The Career Mentor (Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

Summary by ChatGPT as the information is little overwhelming.

Best Path for Jobs

The concept mentioned aims to provide guidance and support to NFT owners in finding the best job or career based on their priorities and desires. It incorporates the principles of Ikigai, focusing on factors beyond just salary. Here is a summary of the key points:

  1. Guided Job Search: The field assists NFT owners in identifying the job opportunities that align with their priorities, ensuring they find a job that meets or exceeds their criteria, anywhere in the world.

  2. Adaptation to Changing Priorities: If the NFT owner wants to change their priorities within their current job, the field helps to modify their working conditions accordingly, such as working from home or adjusting working hours to accommodate personal needs.

  3. Career Transition Support: For NFT owners looking to switch careers, the field directs them towards careers that are a perfect fit and provides the necessary resources for a successful transition.

  4. Optimal Work Opportunities: The field consistently presents the NFT owner with the best job opportunities that align with their desires and preferences.

  5. Income Maximization: If desired, the field brings projects or job opportunities that maximize the NFT owner’s income, including consulting or freelance work where they can negotiate their own price.

  6. Smooth Job Transitions: When changing jobs or careers that involve relocation, the field effortlessly takes care of housing, legal documents, transportation, and other necessary arrangements.

  7. Age Recognition and Celebration: The field directs the NFT owner towards jobs and opportunities that value their age as a valuable asset and celebrate their experience.

  8. Finding True Passion: The field helps the NFT owner discover their true passion and align it with income requirements, allowing them to excel in their work and find inspiration daily.

  9. Serving Others: The field assists in finding work that not only aligns with the NFT owner’s passions but also serves the needs of others, providing a sense of fulfillment.

  10. Intuitive Job Search: The NFT owner develops good intuition when reading job ads, knowing when it is smart to apply even if the demands seem daunting.

  11. Serendipitous Opportunities: The field enables the NFT owner to stumble upon perfect job opportunities through connections or unexpected circumstances, even without actively looking for them.

  12. Additional Training: In case the NFT owner is not a perfect match for a desired position, the field ensures they receive any necessary training provided by the company to increase their chances of securing the position.

  13. Positive Outlook: The field maintains a sense of hope and positivity throughout the job search process, counteracting discouragement and fostering a proactive mindset.

  14. Online Reputation Management: The field ensures that past online indiscretions, such as inappropriate social media posts or personal activities, are not revealed when potential employers or others search for the NFT owner.

Best work experience

The described concept aims to enhance the NFT owner’s work life by fostering positive emotions, providing guidance, and improving various aspects of their professional journey. It encourages gratitude, positivity, and other positive emotions to make work easier and enjoyable. The concept promotes finding meaningful work, offers assistance in maximizing efficiency and reducing stress, and establishes harmonious relationships with coworkers and bosses. It also facilitates support from colleagues, improves time management, and rejuvenates the NFT owner during breaks. The concept ensures focus, discipline, and productivity at work, while also benefiting managerial roles and hiring decisions. It helps the NFT owner prioritize personal time and provides a sense of the universe conspiring to aid them in achieving work goals. Additionally, the concept extends benefits to the NFT owner’s loved ones, encourages personal growth, problem-solving, and leadership skills, and promotes a positive work environment. It supports career reinvention, self-reflection, and skill development. The concept fosters understanding, communication, and empathy, and includes the ability to read facial expressions, body language, and handwriting analysis.

Recognition / Promotions

According to the concept, coworkers and bosses will acknowledge the NFT owner’s good work, congratulate them, and use it as a basis for promotions or salary increases. The NFT owner will receive glowing reviews from their references. The concept emphasizes that the NFT owner’s value goes beyond monetary rewards and that their worth is recognized and appreciated. The path to promotions is depicted as smooth and joyful, without cutthroat competition, and based on the NFT owner’s competence, reputation, and character. Even if the NFT owner is just starting out or has gaps in their CV, they will still be positively noticed and valued.

Magnetic aura / Glamour

The NFT owner possesses an aura of competence and good work, which is recognized by others. This magnetic aura extends to their professional profiles, such as resumes, CVs, and LinkedIn, making them stand out to recruiters and potential collaborators. The NFT owner is respected, admired, and valued by their managers and peers. They are consistently invited to join the best and most exciting projects. If they make a mistake, they have the ability to bounce back quickly, demonstrating a willingness to learn and improve. The NFT owner understands remote body language and has the skill to influence and connect with people at a distance. They have the ability to harmonize meetings and bring out the best in colleagues, partners, and project teams. Additionally, the NFT owner’s aura gives them an air of competence and respect, regardless of their demeanor. They also have an automated infusion of self-love, self-respect, high self-esteem, and confidence.

