The Conceptual Conglomerate

Looking at the price this one must be good.

If I’d have known I would have held off on buying Conceptual Realizations and put the money toward this. Lol. Oh well.


Every time I use your field, I feel something stir in my head. :exploding_head:


While price is not the only measure of the value of fields (free Sapien YT fields, for example, offer any damn thing one would need), but usually Dream prices more complex and advanced fields at a higher price point. Considering this is the highest-priced field on Gumroad, there is no doubt this has a lot of special things… The next sale and I am getting this (or probably sooner haha)


I didn’t notice until you said it :+1:


At some point, I was meticulously adding the price to the metadata of the mp3 to kinda see what price point Dream assigns and correlate it with field complexity and concept. I have not been diligently doing it lately… Dream did however warn me to not make this the only criterion but consider it as “a” criterion if I so needed to satisfy my OCD haha (the last column below shows the price)


Just before the release, I was going to say it’s the one brain field to get first or at all if you guys can. No questions. From the draft it was pretty obvious.

But then, I won’t recommend every newbie to start with the most expensive one.

Still a little surprised it got made at all.


I heard this channel is quite good …



Naw I like the way I am :slight_smile:

Why fix whats not broken?


OCD is great for TRP lmao. but fr I’d always be in that u said that at 1:31 pm state lol.

Gotta hone your senses

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Just bought conceptual realizations this sale … had I known an upgradation was coming I would have got this one instead :confused:


@Lanos it happens to everyone. It was a good field.

Emotional Mastering Protocol may get included in a future release. Unless people me not to include older, similar audios. A case could be made for that.


lol :joy::joy:

I figured, new users won’t have to buy the older fields to complement. I already spammed them for years, it’s not included for me, so if people don’t want them included, that frees a little bit of space. Not that much but still.

I’m on the saving money team


Well… I no longer have to put off buying Conceptual Realizations now.


I do want you to include EMP…since I’m sure in the entire context of the field that you have designed…it does a necessary role…EMP is just reference to the desired effects… isn’t it?

We all are… that’s why we wait for the discount season.

maybe we should move this to the brain guild requests section…instead


If i buy this, would i still need wholistic thinking?

listen to this fields for a while and ask this question again…I’m sure you’ll be delighted.

the change this field brings is that, the “self-popping” questions…and that is tremendous, based on each individual’s situation…I’m just 48hr old user of this field and I’m lovin it!!


I’ll be getting it today and I can afford one more. Drop of memory, the brain game, wholistic thinking was the secomd candidate. Just wanted to see if this one overlapped wholistic thinking? Im looking to take spiritual journey and meditation to another level.

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No overlap, they will complement each other


I encourage you to embrace an abundance mindset and avoid dwelling on what might have been.

Life is full of changes and growth, much like upgrading your wardrobe or transitioning from a PS4 to a PS5. When I gained height and outgrew my old clothes, I didn’t regret buying them. Instead, I embraced the change and saw it as an opportunity to upgrade my wardrobe.

Similarly, when other people don’t take it to hear to upgrade their gaming consoles, they look forward to the new features and experiences awaiting them, rather than dwelling on the previous version.

Adopt this same perspective with the new release. Every upgrade, be it in products or our personal development, brings fresh possibilities and opportunities to explore. Instead of regretting past decisions or feeling constrained by them, focus on the idea of abundance and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Think of each new release as a chance to explore and experiment with something new, like acquiring a new set of clothes that better suits your current situation or a gaming console with enhanced features. Embrace the changes and the chance to grow, rather than lamenting what could have been.

So, let go of any feelings of regret or scarcity, and embrace the journey of continuous evolution. Welcome new upgrades with curiosity, enthusiasm, and the belief that there’s always more to discover and enjoy. By adopting an abundance mindset, you’ll find yourself seizing the opportunities that lie ahead with open arms, just like I did with my wardrobe and gaming console upgrades.

This will be invaluable in your future of wealth women and the rest of the world stuff.