! On to a bigger and better career :partying_face: :muscle: :sunglasses:


:blush: Thanks a lot! Your words mean a lot to me! You did so much to bring our ideas into a coherent shape & deserve much credit for this nft.
And all my gratitude to the captain :pray:


Wow this brought me a lot of chills! I’m so glad to hear about you winning your battles! :tada::heart:


Thank you! I appreciate that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Credit goes to @Beltloop for starting us off and the rest of the team for adding their great ideas to make this a phenomenal career NFT.