Socializing and networking

The field provides the NFT owner with an awareness of who is beneficial to socialize and network with, as well as those who should be approached with caution. In social situations, the NFT owner is always seen in a positive light. Individuals who have the ability to help the NFT owner, whether by offering desirable job opportunities or recommending them to others, take a special interest in their career. The field automatically applies principles similar to the “48 Laws of Power” in work situations. It removes resistance to networking with coworkers, managers, clients, and other professionals. By attracting open-hearted individuals known as “boosters,” the NFT owner can establish connections and receive assistance in job searches and evaluation processes. Moreover, the field helps the NFT owner attract exceptional managers, coworkers, customers, and companies who will contribute to their career growth.

Work protection

The NFT owner is safeguarded from layoffs, as the company prioritizes keeping them rather than letting them go. If a layoff is unavoidable, the NFT owner gains awareness of the situation in advance, allowing them to secure new employment. In the event of a layoff, they receive a favorable severance package. The NFT owner is protected from negative circumstances such as jealousy, gossip, work theft, office politics, and negative emotions. Even in workplace drama or when making mistakes, they appear innocent and have minimal negative consequences. The NFT owner is shielded from workplace discrimination, bullies, and individuals attempting to sabotage their career. Instead, such individuals are persuaded to be friendly and helpful, minimizing drama and politics. The NFT owner possesses the ability to remain calm in challenging situations and is protected from management’s attempts to exploit loopholes, avoid paying overtime, or strip employee benefits. They are not made a scapegoat by their boss or coworkers when problems arise in the company. All negative emotions that arise during interactions and in relation to the NFT owner’s work and career are released.

Constant Learning and Development

The NFT owner is motivated to constantly learn and develop their skills, seeking self-mastery and expanding their knowledge and expertise. They effortlessly tap into their unconscious mastery of the skills and knowledge needed for their career, enhancing cognitive abilities and memory recall. The NFT owner’s cognitive skills and memory continue to improve with age. They embrace retraining for a different career with optimism and joy, seeing it as an opportunity to expand their skillset further. They intuitively learn from others’ experiences, taking on their mindset for accelerated learning. The NFT owner excels in speed reading with full comprehension and intuitively knows the next important changes in their field. They attract mentors perfectly aligned with their needs, receiving valuable guidance and support. Learning a new language is effortless, and native speakers are readily available as language buddies. The NFT owner possesses skills that set them apart from AI or machines, and they have the ability to learn through osmosis, assimilating ideas and knowledge from others. They can read between the lines, comprehend unexpressed meanings, and demonstrate excellent listening skills. The NFT owner comes across as confident and credible, building rapport and earning trust. They possess elite interviewing skills, detecting deception and uncovering the truth.

Mindset Mastery

Recalibrating the NFT owner’s mindset towards advancement and real momentum involves transmuting fears and self-doubt, triumphing over imposter syndrome, and fostering a sense of worthiness and confidence in their current position and future promotions. The NFT owner gains the ability to make conscious choices and commitments that serve them, developing patience, discipline, and clarity of thought. They shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundant mindset and embrace success as a natural state, attracting resources, people, and circumstances needed for their career. The NFT owner is infused with the wisdom of innovative minds from the past, present, and future. They dissolve distractions, function with efficiency and effectiveness, and possess a strong work ethic and organizational skills. The NFT owner is viewed as dependable, productive, and positive, with excellent communication and negotiation skills. They demonstrate leadership qualities, adaptability, resilience, agility, and collaboration. The NFT owner is empathetic, creative, technologically adept, observant, and possesses active listening skills. They exercise good judgment, keep an open mind, have a sense of humor, and understand their audience. Honesty, proactive problem-solving, and the ability to support and motivate others are also prominent traits of the NFT owner.

