The comedian

I don’t know how community and side projects work but I’m gonna give it a shot lol

basically I love making people laugh and a field dedicated to that would be awesome.

This nft would make the user know comedy inside out, they would know the approaite time to make jokes and be funny.
The user will be extremely witty and never run out of things to say in a conversation
Throat chakra would be automatically healed
Access the pool of knowledge from other famous comedians.
Gift of gab (blarney stone)
Maybe a sub field of social bonder ??
Title: The comedian
Copy count: ??
Mandala and Audio

Main Field (1) Divergent thinking
Outside the box thinking and overall creativiness to come up with witty jokes on the spot
Sub fields

(A) Brain enchancements to induce creativity
(B) Outside of the box thinking
(C) Black humour

Main Field (2)Access the pool of knowledge from other comedians

(A) Download knowledge from the funniest comedians ever
(B) Throat chakra healed automatically
(C) Never run out of things to say in a conversation

Main Field (3) Funny and interesting things happen on a daily basis to you
(A) Alchemical revision of a comedian
(B) Vibration of a comedian
(C) Remove blockages related to being a comedian

Idk what else, if any1 else is interested feel free to add more because I’m not knowledgeable lol but this would be my dream field

  • interested?

0 voters


lmao I love making good jokes and improvising, it really is something that I enjoy and that I love to do, lately I have been a little more serious because I believe that I am an alpha xD but I no longer want that energy of dominance hahaha I want a more jovial and full energy of eloquence, I love being the center of attention and making people form a pleasant social environment. What other aspects can we add? I consider divergent thinking to be very important here, thinking that comes out of the box, disruptive thinking. Ok let’s include black humor, thank you.


oh yeah


Title: The comedian
Copy count: ??
Mandala and Audio

Short description: 2-3 lines

Main Field (1) Access the pool of knowledge from other famous comedians.

(A) Throat chakra automatically healed.


Main Field (2)

Main Field (3)

suggest only,
you(Mouldytea) can decide which one is main or sub field or just remove it or add more


I edited it btw but anyone please feel free to suggest edits and more suggestions on what we can add.

this is my first time doing a community project so I’m really clueless lol

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Alchemical Revision of a Comedian.
Removal of Blockages related to being a Comedian.
Vibration of a Comedian.


I added a poll so ppl vote if theyre interested, Ig if we get 10 people we can go ahead and submit it if everyones happy with the fields and sub fields? ofc there will b more to add because I dont think thats detailed enough idk

vote button(the poll) is not working

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also don’t forget to read this thread and make a private message group


btw I’m not interested in this project
just want to help
good luck for your project

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wdym by private message group ?

thank you !!

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every private nft project have their private message group

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Ppl who voted pls vote again so I can see who acc voted this time lol

set it so the voters weren’t public by accident


you need atleast10+ voters

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hmm , maybe it could just be like what makes them successful. like the proper timing and the way they deliver the jokes. idk


u guys still interested ? @GianLee @Nice2knowU

anyone else still interested?? just need 2 more people
also im happy for someone else to be the group leader, ive never done this before so would be good if someone else took charge


I’m interested.


Sorry, I clicked on this (voted) by mistake.
So please dont count me in.