The Career Mentor (Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

@anon32464289 , this is very inspirational for someone like me who is desperate for a fast manifestation!


Not the good place for promotion, but if you have the mean I would highly encourage you to onboard the Freedom course.

Besides the cool field from Dream, this is truly worth the investment :slight_smile:

Once you get to part 3, Angel provides all of what you need to know about fast manifestation.


Where is this available to get?


I posted a long time ago and deleted the post for a few reasons. One of them was simply that I had a great opportunity. With manifesting when you tell too many people about something their energies attach to that topic and influence its outcome.

Couldn’t do that to myself lol.

Well today it turns out that my contract for this job expires in 2 weeks, so I can tell all.

Note: I got this job before the NFT came out.

If you’ve been in the groups you know that you can begin feeling effects of a field days/weeks before it comes out. If you’re good at intuition/tarot/pendulumn/diety you can ask “Did Career Mentor help Beltloop get this job?” for confirmation.

The NFT I ended up buying in the future helped me get a job before it ever came out :upside_down_face:

I’ve worked this job since the middle of January 2022 and it was actually the best job I could possibly have at this period of my life. January was a bad month, so being able to work from home where I could more easily take care of myself was a blessing.

In addition, I literally have not done an hour of work since I started.

Crazy right?

I work for a Fortune 100 that is rolling out a new program for their company.

My job heavily relies on other departments, namely engineering and departments that had to start from scratch. If you know anything about careers in technical fields, you know that missing deadlines or deadline crunch can be notorious.

The actual work portion of my job was supposed to start in October. Engineering missed deadline after deadline and here we are almost in April, barely getting started.

Officially, we started last week.

Since we’re so new the customers aren’t accustomed to our product yet, so… there’s no work :laughing:

Maybe, just maybe, next week there will be enough work for us to do it as an entire group.

Its likely I won’t touch work until my last week here haha.

This was a concept I was passionate about with Career Mentor: making sure it appealed to everyone. Not all of us want to work or climb a ladder. Its not laziness, its priority. I had so much time to devote to self improvement that I gained quite a lot of new insights. I prefer that over climbing a ladder any day. I also wanted to make sure that if someone was disabled, elderly, had children, or had to work to live - like some old folks have to in the US for healthcare - this would benefit them.

I’m glad I achieved my aim.

These last few weeks were like taking a vacation and getting paid.

I wake up at 7:58, roll over, open my laptop, clock in, start a training video that lasts for an hour or more and go back to sleep.

The laptops were not monitored so this was literally my routine every day.

For the last couple weeks I’ve been paid to sleep, do some light exercise, mess around and make fields.

I feel ready for more challenging work now, having spent almost twelve weeks recovering, but if I can do something like this again, I’ll take it.

The income was also really good as well being full time, and who am I to complain, my job was to make fields and sleep :man_shrugging:t6:

With the job loss coming soon I don’t feel intimidated at all about finding a new job. I’ll be using the tools I have to manifest something great again. I already have some opportunities already and its been about a half hour since I found out.

Like magic :slight_smile:

If you can, invest in Career Mentor.

I guarantee you, you will make that money back.


I posted up thread that I got a promotion on the day this was released but had to go to another city to work. But I managed from home & my old office most of the time.
Now, miraculously, I am transferred back to my old office. I am very happy as I can be home every evening to be with my family.
The person transferred to my place doesn’t want to go & is creating problems. I don’t blame him or wish on him anything bad. I just ask the career mentor for a smooth transition.
Already, the impossible has happened. So I await a calm work atmosphere


Great going @Siri ! Good luck.

The first day I went to office with printed career mentor, I came to know that my immediate Boss resigned lol. A new Boos came. The transition is chaotic, I had to come out of my ‘comfort zone’ lol. I see silver linings also in the cloud. Hope the end results turn to my favour.


Sure hope so. For both of us!
My move back is causing lot of unpleasantness


Congratulations @Siri !! That’s great news. I hope it continues to get better and better for you.

This NFT is pretty incredible and something I have on me daily at work. Just the NFT’s Physical Environment Effects is worth all the weight in gold. I use it ALL THE TIME. :relaxed:


Thank you.
Career mentor influences so many areas related to work all the time. The effects may not be spectacular & seem like coincidences, but I wonder if all the little help that seemingly happens & smooths the day is because of this


Most definitely. Read up on the list of abilities again. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yep! We are blessed to own this! :-) :heart_eyes:


So anyone possess extra copy that I can trade with? Kindly PM me.

Its been a few days and I have settled-in well in my new position in my old office. I have shuffled people & processes around for better functioning & don’t see resentment.
The more I think about the seemingly impossible turn of events the more awestruck I am!
:pray: :pray: :pray:


Do you get a response from a smart field like Career Mentor, the way you get from a servitor e.g. surge/jolt of energy in your body?

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Just got this NFT and took a good while to read the entire list, lol. But feeling super great and just searching for a job, so this is totally God-sent!


Hi! Where can I find this NFT? Thank u!

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Where can I buy this guys??

Right above your post - buying/selling thread.

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