Communications and Public Speaking

Infusing divine, unconditional love into the NFT owner’s meetings and interactions protects them from misunderstandings. Their communications, both written and verbal, are filled with positive energies and unconditional love, creating a favorable impression and garnering admiration and respect. The NFT owner’s CV/resume stands out to recruiters and hiring managers. They possess eloquence, effectively conveying their point to all participants with a pleasant tone, color, and cadence of voice. They inspire, convince, and comfort others in meetings or presentations, embodying the company’s core values and mission. Body language restructuring enhances their aura and energy. The NFT owner becomes comfortable speaking to large audiences, releasing anxiety and increasing confidence. They accurately read a room, handle criticism positively, and maintain a healthy ego. Empathy and organizational awareness allow them to perceive others’ feelings and perspectives. The NFT owner understands that happiness is the key to success and prioritizes a work-life balance. They embrace a growth mindset, avoiding workaholism and perfectionism. The NFT owner values self-worth and experiences fulfillment and happiness when achieving goals or accomplishments.

Motivation & Integrity

The focus is on helping the NFT owner understand their motivations and determine the underlying reasons behind their actions. By getting to the “why,” they can make choices that align with their true desires. Their motivation is sparked when they desire something greater for themselves, and they stay focused and undistracted until they achieve it. The NFT owner possesses strong willpower and only commits to things they are passionate about. They are reliable and keep their word to others. They maintain respect for themselves and others and have the courage to speak their mind and tell the truth, understanding the negative consequences of lies both personally and within a company.

Interviews and Salaries

The focus is on attracting great opportunities for the NFT owner to interview at various companies. During the interview process, the NFT owner remains calm, confident, and self-assured. The intention is to ensure that the interviews go smoothly, filled with love and positivity, and work in the NFT owner’s favor. The aim is for those conducting the interviews to perceive the NFT owner as highly valuable and offer them the highest available salary. Assistance is provided in negotiating salary if necessary. The goal is to manifest positive outcomes and job offers during and after the interviews. When in “Interview Mode,” the NFT owner showcases their most favorable qualities. Their job application and CV stand out among others and make it easier for them to secure their desired job, whether it is on a national or international scale.

Safe Work Environment

The focus is on creating a safe and positive environment for interactions, both in-person and online. Meetings are infused with positive and open vibes, fostering an atmosphere of mutual support and cooperation. The goal is to encourage teamwork, learning from mistakes, and applying new lessons to achieve greater collective success. Equality among team members is emphasized to ensure inclusivity. The aspect of the field is used to promote good energy flow within the work area, providing physical and mental refreshment and preventing fatigue. Unused energy is either stored for later use or channeled to benefit other areas. A regular and sustainable work environment energy boost is established. The aim is to create a positive environment across all mediums that attracts abundance and positive outcomes.

Business Strategy

The objective is to download relevant information from business, strategy, and leadership books spanning the past, present, and future. This knowledge will be utilized to attract top-level advisors and consulting firms that can work harmoniously and efficiently with the NFT owner. The advisors will assist in crafting various business strategies tailored to the specific needs of the NFT owner and their company, such as market entry, mergers and acquisitions, dissolvement, strategic takeovers, and company expansion. The aim is to leverage this expertise to drive success and achieve business objectives effectively.

More Abilities / Concepts

The intention is to infuse the NFT owner with feelings of immense gratitude and joy. Additionally, the NFT owner is equipped with excellent driving skills, confidence, and fearlessness on the road. They always have a pleasant driving experience, encounter responsible and kind drivers, and easily navigate to their desired destinations regardless of the location or weather conditions. The NFT owner effortlessly secures the best parking spots and benefits from conveniently located office and meeting spaces. They possess the ability to lead and participate comfortably in office meetings with multidisciplinary team members. The NFT owner should have the opportunity to work until the retirement age of 65 or beyond, if desired, and their age should not hinder their chances of securing desired job opportunities. Moreover, the NFT owner can easily adapt to a foreign country and feel at home in a multicultural work environment. They also experience a conceptual download of workplace history when entering a new work situation, which provides a sense of comfort, familiarity, and connection with teammates, allowing them to quickly assimilate and contribute effectively.

Dieties / Gods Inclusion

The Seven Lucky Gods are a group of deities representing various aspects of prosperity, fortune, and abundance in different areas of life. Ebisu is associated with business and wealth, Daikokuten with commerce and fertility, Bishamonten with war and authority, Benzaiten with flow and talent, Jurojin with longevity and wisdom, Hotei with happiness and contentment, and Fukurokuju with wisdom and longevity. Additionally, Kichijoten, although not part of the established seven, represents happiness, beauty, and fertility. By invoking the blessings of these deities, individuals can seek success, develop talents, cultivate desirable traits, express themselves, thrive in old age, find contentment, and achieve a harmonious work-life balance. The symbolism of the Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods (Takarabune) represents embarking on an individual journey filled with success, fortune, wealth, abundance, happiness, and life balance.

