The Conceptual Conglomerate

Oh I’m sorry @Jojo sire I meant the peasantry who don’t have this field



You built the base tho with boosters.

A lof of others haven’t.

Your CC vs their CC may look a little different.

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You’ll surpass faster than me. You got the base and everything tuned up.

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First day, first 1+ hour of listening and I already feel life is more simplistic and easy to understand, I wasn’t expecting rapid results but that maybe because I built up the base already from Conceptual Realization to which I did massive looping with. I didn’t want to sit and passively listen to this although the music was a banger and made me want to do a backflip even though I knew I would land up in the hospitable, but that is beside the point. I meditated 30 min to this field to build a deeper connection and I focused on a specific private concept which is important to me.

This concept is private so I won’t share the full details but it has already unlocked a realization for me which allowed for deeper introspection. I specifically purchased this field to get to know about life and me on a deeper level, to see where everything adds up, to see what do they truly mean and my god during that mediation when I looked deep into the concept I was focusing on it was a blissful moment. I was looking at it from different angles, not just my bias angle. I urge you guys to meditate on a concept you want to figure out.

After the meditation, I decided to read my textbooks, and see any key difference between Manhattan Method and Conceptual Conglomerate, my usual go to learning from MM is understand the concept and connect them together. Just with CC, I read and understood the concept, i didn’t take the time to connect yet but I just understood, it felt like I was reading from the author’s perspective and experience, like “yes, I understand why you wrote it this day”. Usually with MM I look at it from my understanding because I am the one who is learning it and focus on my learning only but the difference with CC is visible, I am just not learning from my side, but also the author’s side. I can’t explain this conceptually well, but you will just understand it just like that. You read and understand.

I am very excited and this has only just been with almost 2 hours of listening.


Live footage of me after playing this for nearly 8 hours



If this field can be described into one person i would say it would be George Carlin, that guys awarness was off the charts


It has been 5 days and I have recorded 40 hours with this. If I had brain key I could have achieved much faster wiring and cut 40 hours in half and did a hyperbolic time chamber mode, but that is fine, I don’t regret the time i dedicated to this. Let me preface what I have experienced.

• Understanding what people truly mean in a matter of minutes. I can get a whip of their intention, their speaking pattern, what they be thinking, how they may be feeling, etc, but I truly don’t think I am the know it all, it just seems this ability has been more enhanced more than ever and I feel I can read people naturally, it even isn’t a “skill” that I have been practicing, it is as if it has been naturally gifted to me.

• Answers, lots of answers. Now I do not truly believe the answers are definite so I remain detached from the answers because the answers seems to be updating everyday or at least every moment. I would think “ahh this is the answer” then “wait, this is the true answer”, answers just keeps on updating.

• I am able to break down complex concepts into simple concepts effortlessly. I can understand everything with ease, I just “KNOW” it, I feel like I am watching a movie with the director’s cut, same applies to learning, I feel like I am learning with everything shown to me, and I am not even searching for it, it is like it is automatically displayed to me.

• Deep realizations about myself and life. I have been able to pinpoint multiple belief systems that have skewed the way I view life and about myself. I knew I had to immediately change myself, it was a strong realization and I couldn’t ignore it, if I ignored it I would be held back. All I can think is symmetry. Need to head towards to a symmetrical thought process.

• How do I say this? Hmm, I feel my conscious and subconscious are bridging together allowing me to access deeper layers. This one, I am still working with so not much I can say because it is hard to put it into words because this is what only I can understand.

That’s all.


Man you’re tapping into the language of life.

You’ll get answers all the time :mechanical_arm: keep it going. I’ll probably start this one up.




It’s really crazy bro, I have to keep adapting to new answers and because of that, new perspectives keep opening up for me which allows for growth and learning.

I am just going to pretend I don’t really know anything lol, I don’t want to seem I know everything because then you bite your tongue when you speak too much.


It’s simple really, like the macrocosm is always expanding, you, the microcosm, are also always expanding, so there is no solid answer, ever, no “crystalized” truth as such within the context of all of us being children …

None of us are adults yet, you see.

When truth crystalizes, the universe collapses and a new one is born.




For some reason I knew you’d be typing so I came here. Synchronicity at it’s finest.

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I fried my brain badly, I can’t even type properly because I feel internal irritation just from typing lol. Yesterday I played MM and CC on two different devices for 8 hours, after that I played PBoY but that didn’t even help at all, the autism was still too strong. Sleep was wrecked, woke up at 2am feeling heavy stimulation in my head.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep so I started playing both of them up until 11am. Ironically slept good as soon as I played them while tryna sleep. All I can say is, fuck mate, cheers to the circuitry.

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Hahaha. Maybe some brain and spine antioxidant complex, some ojas and jing, and some auric and energy body repair could assist next time.

Me personally, I find tejas (or I used to play enigma of black martian jing) to be a must after so many days spamming brain fields. It boosts the healing and the energy.

But with so much brain growth brain and spine and antioxidant for about 30 mins to an hour before finishing with as much PBoY as you need should help a lot.

I learned this lesson with MMM. I had no brain inflammation help, just 16 hours of MMM with pboy only lol. Brain was surely fried. (When you get to the MMM phase you’ll understand on an intimate level :rofl:.)


Excellent recommendation.

Building higher refined energies makes your nervous system more stable and also improves thinking and much more.

Energy Expansion card also helps with that.


I also recommended this card to him yesterday I believe, as well as a couple other forum members.

This card changed me forever in a span of 1 day of saying “activate” maybe 6 times in the span of 2 hours.

I have never had a single nervous system problem sense. With how many fields I’ve spammed recently… I deserve to be fried. But nope. :slight_smile:


Don’t forget White Matter y’all. I keep saying how much of a total gamechanger it’s been for me.

Been putting in solid hours with MM in my tri or quad looping sessions. WM is almost always on one of my devices.

Last night I quad looped MM, MMM, CC and WM. Honestly it felt fine. Brain feels work but nothing debilitating like before.

Now also I regularly use Ojas marrowed, neg jing, neg chi, soul restoration, and auric repair on the daily.

I will say though that MMM being looped close to bed time was likely the cause of me staying up for nearly 3 hours. Brain just active and running.


Yeah I will listen to those then, at this point, I’m barely functional at the moment.


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I see you’re on a hyperbolic time chamber mode.