The Conceptual Conglomerate

It works for everything that you have “to understand”.

Since everything in the world is made of concepts and since you are consciousness, operating with concepts, this field will help you with the understanding of everything. Every topic, every life area, every aspect, every type of science, every person, every process, every connection, every pattern etc.


I recommend reading full threads, they tend to already have answered the questions.

Plus. Your subconscious will be filled with greater chunks of information to decipher and bring awareness to your conscious mind.

I read full threads, sometimes 10 times.

I also begin to understand things on a more intimate level, and the memory subfields bridge more chunks of data together for more complex reasoning computations.

If you hear scientific information you may not understand it immediately, we’re human.

But one day you may hear something similar and you learn both pieces of info at once.

Conceptual Conglomerate is like puzzle pieces connecting and sometimes you must wait for the other puzzle piece to reveal itself to kill two birds with one stone.

So yes, it will help with scientific information as @Dr_Manhattan @JAAJ explained.


good luck on your business my man!


Oh, I see.

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does it work for anxiety? I am probably overworked because of the many new extra powerful fields, but i can’t seem to calm down my mind.

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The Stress and Anxiety field would be more suitable for that.

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I got this one and looped it for an hour. It soothes your brain. It’s really good.


Past few weeks were one of the lowest points in my life mentally so far, I have been using All puprose anxiety removal and stress and anxiety by manhattan and they have genuinely done wonders for me.


bro, two different mates told me to guess a number between 1 and 50,

Yesterday, i got it right and today a different person asked me lol, and i got it right.
i got them right back to back,
one just went off to gamble lol

Lol he just won somthing insane lol on his first try, hes calling me hes luck charm

They think i can read minds, lol.


uhm is this shareable with my family?(mother/wife) because im thinking what to buy this Easter sale


I have the all-purpose anxiety, and it’s all really good, but I probably needed something different. I would recommend this, too, to get more logical and less catastrophic thoughts that necessarily bring anxiety. My mood is not the best these days, but with conceptual realization, I feel smarter and more present, and even if prone to negative thoughts, my inner reaction is calm and collected. I only looped it once yesterday, Let’s see how it goes today.


I hope nothing but the best to you, you got this! :heart:


Today I injured myself in the gym pretty badly while unloading weights. I did a strange torsion with 20kg in my hands too fast and my left lower trapezius contracted so hard I almost threw up from the pain. I’m talking about 9/10 pain, muscle spasms, difficulty to breathe and move.
I’m trying every stretch I know to decompress, using a foam roller, a tennis ball on the muscle, but nothing.

After a few minutes I close my eyes with the back against the wall, resigned to not workout, and start thinking about how great would be to get a massage from my osteopath. I visualize laying down on the mat, all the physical sensations, the pressure points, the subsequent pain that comes from it, the relief.
This was all with great detail in my mind and happened subconsciously, without even trying, let alone trying to manifest anything.

Few minutes later I get up to go try something else. Well, a random woman saw me using a foam roller with a painful grin on my face, approached me and asked what’s wrong.
I explained the situation and it turns out she once was a sport masseuse, specialized in back injuries.

She randomly, out of nowhere, made me lay down and gave me the most incredible massage of my life for about 40 minutes.
Without asking.
The pain went from 9/10 and inability to raise my arm, to 4/10. I never even saw this woman in my gym honestly. I thanked her and offered to pay her for her service and taking the time off her training, but she smiled and said “don’t worry, it’s like I did it to my son”.

I’m only listening to malleable ego, CC and manly man. A coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not…


I’m feeling an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I found myself really enjoying studying subjects I didn’t appreciate like statistics, thinking about all the cool things you can do with it and how useful it can be; I also have a strong urge to just sit down and meditate or watch my surroundings, read, contemplate.


I’m glad you’re doing better

Bless her soul :green_heart:


It’s hard to explain, but the only way you’re able to truly see the greatness of this creation, is by owning it, because it keeps revealing itself through each day of listening.
This is a life long companion. I don’t believe there is a limit to what it can achieve with time.

This field feels like pure self awareness being poured into your brain to transform the way you interact with the world.


Spot on :clap:t2:

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Finally got this, ya’ll can’t even imagine how excited i am to try this out


good luck, make sure you are taking enough breaks and not pushing yourself too much initially at least until you are used to it.


Thank you I will keep that in mind, i guess after using it for few days I can loop it for longer periods of time since I have PBOY?