Personality Tests & other Philosophies Integration

The integration process aims to seamlessly connect the NFT owner with three concepts: Ikigai, Eudaemonia, and the Enneagram archetypes, along with tapping into Leadership archetypes. Ikigai, a Japanese concept, represents a reason for being that aligns with the NFT owner’s true purpose and fulfillment. Eudaemonia encompasses flourishing, well-being, and the pursuit of virtue and excellence, infusing the NFT owner’s entire being and aura. The Enneagram, a model of the human psyche, helps identify the archetypes best suited for the NFT owner’s career situation and current activities. Additionally, Leadership archetypes from the past, present, and future are invoked to imbue the NFT owner with their qualities and essence, enhancing their leadership abilities and potential.

Gems / Crystals Inclusion
  • citrine
  • sunstone
  • sodalite
  • chrysoprase
  • black onyx
  • carnelian
  • pyrite
  • selenite
  • green aventurine
  • Tiger’s eye
  • fluorite
  • green jade
  • ruby
  • a grounding crystal for stressful situations
Artifacts Abilities

The Takarabune, or “Treasure Ship,” is a mythical ship piloted by the Seven Lucky Gods during the first three days of the New Year. It carries various treasures, including the Hat of Invisibility, which can be activated by the NFT owner verbally or mentally to become invisible. The Cloak of Invisibility, also known as the Lucky Raincoat, allows the NFT owner to perform good deeds without being seen and brings beneficial luck. The Robe of Feathers grants the gift of flight and is associated with Benzaiten. The Magic Mallet, attributed to Daikokuten, brings forth money when struck or shaken. The Bag of Fortune, associated with Hotei, contains an inexhaustible cache of treasures. The Never-Empty Purse or Moneybag symbolizes unlimited wealth and prosperity. The Key to Divine Treasure House represents the treasure house, held by Bishamonten. Rolls of Brocade, such as scarves and clothing, were considered treasures. Scrolls of Wisdom and Longevity are associated with Jurōjin and Fukurokuju, representing wisdom and longevity. These symbolic items and attributes are believed to bring luck, wealth, invisibility, flight, and other benefits to the NFT owner.

Mandala Physical Environment Effects

The Smart field technology allows the NFT owner to identify and harness specific energies that flow into their environment during different scenarios or modes. By using the activation word followed by the specific mode and time limit, such as “Activate Interview mode for 30 minutes,” the NFT owner can access the desired energy. The range of this smart field extends to a 20-foot radius in person and through all digital media. Some of the modes available include Interview mode, Meeting mode, Flow mode for enhanced focus, Work mode for planning and research, People mode for social interactions, Family mode for connecting with loved ones, Meditation mode for relaxation and introspection, and Networking mode for building professional relationships.

Connection to Portals

The 23 shrines dedicated to the Seven Lucky Gods represent a combination of energies that can be infused into the NFT owner through the smart field. These shrines include Myōgonzan Hongakuji Temple, Asakusa Shrine, Seiunji Temple for Ebisu; Hase-dera Temple, Seonsoji, Gokokuin Temple for Daikokuten; Hōkaiji Temple, Matsuchiyama Shoden, Tennoji Temple for Bishamonten; Tsurugaoka Hachimangū Shrine, Yoshiwara Shrine, Shinobazunoike-Bentendo Temple for Benzaiten; Jōchiji Temple, Hashiba Fudoson, Shushoin Temple for Hotei; Goryō Jinja Shrine, Imado Jinja, Yasaki Inari Shrine, Togakuji Temple for Fukurokuju; and Myōryūji Temple, Hishiama Shrine, Choanji Temple, Ootori Jinja for Jurōjin. The NFT owner can connect with all these shrines through the mandala and receive their blessings and powers. Additionally, the NFT owner has the ability to spread these blessings and powers to their surroundings if they choose. The smart field technology also allows for requesting specific energies from certain shrines, providing further customization.



NFTs may only be sought in the proper thread - Here: Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread

You may read the posts there and send DMs to owners that have items of interest to you, but you may not post there until you have reached Trust Level 2.

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